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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the Worldline/Ogone adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating Worldline/Ogone within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types
Postfinance CardHosted payment pageDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Void, Refund
Postfinance e-FinanceHosted payment pageDebit, Refund
TWINTHosted payment pageDebit, Refund

Mandatory Parameters

Currencystringtrue3 letters (ISO 4217)
AmountnumbertrueTransaction amount

Optional Parameters

customer.emailstringfalseCustomers E-Mail
customer.billingAddress1stringfalseCustomers address
customer.billingPostcodestringfalseCustomers zip code
customer.billingCitystringfalseCustomers city
customer.billingCountrystringfalseCustomers country 2 letters (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
customer.billingPhonestringfalseCustomers phone number
extraData.TPstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.PMLISTTYPEstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.COMPLUSstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.PARAMPLUSstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.EXCLPMLISTstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.CREDITDEBITstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.USERIDstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.HOMEURLstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.CATALOGURLstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation
extraData.BACKURLstringfalseRefer to Ogone documentation

Additional Parameters for COF and ALIAS

extraData.ALIASUSAGEstringtrueDisplays information to your customers
extraData.ALIASOPERATIONstringfalseBYMERCHANT, BYPSPdefault BYPSP, if set to BYMERCHANT you have to provide an own alias
extraData.ALIASstringconditionalown alias to use if ALIASOPERATION is BYMERCHANT
extraData.COF_RECURRING_EXPIRYstringfalseThe end date of the last scheduled payment
extraData.COF_RECURRING_FREQUENCYstringfalseDays between payments for a scheduled series of transactions