PayPal Complete Platform
This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the PayPal Complete Platform adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating PayPal Complete Platform within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.
Payment Methods
Payment Method | Transaction Flows | Transaction Types |
PayPal | payment.js | Debit, Register, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Deregister, Recurring Debit/Preauthorize |
PayPal ACDC | payment.js | Debit, Register, Preauthorize, Capture, Refund, Deregister, Recurring Debit/Preauthorize |
Integration guide
PayPal requires you to display the PayPal Button on your Checkout page. This is handled by the payment.js integration.
1. Embed the payment.min.js in your page
<script data-main="payment-js" src=""></script>
It is important to set the data-main="payment-js"
attribute on the script tag.
2. Provide a DIV element on your page for the PayPal button
<div id='paypalButtonDiv'></div>
3. Initialize the payment.js with the following parameters:
- ID of the DIV element
- Javascript function to handle payment completion
- Javascript function to handle error events
- Javascript function to handle cancellation events
- PayPal options (see below in example, refer to PayPal Documentation for possible options. The 'vault' option is per default set to 'false' if not otherwise specified. Please refer to the PayPal Documentation for the different button options)
- Your server endpoint where prepareCall is implemented. It could either be prepare-debit/prepare-preauthorize/prepare-register based on the transaction type
PayPal options
Option | Required | Type | Description |
paypal-btn | yes | HTMLElement | Container element into which the button will be rendered. |
currency | yes | string | Currency |
intent | yes | string | Possible values - capture, authorize. Preauthorize flow requires to send authorize. Otherwise, it should be set to capture. |
createOrderEndpoint | yes | string | Your server endpoint where prepareX transaction is implemented |
vaultingWithoutPurchase | no | boolean | Only required with register flow. |
vault | no | boolean | Only required for register and debit/preauthorize with register = true |
userIdToken | no | boolean | Required for One-click payment |
enablePaylater | no | boolean | If you would like to display PayLater button, make sure that this field is set to true |
completeHandler | no | (data) => void | Triggered after successful payment. |
errorHandler | no | (error) => void | Triggered if an error occurred in payment process. |
cancelHandler | no | (data) => void | Triggered if the user canceled the payment process. |
button | no | object | |
var paymentJs = new PaymentJs('1.3');
errorHandler = function (error) {
// If an error prevents buyer checkout, alert the user that an error has occurred with the buttons using the onError callback
cancellationHandler = function (data) {
// When a buyer cancels a payment, they typically return to the parent page.
// You can instead use the onCancel function to show a cancellation page or return to the shopping cart.
completeHandler = function (paypalToken) {
// Captures the funds from the transaction and shows a message that tells the buyer the payment was successful.
// The method is called after the buyer approves the transaction on the website.
// paypalToken should be passed to the debit request using extraData with the key 'paypalToken'
var paypalOptions = {
button: {
color: gold,
currency: "EUR",
intent: "capture" || "authorize", // debit = capture / preauthorize = authorize
vaultingWithoutPurchase: false // should be set to true if you're doing register call
vault: false // should be set to true if you would like to vault transaction using PayPal vaulting. for example register / debit + withRegister=true
// Prepare Transaction
var prepareCall = () => {
return fetch('{MY_PREPARE_ENDPOINT}', {
method: 'POST',
}).then(function (res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function (data) {
return data.orderID;
4. You can now call the Transaction API with the extraData.paypalToken set to the paypalToken returned to the completeHandler.
Prepare Transaction
PayPal requires to create order/setup token when the PayPal button is being pressed. That's being handled with prepare-debit/prepare-preauthorize/prepare-register API calls. Therefore, you would need to implement prepareDebit call and provide your server endpoint initializing PayPal via PaymentJs.
When using the Hosted Payment Page option, the prepare call can be handled automatically on our side. E.g.
prepareCall = function() {
return fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(function (res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function (data) {
return data.orderID;
Additional Prepare Transaction Parameters (CreateOrder)
Key | Values | Description |
extraData.shipping_type | "SHIPPING", "PICKUP_IN_STORE", "PICKUP_FROM_PERSON" | Shipping type |
extraData.shipping_cost | string | Shipping cost that will be displayed to the customer |
extraData.shipping_preference | "GET_FROM_FILE", "NO_SHIPPING", "SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS" | By default is being set on the connector level. However, by using this field can be overwritten per transaction. "SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS" requires to provide shipping details |
extraData.brand_name | string | Brand name |
extraData.discount_amount | string | Discount amount |
extraData.experience_context_shipping_preference | string | NO_SHIPPING = no shipping information, e.g. for digital goods SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS = show address on PayPal but don't allow the customer to change it - item will be shipped to this address GET_FROM_FILE = shipping address was not provided, ask the buyer to select a shipping address from their PayPal profile |
One-click payment / Customer Initiated Transaction
To render One-click payment button you would need to do a prepareDebit/preparePreauthorize call to retrieve user-token-id that needs to be passed to paymentJs via paypalOptions.userIdToken.
