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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the Redsys adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating Redsys within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types
CreditCardpayment.jsDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Void, Register
ApplePayPayment Token
GooglePayPayment Token

Additional Information

Be aware that there is a format restriction for the required Parameter DS_MERCHANT_ORDER, which represents the given MerchantTransactionId. The currently known max character limit is 12.

Please consult the official Redsys Api Documentation for further information - (


Connector Config (Vault Setup)

Terminal IdtruestringA fixed value given by Redsys for each Merchant
Merchant IdtruestringA fixed value given by Redsys for each Merchant
Key to perform 3DES Card encryptionconditionalstringA fixed value given by Redsys for each Merchant
Key to sign MerchantParametersconditionalstringA fixed value given by Redsys for each Merchant
Merchant DescriptorconditionalstringValue which will be sent as DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTDESCRIPTOR
Username to load stored Production CredentialsconditionalstringUsername that is given by us in case "Key to perform 3DES Card encryption" is stored internally by us
Password to load stored Production CredentialsconditionalstringPassword that is given by us in case "Key to perform 3DES Card encryption" is stored internally by us
Prioritize Description Field over MerchantTransactionId FieldfalsebooleanIn case that the "Description" Field, send in the Request, should be used instead of the "MerchantTransactionId" Field
Assign Timestamp to empty Description FieldfalsebooleanIn case that the "Description" Field should be automatically filled with the current Timestamp. Works in conjunction with the "Prioritize Description Field over MerchantTransactionId Field" Option.
Increment order idfalsebooleanIn case of transaction failover/cascading, the order ID (merchantTransactionId) will be automatically incremented to prevent a duplicate order ID. Note: if the merchantTransactionId = 12 length, the last 2 characters will be replaced for the increment

Note: If the options Prioritize Description Field over MerchantTransactionId Field & Assign Timestamp to empty Description Field are enabled simultaneously the first 6 characters of the respective Transaction are appended to the timestamp to ensure uniqueness.

Parameter mapping

Parametermaps to

Bizum and BizumAPI

Connector Config

Terminal IdtruestringA fixed value given by Redsys for each Merchant
Merchant IdtruestringA fixed value given by Redsys for each Merchant
ParamsKeytruestringA fixed value given by Redsys for each Merchant

SideNote: The merchantTransactionId which has to be sent in the API request, must be between 4 and 12 Characters long to work for Bizum and BizumAPI.

Extra Data For BizumAPI

KeyRequiredmaps to

possible values of exemptionIndicator

valuevalue sent to psp