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Braintree PayPal

This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the Braintree PayPal adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating Braintree PayPal within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types

Integration guide


Braintree requires you to display the PayPal Button on your Checkout page. This is handled by the payment.js integration.

​1. Embed the payment.min.js in your page

<script data-main="payment-js" src=""></script>

It is important to set the data-main="payment-js" attribute on the script tag.

​2. Provide a DIV element on your page for the PayPal button

<div id='paypalButtonDiv'></div>

​3. Initialize the payment.js with the following parameters:

  • ID of the DIV element
  • Boolean option to state whether device data should be gathered (needed for merchant initiated Card-On-File transactions)
  • Javascript function to handle payment completion
  • Javascript function to handle error events
  • Javascript function to handle cancellation events
  • PayPal options (see below in example, refer to Braintree Documentation for possible options. The 'flow' option is per default set to 'vault' if not otherwise specified, but may be overwritten, e.g. 'checkout'. Please refer to the PayPal Documentation for the different button options).

var payment = new PaymentJs('1.2');

errorHandler = function (error) {
// handle error events here

cancellationHandler = function (data) {
// handle cancellation event here - called if user cancelled payment process

completeHandler = function (paymentNonce, deviceData) {
// send the paymentNonce to the gateway via the transactionToken parameter
// send deviceData to us via the extraData.deviceData parameter if the parameter 'gatherDeviceData' was set to true

var buttonOptions = {
style: { color: 'silver' },
locale: 'en_US'

var paypalOptions = {
amount: '9.99',
currency: 'EUR',
button: buttonOptions,
flow: 'vault'

false, // gatherDeviceData, set true for merchant initiated card-on-file transactions

​4. You can now call the Transaction API with the transaction token set to the paymentNonce returned to the completeHandler.

If you set gatherDeviceData to true, the completeHandler will receive a second parameter deviceData which can be sent via the Transaction API using the extraData.deviceData parameter.

If set to false, device data will not be gathered and the deviceData parameter will be null.

Collecting device data is only required for Card-On-File transactions.

PayPal Pay Later

The integration for Pay Later works like the aforementioned normal PayPal integration. To enable Pay Later, usePayLater: true must be added to the PayPal options. Additionally, the flow parameter for the options must be set to checkout.

var paypalOptions = {
amount: "",
currency: "",
button: paypalButtonOptions,
usePayLater: true,
flow: 'checkout'


Braintree requires you to display the Venmo Button on your Checkout page. This is handled by the payment.js integration.

​1. Embed the payment.min.js in your page

<script data-main="payment-js" src=""></script>

It is important to set the data-main="payment-js" attribute on the script tag.

