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This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the PayPal adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating PayPal within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types
PayPalFull-Page RedirectAll

PayPal Payment Types

PayPal supports different kind of payments:

  • Sale: Will charge the user for the full amount of the transaction
  • Authorization: Only authorizes the user's payment instrument. This needs afterwards to be captured with a Capture request
  • Order: Only gets consent from user for this particular order. No funds will be authorized

A Debit will always use the Sale type. A Preauthorize will by default use the Authorization type.

You can control the behavior for Preauthorize by sending the paypalPaymentAction parameter (see below).

Additional Parameters

You can use the following extraData keys, which will be passed in the corresponding fields to PayPal:

paypalPaymentAction"Authorization", "Order", "Order_Auth", "Sale"Only for Preauthorize transactions. Defines "PaymentAction" for PayPal payments. "Order_Auth" automatically performs an Authorization for full amount after Order has been confirmed by customer
addressOverride0 or 1Tells PayPal to use the shipping address you are providing instead of the customer's configured address in the PayPal account
noShipping0, 1, 20 = Display Shipping address, 1 = No Shipping address (digital goods), 2 = Use customer's configured shipping address
noteToBuyerstringa note displayed to the customer
requiredConfirmShippingtrue, falseRefer to PayPal documentation
noShipping0, 1, 20 = Display, 1 = No display, 2 = Buyers account
allowNotetrue, falseRefer to PayPal documentation
localeCodeRefer to PayPal documentation
pageStyleRefer to PayPal documentation
hdrImgRefer to PayPal documentation
payflowColorRefer to PayPal documentation
cartBoardColorRefer to PayPal documentation
logoImgRefer to PayPal documentation
solutionType"Sole", "Mark"Refer to PayPal documentation
landingPageType"Billing", "Login"Refer to PayPal documentation
channelType"Merchant", "eBayItem"Refer to PayPal documentation
totalType"Total", "EstimatedTotal"Refer to PayPal documentation
brandNameRefer to PayPal documentation
customerServiceNumberRefer to PayPal documentation
giftMessageEnableRefer to PayPal documentation
giftReceiptEnableRefer to PayPal documentation
giftWrapEnableRefer to PayPal documentation
giftWrapNameRefer to PayPal documentation
giftWrapAmountRefer to PayPal documentation
buyerEmailOptInEnableRefer to PayPal documentation
taxIdTypeRefer to PayPal documentation
taxIdRefer to PayPal documentation
merchantSessionIdRefer to PayPal documentation
isFinalCapturetrue, falseOnly for Capture transactions. Sending isFinalCapture = true will mark the capture as final on the PayPal side and subsequent captures won't be possible. Default value = false


If submitting items, the following fields are Mandatory:

extraData -> category

Item ExtraData Parameters:

categoryRefer to PayPal documentation
numberRefer to PayPal documentation
taxRefer to PayPal documentation
weightValueRefer to PayPal documentation
weightUnitRefer to PayPal documentation
lengthValueRefer to PayPal documentation
lengthUnitRefer to PayPal documentation
widthValueRefer to PayPal documentation
widthUnitRefer to PayPal documentation
heightValueRefer to PayPal documentation
heightUnitRefer to PayPal documentation