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API v2, Gateway, Payment Services v2 — v.25.1

Gateway Features


  • Job Configuration: Fix a bug in the post-processing job configuration where endpoint URL validation in the Send document to endpoint exporting configuration incorrectly restricted URL paths to lowercase only.

Gateway Adapters


  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO-EP1, KCPPC-EP01): Add extra data to callback and API response, including card acquirer code (extraData.acqu_cd), card issuer code (extraData.card_cd), payment method (extraData.pay_method), truncated PAN (extraData.card_no), and bank code (extraData.bank_code).
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1): Add chargeback protection details to API response, including seller protection status (extraData.seller_protection_status), dispute categories (extraData.seller_protection_dispute_categories), and PayPal account status (extraData.paypal_account_status).
  • Stripe (STRV2): Add support for account funding transactions (AFT).
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1-CC): Add documentation about the extraData.refundAuthorisationReference parameter returned in callbacks.


  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Fix a typo in an error message.
  • Worldline (ING-EP1, ING-EP2, ING-EP3, ING-EP4, ING-EP7): Fix chargeback handling in the settlement and reconciliation parser.

API v2


  • APIv2’s NetworkToken endpoints now return an error if multiple Network Tokens exist for a single token, requiring the new tokenReferenceId parameter to specify which one to use.

Payment Services v2


  • Add Merchant Advice and Brand Auth Response code mappings to AdyenDirect, FirstDataIPG, and Orbital gateways for additional insights on how to handle failed transactions.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.25.0

Gateway API


  • Provisioning API: Fix an error that occurred when attempting to update merchant users with apiUserSettings configured.

Gateway Features


  • Connector Configuration: Change save message of connector configuration to display multiple validation errors simultaneously, instead of just one.
  • Risk Profile:
    • Applied cosmetic changes for consistency, including button renaming and layout adjustments.
    • Restricted Audit Log access with the Admin User Permission


  • API Testing: Add a Clear CC Token button to the API Testing view to reset credit card fields without refreshing the page.
  • Risk Profile: Add a new risk rule to validate the presence of both the transaction indicator and reference scheme ID.
  • Risk Profile: Add support for BIN segments (Consumer, Business, Commercial, Government, Unknown) and add a new risk rule BIN segment of credit card is [in, not in] [list of segments] to replace the previous BIN level of credit card is [in, not in] [list of levels] rule in the future, allowing checks for specific BIN segments.


  • Connector Settings: Fix compatibility of the Manipulation: Always set withRegister connector setting on meta-connectors with Customer Profiles to ensure payment instruments are properly stored.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fix an issue where the upload button remained in the uploading state after a manual file upload error.

Gateway Adapters


  • dLocal (DLO-EP1):
    • Add /options/installmentsPlan endpoint to retrieve installment plans.
    • Add extra data parameters to debit and preauthorize transactions to enable installements (extraData.installments and extraData.installments_plan_id).
    • Change required status of customer.nationalId from mandatory to optional.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2): Add support for partial void transactions.
  • KakaoPay (KAKAO-EP1): Add support for settlement and reconciliation handling.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1):
    • Change required status of from mandatory to optional.
    • Change sFTP retrieval to no longer require permissions to rename the file on the remote server for settlement and reconciliation handling.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1): Add chargeback protection details to postback response, including seller protection status (extraData.seller_protection_status), dispute categories (extraData.seller_protection_dispute_categories), and PayPal account status (extraData.paypal_account_status).
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Add postback handling for online refunds. Merchants will receive the Refund Authorisation Reference number in extraData.refundAuthorisationReference via postback.


  • Banco Popular Dominicano (BPD-EP1): Add the Banco Popular Dominicano adapter with support for debit transactions. Banco Popular Dominicano is the first privately owned bank in the Dominican Republic and is the leader in a wide range of banking and financial services in the country. It is the principal company of Grupo Popular.


  • Global Payments (GBP): Prevent duplicate settlement errors by using more specific settlement batch numbers.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2):
    • Fix handling of partial void followed by capture.
    • Update extraData.totalAuthAmount after partial void.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1-PPE):
    • Enable partial capture and void capabilities for the PayPal payment method via the PayPalCompletePlatform adapter.
    • Ensure that the PayPal Partner Attribution ID is set for transactions processed through multi-method connectors.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1): Fix mapping of error code 100(77).
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1): Use net amount instead of gross amount when parsing Line Items and Rolling Reserve for the Stripe Settlement Report.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.21



  • Push API: Add transactionSubType to the /chargeback endpoint.