Example API Request:
"referenceUuid": "referenceUuid",
"extraData": {
"useReturnUserExperience": "true"
"transactionIndicator": "CARDONFILE"
Key | Values | Description |
referenceUuid | string | Initial transaction UUID |
extraData.useReturnUserExperience | string | Expected value: true |
transactionIndicator | CARDONFILE | Transaction Indicator should be CARDONFILE |
Example API Response:
"data": {
"success": true,
"returnType": "FINISHED",
"widgetToken": "eyJraWQiOiJhMDRiMjEwZDYzYjU0NWQzODEwOWUxNDM3ZjQ3ZWYxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IkVTMjU2In0.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._s54YCC8MRqjllX2wDTmo4fQyTkUXl6_7aPOiNwBnVBJfLoQlwIZvtrkvgxU7RPBQy3uiRp-hhK4LGvwRC74CA"
If submitting items, the following fields are Mandatory:
Field |
quantity |
name |
price |
extraData.category |
Item Additional Parameters:
Key | Values | Description |
description | string | Item description |
extraData.sku | string | Item SKU |
l2l3Data.taxAmount | string | Item tax amount |
Additional Postback ExtraData
Key | Values | Description |
seller_protection_status | string | Indicates whether the transaction is eligible for seller protection. For information, see PayPal Seller Protection for Merchants. |
seller_protection_dispute_categories | array | An array of conditions that are covered for the transaction. |
paypal_account_status | string | The account status indicates whether the buyer has verified the financial details associated with their PayPal account. |
1. Embed the payment.min.js in your page
<script data-main="payment-js" src=""></script>
It is important to set the data-main="payment-js"
attribute on the script tag.
2. Provide an input field for the paypalToken
which will be created later.
<input type="hidden" name="paypalToken" id="paypalToken" value="">
3. Initialize the payment.js with the following parameters:
'the public integration key of your connector',
cardName: 'card-name-field-container',
cardNumber: 'card-number-field-container',
cardCvv: 'card-cvv-field-container',
cardExpiry: 'card-expiry-field-container'
completeHandler, <!-- your callback function for when the token has been created -->
errorHandler, <!-- your callback function in case of error -->
cancellationHandler, <!-- your callback funciton in case of cancellation -->
payPalOptions, <!-- see PayPalOptions -->
prepareCall <!-- see prepareCall -->
The completeHandler callback will be called once the PayPal token has been created
completeHandler = function (payPalToken) {
// do things when the PayPal token is created
console.log('done: ' + payPalToken);
// set the PayPal token and submit
<!-- important to name it paypalToken -->
document.getElementById("paypalToken").value = paypalToken;
The prepareCall must be implemented by you and is based on the transaction type: prepare-debit/prepare-preauthorize/prepare-register
Please refer to Prepare Transaction
When using the Hosted Payment Page option, the prepare call can be handled automatically on our side. E.g.
prepareCall = function() {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = '';
return fetch('{{ paypal.prepareCallEndpoint }}', {
method: 'POST',
}).then(function (res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function (data) {
return data.orderID;
errorHandler, cancellationHandler
Here you may implement handling of scenarios for errors and user cancellations.
Option | Required | Type | Description |
currency | yes | string | Currency |
intent | yes | string | Possible values - capture, authorize. Preauthorize flow requires to send authorize. Otherwise, it should be set to capture. |
vaultingWithoutPurchase | no | boolean | Should be set to true if you would like to vault transaction using PayPal vaulting. for example register / debit + withRegister=true |
vault | no | boolean | Should be set to true if you would like to vault transaction using PayPal vaulting. for example register / debit + withRegister=true |
style | no | object | Here you may override the style of the card fields |
var paypalOptions = {
currency: "EUR",
intent: "authorize",
vaultingWithoutPurchase: false,
vault: false,
style: {
'input': {
'font-size': '12px',
'line-height': '1.7rem',
'color': '#000',
'padding': '5px',
'appearance': 'none'
':focus': {
'padding': '5px',
'outline': 'none'
4. Trigger Payment with billing address data
Billing address data should be collected and submitted with the card data.
To trigger the payment you may use the paymentjs.trigger(data)
document.getElementById('submit-btn').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
billingAddress: {
addressLine1: document.getElementById('card-billing-address-line-1').value,
addressLine2: document.getElementById('card-billing-address-line-2').value,
adminArea1: document.getElementById('card-billing-address-admin-area-line-1').value,
adminArea2: document.getElementById('card-billing-address-admin-area-line-2').value,
countryCode: document.getElementById('card-billing-address-country-code').value,
postalCode: document.getElementById('card-billing-address-postal-code').value
Please note that billing address line 1 and country code are mandatory.