​2. Provide a DIV element on your page for the PayPal button

<div id="venmoButtonDiv">
<svg width="280px" height="48px" viewBox="0 0 280 48" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 46.1 (44463) - -->
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="blue_venmo_button_active_280x48">
<rect id="Rectangle" fill="#1B74AE" x="0" y="0" width="280" height="48" rx="4"></rect>
<g id="Group" transform="translate(98.000000, 16.000000)" fill="#FFFFFF">
<path d="M14.1355722,0.0643062201 C14.6997229,0.996022242 14.9540614,1.95569119 14.9540614,3.16795034 C14.9540614,7.03443424 11.6533091,12.0572714 8.97435371,15.5842648 L2.85545503,15.5842648 L0.401435711,0.910859951 L5.75920168,0.402203543 L7.05667586,10.8432743 C8.26898429,8.86832019 9.76503373,5.76467606 9.76503373,3.64865382 C9.76503373,2.49041769 9.56660332,1.70150782 9.25650148,1.0519281 L14.1355722,0.0643062201 L14.1355722,0.0643062201 Z" id="Shape"></path>
<path d="M21.0794779,6.525633 C22.0654018,6.525633 24.5475201,6.07462046 24.5475201,4.66393896 C24.5475201,3.98655114 24.0685351,3.64865382 23.5040948,3.64865382 C22.5165776,3.64865382 21.2206966,4.83281521 21.0794779,6.525633 L21.0794779,6.525633 Z M20.9665029,9.31947756 C20.9665029,11.0419863 21.924328,11.7177809 23.1941378,11.7177809 C24.5769225,11.7177809 25.9009024,11.3798836 27.6217431,10.505377 L26.9735853,14.9065874 C25.7611321,15.4989577 23.8715531,15.8942092 22.0374478,15.8942092 C17.3850512,15.8942092 15.7199738,13.0728462 15.7199738,9.545708 C15.7199738,4.97417302 18.4284766,0.120067244 24.0124822,0.120067244 C27.08685,0.120067244 28.8059526,1.84243114 28.8059526,4.24073451 C28.8062423,8.10707358 23.8437439,9.29152463 20.9665029,9.31947756 L20.9665029,9.31947756 Z" id="Shape"></path>
<path d="M44.2677372,3.50758567 C44.2677372,4.07185827 44.1821369,4.89031424 44.0969712,5.42518557 L42.4892503,15.58412 L37.2722686,15.58412 L38.7387707,6.27159447 C38.7665799,6.01900427 38.8520354,5.51049269 38.8520354,5.22835639 C38.8520354,4.55096858 38.4288137,4.3819475 37.9199918,4.3819475 C37.2441697,4.3819475 36.5667543,4.69203673 36.1155786,4.918412 L34.4522393,15.5842648 L29.2058551,15.5842648 L31.6026627,0.374540282 L36.1433878,0.374540282 L36.2008892,1.58853744 C37.2721237,0.88319669 38.6827177,0.120356912 40.6841129,0.120356912 C43.3356936,0.120067244 44.2677372,1.47498771 44.2677372,3.50758567 L44.2677372,3.50758567 Z" id="Shape"></path>
<path d="M59.7554481,1.78507694 C61.2496147,0.713885943 62.6604983,0.120067244 64.6058406,0.120067244 C67.2846511,0.120067244 68.216405,1.47498771 68.216405,3.50758567 C68.216405,4.07185827 68.1310944,4.89031424 68.0459287,5.42518557 L66.4400908,15.58412 L61.2216606,15.58412 L62.7161168,6.07476529 C62.7436363,5.82058192 62.8014274,5.51049269 62.8014274,5.31380835 C62.8014274,4.55111341 62.3780609,4.3819475 61.8693838,4.3819475 C61.2213709,4.3819475 60.5736477,4.6640838 60.0927798,4.918412 L58.4297302,15.5842648 L53.2126036,15.5842648 L54.7070598,6.07491013 C54.7345794,5.82072676 54.7906323,5.51063753 54.7906323,5.31395319 C54.7906323,4.55125824 54.367121,4.38209233 53.860182,4.38209233 C53.1829115,4.38209233 52.5069445,4.69218156 52.0557688,4.91855683 L50.3911259,15.5844097 L45.1464798,15.5844097 L47.5429977,0.374685116 L52.0282492,0.374685116 L52.1691783,1.64444329 C53.2126036,0.883486357 54.6220389,0.12064658 56.511473,0.12064658 C58.1474376,0.120067244 59.2185273,0.825552826 59.7554481,1.78507694 L59.7554481,1.78507694 Z" id="Shape"></path>
<path d="M78.5990953,6.21583344 C78.5990953,4.97417302 78.288559,4.12761929 77.358688,4.12761929 C75.2997914,4.12761929 74.8770043,7.76743825 74.8770043,9.62942196 C74.8770043,11.0419863 75.2722719,11.9162033 76.2018532,11.9162033 C78.1479196,11.9162033 78.5990953,8.07767231 78.5990953,6.21583344 L78.5990953,6.21583344 Z M69.5751464,9.40463986 C69.5751464,4.60817794 72.1127383,0.120067244 77.9512273,0.120067244 C82.3505888,0.120067244 83.9587442,2.71679297 83.9587442,6.30099573 C83.9587442,11.0418415 81.4485271,15.9514186 75.4692539,15.9514186 C71.0415037,15.9514186 69.5751464,13.0446036 69.5751464,9.40463986 L69.5751464,9.40463986 Z" id="Shape"></path>

​3. Initialize the payment.js with the following parameters:

  • ID of the DIV element
  • Boolean option to state whether device data should be gathered (needed for merchant initiated Card-On-File transactions)
  • Javascript function to handle payment completion
  • Javascript function to handle error events
  • Javascript function to handle cancellation events
  • Venmo options (see below in example, refer to Braintree Documentation for possible options. The 'flow' option is per default set to 'vault' if not otherwise specified, but may be overwritten, e.g. 'checkout'. Please refer to the PayPal Documentation for the different button options).