  • Risk Profile: Add parameters to Count Chargebacks Risk Engine Strategy to include or exclude RDR transactions.


  • Account Updater: Add connector setting Account Updater: Snooze Updates for Status Contact-Cardholder to skip future account updater runs for the response status Contact-Cardholder for up to 36 months.
  • BI Data Source: Add field subType to the BI Data Source enabling better transaction distinction and filtering of RDR transactions.
  • Dashboard: Add a filter for subType to Trend: Compare Chargeback Rate dashboard widget.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Add Transaction Type and Transaction Subtype columns to the exported email of the Send Reports to Merchants post-processing job strategy.
  • Risk Profile: Add Is Credit Card Prepaid and Is Credit Card Reloadable risk rules.
  • Transaction List: Add field subType to the Advanced Filter enabling better transaction distinction and filtering of RDR transactions.


  • Transaction Details: Fix Load More button for transaction logs exceeding 100 entries.



  • Bangkok Bank (BB): Add optional PGPPrivateKey and PGPKeyPassPhrase fields to the data fetcher's Extra Data, to support PGP-encrypted settlement file decryption.
  • (CHE): Remove the requirement to send customer.bic or customer.extraData.bic fields and the requirement to perform a separate /options getIssuers call.
  • CMI (CMI): Add support for settlement handling.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1): Remove the requirement to send, this is now an optional field.
  • PayTabs (PAYT-EP01): Add connector config Enable iframe mode to support checkout via iFrame.
  • PPRO (PPR-EP1): Add a configuration option for alternative PPRO return mode.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Add support for chargeback notifications.


  • Fiuu (FIUU-EP1): Add the Fiuu (formerly Razer Merchant Services) adapter with support for debit and refund transactions. Fiuu is Southeast Asia's leading payment gateway, enabling seamless payments for businesses and individuals.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2): Add the J.P.Morgan Commerce Platform adapter with support for debit, preauthorize, (partial) capture, (partial) refund, and recurring transactions. J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering solutions to clients in more than 100 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available.


  • KakaoPay (KAKAO-EP1): Add extraData.paymentMethodType field with possible values MONEY or CARD.
  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO-EP1, KCPPC-EP01): Fix live endpoint.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1):
    • Fix missing prepareCallEndpoint for the multi-method payment connector.
    • Ensure PPCP payment method availability in the multi-method payment connector.
  • SIA (SIA-E01): Fix setting transaction status to error on failed 3DS authentication, enabling follow-up THREEDSAUTHORIZATION2 call.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.20



  • Transaction API: Fix an issue where invalid browserScreenHeight or browserScreenWidth values caused errors. Now, any invalid values are properly handled to ensure smooth processing.



  • Transaction Processing: Remove the billing country restriction for the iDeal payment method, allowing values beyond NL and BE.


  • Hosted Payment Pages: Add data attributes to the Google Pay button for easier configuration on the Hosted Payment Page (HPP). Supported attributes include data-button-color, data-button-type, data-button-radius, data-button-size-mode, and data-button-locale.


  • Customer Profiles:
    • Fix an issue where the action buttons for Payment Instruments in the Customer Profile merchant view were not displayed.
    • Fix a bug where deregistering via the action button in the Customer Profile merchant view did not work properly.
    • Fix a bug where the detach and deregister actions for Payment Instruments in the Customer Profile merchant view did not reset the preferred payment method.
  • Pay-by-Link: Fix an issue where Pay-by-Link (PBL) data failed to display when customer information was missing from the transaction; it will now display correctly even if customer data is absent.
  • Provider Settlements: Fix an issue when settling preauthorize and void transaction fees.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fix an issue in settlement processing where refunds referencing pre-authorized transactions were not correctly matched to their capture transactions.
  • Transaction Processing: Fix surcharge calculation for direct PCI API requests.



  • HUA NAN COMMERCIAL BANK (HNCB-EP2-HBQR): Update the encryption process for the HNCB QR payment method to use the PSP’s encryption endpoint instead of local encryption.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1):
    • Add pay-by-link capability.
    • Add JWT signature support for refunds to ensure strong customer authentication (SCA) compliance.


  • dLocal (DLO): Fix issue with postback handling by using the correct transaction ID from the currently processing refund transaction, instead of the order ID from the debit.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-CC): