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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the NETS adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating NETS within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransactionFlowsTransaction Types
VisaFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsAll
MastercardFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsAll
Direct DebitFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsAll
SwishFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Void, Register
VippsFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Void
SofortFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Void
MobilePayFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Void
ArvatoAfterPayFull-Page Redirect & Widget - payment-widget.jsDebit, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Void

Additional Parameters

descriptionstringtrueTransaction description.
extraData.embeddedCheckoutbooleanfalseIndicates if the embedded checkout via widget, or the full page redirect should be used.
extraData.termsUrlstringtrueThe URL to the terms and conditions of the web shop.
extraData.checkoutUrlstringfalseURL of the page where the embedded checkout widget should be shown. Should be empty if the HPP is used.
extraData.merchantHandlesConsumerDatabooleanfalseIndicates if the customer data form will be shown on the checkout page.
extraData.customerTypestringfalseType of the customer. Allowed values are B2B or B2C.
extraData.languagestringfalseSpecifies the preferred language for the checkout process, enhancing localization and user experience.
customer.shippingCountrystringtrueThe customers shipping country.
customer.identificationstringfalseThe customer identification on the web shop side.
customer.emailstringfalseThe customers email.
customer.shippingAddress1stringfalse*The customers shipping address line 1.
customer.shippingAddress2stringfalseThe customers shipping address line 2.
customer.shippingPostcodestringfalseThe customers shipping post code.
customer.shippingCitystringfalse*The customers shipping city.
customer.shippingFirstNamestringfalseThe customers first name.
customer.shippingLastNamestringfalseThe customers last name.
customer.shippingCompanystringfalseCompany name.

If the merchantHandlesConsumerData parameter/setting is set and any of the shipping address parameters are set, the parameters customer.shippingAddress1 and customer.shippingCity are required.

Item Parameters

item.identificationstringtrueItem identification of the web shop.
item.namestringtrueItem name
item.quantityintegertrueItem quantity
item.extraData.unitstringtrueUnit used for the items. E.g. pcs.
item.pricefloattruePrice for each item unit
item.extraData.netTotalAmountfloattrueTotal price for the items excluding VAT. item.price * item.quantity
item.extraData.grossTotalAmountfloattrueTotal price for the items including VAT. item.extraData.netTotalAmount + item.extraData.taxAmount
item.extraData.taxAmountfloatfalseTax amount for the items. item.price * item.quanity * item.extraData.taxRate / 10000
item.extraData.taxRatefloatfalseTax rate used for the tax amount. The tax rate should be provided in percentage times 100. E.g. 25% tax rate as 2500

If no items are provided, items will be build with the description field as item identification and name.


The grossTotalAmount of all items have to match the transaction amount.

Config Parameters

API SecretstringtrueThe API Secret provided by NETS.
checkoutKeystringtrueThe checkout key used for the payment widget. Provided by NETS.
webhookAuthorizationstringtrueAny string chosen by you. Will be used to authorize webhooks from NETS.
currencyForVerifystringtruecurrency used for verify calls.
embeddedCheckoutstringfalseSee extraData.embeddedCheckout
merchantHandlesConsumerDatabooleanfalseSee extraData.merchantHandlesConsumerData.
paymentButtonTextstringfalseText used for the payment button on the checkout page.
showMerchantNamebooleanfalseIndicates if the merchant name (in the NETS account) should be shown on the checkout page.
showOrderSummarybooleanfalseIndicates if the order summary should be shown on the checkout page.

Following config parameters are only used for the payment widget for the embedded checkout.

backgroundColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget background color.
panelColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget panel color.
textColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget text color.
primaryColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment button color in the payment widget.
linkColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget link color.
placeholderColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget input field placeholders.
outlineColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget outlines.
primaryOutlineColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment button outline color in the payment widget.
panelTextColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget panel text.
panelLinkColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget panel links.
buttonTextColorstringfalseHex color code for the payment widget panel button texts.