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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the Tabby adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating Tabby within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types
CreditcardRedirectdebit, refund

Additional Parameters (Debit)

customer.firstNametrueCustomer's firstname
customer.lastNametrueCustomer's lastname
customer.emailtrueCustomer’s email address.
customer.billingPhonetrueCustomer’s phone number. This must be a valid mobile phone where the consumer can receive text messages.
customer.shippingCitytrueName of city, municipality, or village.
customer.shippingAddress1trueBuilding name, apartment number.
customer.shippingPostcodefalsePostal code
customer.reference_idtrueMerchant-assigned order or cart ID.
customer.birthDatefalseConsumer's date of birth; format is YYYY-MM-DD.
extraData.registered_sincetrueTime the customer got registered with you, in UTC, and displayed in ISO 8601 datetime format.
extraData.loyalty_levelfalseCustomer's loyalty level within your store. Number 0..10
extraData.wishlist_countfalseNumber of items in Customer's wishlist.
items.nametrueName of the product.
items.descriptionfalseDescription for the product.
items.quantitytrueQuantity of the product ordered.
items.pricetruePrice per unit of the product. Should be positive or zero.
items.identificationtrueMerchant’s product identifier. Used for Item refunds.
items.extraData.product_urlfalseURL of the item at your store.
items.extraData.image_urlfalseURL of the item image to show in the order information.
pspPassthroughData.order_historyfalseCustomer's order history as defined by Tabby as JSON string

Additional Parameters (Refund)

extraData.reasonfalseReason for the refund.
items.nametrueName of the product.
items.descriptionfalseDescription for the product.
items.quantitytrueQuantity of the product ordered.
items.pricetruePrice per unit of the product. Should be positive or zero.
items.extraData.product_urlfalseURL of the item at your store.
items.extraData.product_urlfalseURL of the item at your store.
items.extraData.image_urlfalseURL of the item image to show in the order information.