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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the AlipayPlus adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating AlipayPlus within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

The current Alipay+ integration only supports the Alipay+ CashierPayment Flow!

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction TypesDescription
Alipay+Full-Page RedirectDebit, RefundWallet will be selected by customer @ AlipayPlus
AlipayCNFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly AlipayCN available
AlipayHKFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly AlipayHK available
BPIFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly BPI available
ConnectWalletFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly ConnectWallet available
DanaFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly Dana available
GCashFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly GCash available
KakaoPayFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly KakaoPay available
RabbitLinePayFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly RabbitLinePay available
TNGFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly TNG available
TrueMoneyFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly TrueMoney available
BoostFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly Boost available
AkulakuFull-Page RedirectDebit, RefundOnly Akulaku available

Connector Config

Parameter / NameTypeRequiredDescription
username (ClientId)stringtrueYour ClientId from Alipay+. Starts with SANDBOX_ for their sandbox environment.
extraData.privateKeystringtrueThe Private Key - to be retrieved from Alipay+
extraData.alipayplusPublicKeystringtrueThe Alipay+ Public Key - to be found in the Alipay+ Developer Portal
extraData.referenceMerchantIdstringtrueThe Reference Merchant Id - The ID assigned to identify the merchant.
extraData.merchantNamestringtrueThe display name of the merchant.
extraData.merchantMCCstringtrueThe merchant category code, which represents the categorization of the merchant's business type
extraData.merchantAddressRegionstringtrueThe merchant address country
extraData.merchantAddressCitystringtrueThe merchant address city
extraData.referenceStoreIdstringfalseThe Reference Store Id - The ID assigned to identify a store.
extraData.storeNamestringfalseThe store name
extraData.storeMCCstringfalseThe stores category code, which represents the categorization of the store's business type
extraData.storeAddressRegionstringfalseThe store address region
extraData.storeAddressAddress1stringfalseThe store address
extraData.expirySecondsintfalseSeconds till the payment expires. Between 60 seconds and 600 (default) seconds.
extraData.settlementCurrencystringfalseThe 3 letter ISO currency code of the currency that the merchant wants to be settled against. If provided, overwrites connector configuration
extraData.signatureKeyVersionstringfalseSpecifies the key version that is used to generate or validate the signature. By default, the value is the latest version of the key associated with Client-Id

Debit Parameters

currencystringtrue3 letter currency code
amountstringtrueTransaction amount: decimals separated by a "." (dot)
descriptionstringtrueDescription of items the user is purchasing Alipay+ Docs
extraData.terminalTypestringtrueValid values: WEB,WAP,APP,MINI_APP Alipay+ Docs
extraData.osTypestringconditionalRequired if extraData.terminalType == APP/WAP Valid values: IOS, ANDROID Alipay+ Docs
extraData.settlementCurrencystringfalseThe 3 letter ISO currency code of the currency that the merchant wants to be settled against. If provided, overwrites connector configuration
extraData.allowedPspRegionsstringfalseComma separated list of allowed Countries e.g. AT,DE
extraData.splitSettlementIdstringfalseAlipay+ split settlement support Alipay+ Docs

Debit Customer Parameters

identification (Customer)stringfalse (but highly recommended)The customer’s unique id at the merchant
firstName (Customer)stringfalse (but highly recommended)The customer’s first name and any middle names
lastName (Customer)stringfalse (but highly recommended)The customer’s last name
email (Customer)stringfalse (but highly recommended)The customer’s email address
billingPhone (Customer)stringfalseThe customer’s phone number
billingCountry (Customer)stringfalseThe customer’s country ISO 3166 2-letter country code. Mapped to userRegion
ipAddress (Customer)stringfalseThe customer’s IP address
shippingFirstName (Customer)stringfalseShipping first name
shippingLastName (Customer)stringfalseShipping last name
shippingAddress1 (Customer)stringfalseFirst line of the address
shippingAddress2 (Customer)stringfalseSecond line of the address
shippingCity (Customer)stringfalseAustralian suburb, New Zealand town or city, U.K. Postal town, U.S. or Canadian city
shippingState (Customer)stringfalseAustralian state, New Zealand region, U.K. county, Canadian Territory or Province, or U.S. state
shippingPostcode (Customer)stringfalseZIP or postal code
shippingCountry (Customer)stringfalseThe two-character country code
extraData.shippingCarrier (Customer)stringfalseThe name of the carrier, such as FedEx, UPS, USPS, and so on

Debit Item Parameters

If items are provided with the transaction data, the following parameters can or must be given:

identification (Item)stringtrueThe unique ID assigned by the merchant that directly provides services or goods to users to identify goods
name (Item)stringtrueProduct name or display name for the discount
quantity (Item)stringfalseQuantity
currency (Item)stringfalseIf not provided transaction.currency will be used
price (Item)stringfalseItem price: decimals separated by a "." (dot)
extraData.category (Item)stringfalseItem Category
extraData.brand (Item)stringfalseItem Brand

ConsultPayment Request

In order to retrieve the available payment methods and active promotions details, the consultPayment options request has to be issued.

Please use consultPayment as an option name e.g. POST /options/{apiKey}/consultPayment.

ConsultPayment Parameters

parameters.typestringtrueValid values: CASHIER
parameters.currencystringtrue3 letter currency code
parameters.amountstringtruePayment amount: decimals separated by a "." (dot)
parameters.settlementCurrencystringtrue3 letter currency code for settlement
parameters.terminalTypestringtrueValid values: WEB,WAP,APP,MINI_APP Alipay+ Docs
parameters.osTypestringconditionalRequired if extraData.terminalType == APP/WAP Valid values: IOS, ANDROID Alipay+ Docs

Request body

Request Body Example

"parameters": {
"type": "CASHIER",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 100,
"settlementCurrency": "JPY",
"terminalType": "WEB"


Example responses


"success": true,
"options": {
"paymentOptions": [
"brandName": "Alipay+",
"enabled": "true",
"logos": [
"logoHeight": "190",
"logoName": "Alipay+",
"logoPattern": "default",
"logoUrl": "",
"logoWidth": "810"
"paymentMethodType": "CONNECT_WALLET",
"promoNames": [
"{\"en_US\":\"A+ Cashier Promotion Test\",\"fil_PH\":\"A+ Cashier Promotion Test\"}"


"success": false,
"errorMessage": "Given identifier 'someIdentifier' is invalid."

You can find more information about the options request here: Options Request