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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the SepaExpressV2 adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating SepaExpressV2 within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types
DirectDebitiFrame Form & Server-To-ServerDebit, Register, Deregister, Refund, Payout
BankTransferFull-Page RedirectDebit, Refund

Depending on your setup SepaExpressV2 DirectDebit can be used as Server-to-Server only integration, or with an iFrame Payment form.

For the Server-to-Server integration the IBAN must be sent within the customer details, otherwise the customer will enter its IBAN within the iFrame form.


If your merchant is configured to generate and verify the SEPA mandate on the Gateway, a redirect to the iFrame Payment Page is always required.

Otherwise, it can be only server-to-server communication, and you provide all information as described in Additional parameters below.

For SepaExpressV2 BankTransfer, you must use a full-page redirect instead.

Additional parameters for DirectDebit transactions

customer.ibanconditionalstringRequired if no reference transaction provided.
customer.firstNameconditionalstringRequired if no company is provided
customer.lastNameconditionalstringRequired if no company is provided
extraData.checkAmountconditionalfloatRequired for register calls.
extraData.checkCurrencyconditionalstring (3 letter currency code)Required for register calls.
extraData.approvalByfalsestringcurrently allowed values: click, sms, email, ais

Make sure to use the ibanCustomer element within the XML instead of the normal customer object. The ibanCustomer contains the fields necessary for DirectDebit transactions.

Additional parameters for BankTransfer transactions

extraData.bankAccountIdconditionalstringRequired unless a new BankAccount to create is given.
customer.identificationconditionalstringRequired unless a new customer to create is given.
customer.firstNameconditionalstringRequired if no company is provided
customer.lastNameconditionalstringRequired if no company is provided
customer.companyfalsestringCustomer company
descriptionconditionalstringRequired for payouts.
customer.billingAddress1falsestringBilling address line 1
customer.billingAddress2falsestringBilling address line 2
customer.billingPostcodefalsestringBilling postal code
customer.billingCityfalsestringBilling city
customer.billingStatefalsestringBilling state
customer.billingCountryfalsestringBilling country
customer.emailfalsestringCustomer email
customer.shippingPhonefalsestringCustomer phone
currencytruestringCurrency code
amounttruestringAmount of transaction