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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the GoCardless adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating GoCardless within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types
BankTransferFull-Page Redirect, Server-To-ServerDebit, Register, Deregister, Refund

Mandatory Parameters for Debit with Register

descriptionstringtrueA human-readable description of the payment. This will be displayed to the payer when authorising the billing request.

Additional Parameters for Debit, Register


The required bank details depend on the configured scheme. The requirements can be found here.

extraData.charge_datestringfalseA future date on which the payment should be collected. If not specified, the payment will be collected as soon as possible. If the value is before the mandate’s next_possible_charge_date creation will fail. If the value is not a working day it will be rolled forwards to the next available one.
referencestringfalseAn optional reference that will appear on your customer’s bank statement. The character limit for this reference is dependent on the scheme.
customer.companystringfalseCustomer’s company name. Required unless a given_name and family_name are provided. For Canadian customers, the use of a company_name value will mean that any mandate created from this customer will be considered to be a "Business PAD" (otherwise, any mandate will be considered to be a "Personal PAD").
customer.companystringfalseCustomer’s company name. Required unless a given_name and family_name are provided. For Canadian customers, the use of a company_name value will mean that any mandate created from this customer will be considered to be a "Business PAD" (otherwise, any mandate will be considered to be a "Personal PAD").
customer.firstNamestringfalseCustomer’s surname. Required unless a company_name is provided.
customer.lastNamestringfalseCustomer’s first name. Required unless a company_name is provided.
customer.billingPhonestringfalseITU E.123 formatted phone number, including country code.
customer.billingAddress1stringfalseThe first line of the customer’s address.
customer.billingAddress2stringfalseThe second line of the customer’s address.
extraData.address_line3stringfalseThe third line of the customer’s address.
customer.emailstringfalseCustomer’s email address. Required in most cases, as this allows GoCardless to send notifications to this customer.
customer.billingCitystringfalseThe city of the customer’s address.
customer.billingCountrystringfalseISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
customer.billingStatestringfalseThe customer’s address region, county or department. For US customers a 2 letter ISO3166-2:US state code is required (e.g. CA for California).
customer.billingPostcodestringfalseThe customer’s postal code.
extraData.langstringfalseISO 639-1 code. Used as the language for notification emails sent by GoCardless. Currently only "en", "fr", "de", "pt", "es", "it", "nl", "da", "nb", "sl", "sv" are supported. If this is not provided, the language will be chosen based on the country_code (if supplied) or default to "en"
customer.paymentData.ibanData.ibanstringfalseInternational Bank Account Number. Alternatively you can provide local details. IBANs are not accepted for Swedish bank accounts denominated in SEK - you must supply local details.
extraData.danish_identity_numberstringfalseFor Danish customers only. The civic/company number (CPR or CVR) of the customer. Must be supplied if the customer’s bank account is denominated in Danish krone (DKK).
extraData.swedish_identity_numberstringfalseFor Swedish customers only. The civic/company number (personnummer, samordningsnummer, or organisationsnummer) of the customer. Must be supplied if the customer’s bank account is denominated in Swedish krona (SEK). This field cannot be changed once it has been set.
extraData.account_numberstringfalseBank account number. Alternatively you can provide an iban.
extraData.account_number_suffixstringfalseAccount number suffix (only for bank accounts denominated in NZD).
extraData.account_typestringfalseBank account type. Required for USD-denominated bank accounts. Must not be provided for bank accounts in other currencies.
extraData.bank_codestringfalseBank code. Alternatively you can provide an iban
extraData.branch_codestringfalseBranch code. Alternatively you can provide an iban.
extraData.lock_customer_detailsstringfalseIf true, the payer will not be able to edit their customer details within the flow. Default is false.
extraData.lock_bank_accountstringfalseIf true, the payer will not be able to change their bank account within the flow. Default is false.

Additional Parameters for Refund

referencestringfalseAn optional reference that will appear on your customer’s bank statement. The character limit for this reference is dependent on the scheme.