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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the Afterpay adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating Afterpay within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Afterpay supports the following currencies: AUD, NZD, USD and CAD. The used currency must also match the currency of the Afterpay merchant account.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction TypesSupported Currencies
AfterpayFull-Page RedirectDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Void, RefundAUD, NZD, USD, CAD

Mandatory Parameters

firstName (Customer)stringtrueThe customer’s first name and any middle names
lastName (Customer)stringtrueThe customer’s last name
email (Customer)stringtrueThe customer’s email address
billingAddress1 (Customer)stringtrueFirst line of the address.
billingCity (Customer)stringtrueAustralian suburb, New Zealand town or city, U.K. Postal town, U.S. or Canadian city
billingState (Customer)stringtrueAustralian state, New Zealand region, U.K. county, Canadian Territory or Province, or U.S. state
billingPostcode (Customer)stringtrueZIP or postal code
billingCountry (Customer)stringtrueThe two-character country code
shippingFirstName (Customer)stringtrueShipping first name
shippingLastName (Customer)stringtrueShipping last name
shippingAddress1 (Customer)stringtrueFirst line of the address
shippingCity (Customer)stringtrueAustralian suburb, New Zealand town or city, U.K. Postal town, U.S. or Canadian city
shippingState (Customer)stringtrueAustralian state, New Zealand region, U.K. county, Canadian Territory or Province, or U.S. state
shippingPostcode (Customer)stringtrueZIP or postal code
shippingCountry (Customer)stringtrueThe two-character country code
extraData.billingName (Customer)stringtrueThe full name of contact (first and last name)

Additional Parameters

extraData.billingCity2 (Customer)stringfalseNew Zealand suburb or U.K. village or local area
extraData.shippingCity2 (Customer)stringfalseNew Zealand suburb or U.K. village or local area
extraData.shippedAtstringfalseThe time at which the order was shipped, in ISO 8601 format
extraData.courierNamestringfalseThe name of the courier
extraData.trackingstringfalseThe tracking number provided by the courier
extraData.prioritystringfalseThe shipping priority. If provided, must be either 'STANDARD' or 'EXPRESS'
extraData.taxAmountstringfalseThe included tax amount after applying all discounts
extraData.shippingAmountstringfalseThe shipping amount

Item Parameters

If items are given with the transaction data, the following parameters can or must be given:

name (Item)stringtrueProduct name or display name for the discount
quantity (Item)stringconditionalRequired for normal items, not mandatory for discount items
price (Item)stringfalseThe unit price of the individual item. Must be a positive value
extraData.type (Item)stringfalseSet this parameter to 'discount' if the item should be sent as a discount item. Otherwise the field can be left empty
extraData.sku (Item)stringfalseProduct SKU
extraData.pageUrl (Item)stringfalseThe canonical URL for the item's Product Detail Page
extraData.imageUrl (Item)stringfalseA URL for a web-optimised photo of the item, suitable for use directly as the src attribute of an img tag
extraData.estimatedShipmentDate (Item)stringfalseThe estimated date when the order will be shipped, in YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD format

Options Request

Get Configured Min Max Purchase Amount

In order to get the configured Min and Max purchase amount range an Options Request is required.

Please use minMaxPrice as an identifier e.g. POST /options/{apiKey}/minMaxPrice.

You can find more information about the options request here: Options Request