Klarna Hpp
This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the Klarna Hpp adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating Klarna Hpp within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.
Payment Methods
Payment Method | Transaction Flows | Transaction Types |
Generic (provides all possible Payment Methods) | Full-Page Redirect | Debit, Authorize, Refund |
Invoice | Full-Page Redirect | Debit, Authorize, Refund |
Installment | Full-Page Redirect | Debit, Authorize, Refund |
Sofort | Full-Page Redirect | Debit, Authorize, Refund |
Required Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
description | string | conditional | Required if no items are provided |
customer.email | string | true | |
customer.billingCountry | string | true | |
customer.billingAddress1 | string | conditional | Required if the customer.billingCountry is any of SE , NO , FI , DK , GB , US , DE , AT , CH , NL , BE , AU |
customer.billingCity | string | conditional | Required if the customer.billingCountry is any of SE , NO , FI , DK , GB , US , DE , AT , CH , NL , BE , AU |
customer.billingPostcode | string | conditional | Required if the customer.billingCountry is any of SE , NO , FI , DK , GB , US , DE , AT , CH , NL , BE , AU |
customer.billingPhone | string | conditional | Required if the customer.billingCountry is any of SE , NO , FI , DK , GB , US , DE , AT , CH , NL , BE , AU |
customer.firstName | string | conditional | Required if the customer.billingCountry is any of SE , NO , FI , DK , GB , US , DE , AT , CH , NL , BE , AU |
customer.lastName | string | conditional | Required if the customer.billingCountry is any of SE , NO , FI , DK , GB , US , AU |
customer.billingState | string | conditional | Required if the customer.billingCountry is any of US , AU |
items.name | string | false | |
items.quantity | string | false | |
items.price | string | false | |
items.currency | string | false | |
items.totalAmount | string | false | |
items.type | string | false | any of physical , sales_tax , discount , store_credit , shipping_fee , gift_card , digital , surcharge . If not provided physical will be used |
items.identification | string | false | |
items.taxRate | string | false | |
items.totalTaxAmount | string | false | |
items.totalDiscountAmount | string | false | |
items.productUrl | string | false | |
items.merchantData | string | false | |
items.imageUrl | string | false |
Connector Config
Key | Required | Values | Description |
region | true | eu , na , oc | Klarna's Api is available through different base URLs depending on the underlying region. eu = Europe, na = North America, oc = Oceania |
logo_url | false | string | A Url String that points to your desired Logo (will be displayed in the HPP - Checkout) |
page_title | false | string | A optional Page Title for the HPP - Checkout |
background_image_url | false | string | A Url String that points to your desired Background Image (will be displayed in the HPP - Checkout) |