var payment = new PaymentJs('1.2');

errorHandler = function (error) {
// handle error events here

cancellationHandler = function (data) {
// handle cancellation event here - called if user cancelled payment process

completeHandler = function (paymentNonce, deviceData) {
// send the paymentNonce to the gateway via the transactionToken parameter
// send deviceData to us via the extraData.deviceData parameter if the parameter 'gatherDeviceData' was set to true

const venmoLineItems = [];

const venmoOptions = {
totalAmount: '9.99',
paymentMethodUsage: 'single_use', // multi_use,
allowNewBrowserTab: false,
allowDesktop: true,
allowDesktopWebLogin: true,
mobileWebFallBack: true,
lineItems: venmoLineItems,

true, // gatherDeviceData, set true for merchant initiated card-on-file transactions

​4. You can now call the Transaction API with the transaction token set to the paymentNonce returned to the completeHandler.

If you set gatherDeviceData to true, the completeHandler will receive a second parameter deviceData which can be sent via the Transaction API using the extraData.deviceData parameter.

If set to false, device data will not be gathered and the deviceData parameter will be null. collecting device data is required for Venmo transactions

Transaction API Additional Parameters

When sending the payment token received by the completeHandler to the Transaction API, the following extraData keys can be used:

merchantAccountIdThe merchant account ID used to create a transaction, which also defines the currency. If not given, the default merchant account ID is used.
deviceDataOnly required for Card-On-File transactions. Use device data returned by the completeHandler.

Item Parameters:

Should be used to pass item details, so called "lineItems"

item.identificationItem description
item.nameItem name
item.descriptionItem description
item.quantityNumber of units of the item purchased
item.priceTotal Amount. Quantity x unit amount
item.l2l3Data.unitPriceSingle unit price
item.l2l3Data.taxAmountPer-unit tax price of the item

L2L3 Data Parameters:

l2l3Data.discountAmountDiscount amount that was included in the total transaction amount
l2l3Data.shippingAmountThe shipping cost of the entire transaction

Customer ExtraData Parameters:

faxRefer to Braintree documentation
phoneRefer to Braintree documentation
websiteRefer to Braintree documentation
billingCompanyIf not available, falls back to the company name of the Customer object
billingFirstNameIf not available, falls back to the first name of the Customer object
billingLastNameIf not available, falls back to the last name of the Customer object

Customer Identification Mandatory

The parameter customer.identification is mandatory in the following cases:

  • When creating a new register transaction
  • When creating a debit or preauthorize transaction with the flag withRegister
  • When creating a merchant initiated Card-On-File transaction

Paypal Airline-Itinerary as Transaction ExtraData Parameters:

Braintree Documentation for AID.

folioNumberRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
checkInDateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
checkOutDateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
travelPackageRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
departureDateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
lodgingCheckInDateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
lodgingCheckOutDateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
lodgingNameRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
roomRateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
roomTaxRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
passengerFirstNameRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
passengerLastNameRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
passengerMiddleInitialRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
passengerTitleRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
issuedDateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
travelAgencyNameRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
travelAgencyCodeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
ticketNumberRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
issuingCarrierCodeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
customerCodeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
fareAmountRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
feeAmountRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
taxAmountRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
restrictedTicketRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
noShowRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
advancedDepositRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
fireSafeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
propertyPhoneRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID

Adding Legs to Transaction ExtraData Parameters

  • Upto four legs can be added, each parameter for each leg can be added like this: leg.COUNT.parameter replacing COUNT with the number of leg and parameter with one of Legs Parameters. e.g adding parameter conjunctionTicket to first leg should be: leg.0.conjunctionTicket.

  • Legs Parameters

conjunctionTicketRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
exchangeTicketRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
couponNumberRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
serviceClassRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
carrierCodeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
fareBasisCodeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
flightNumberRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
departureDateRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
departureAirportCodeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
departureTimeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
arrivalAirportCodeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
arrivalTimeRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
stopoverPermittedRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
fareAmountRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
feeAmountRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
taxAmountRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
endorsementOrRestrictionsRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID

Adding Additional Charges to Transaction ExtraData Parameters

  • Multiple Additional Charges can be added, each parameter for each leg can be added like this: additional.COUNT.parameter replacing COUNT with the number of charge and parameter with one of Additional Charges Parameters.
  • Additional Charges Parameters
kindRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID
amountRefer to Braintree Documentation for AID

Paypal STC ExtraData Parameters:

To add an STC parameter to extraData, start the name of the extraData field with stc. followed by the stc parameter. e.g: stc.sender_account_id.

IMPORTANT NOTE: setting Transaction Context must be activated on the merchant's Paypal Account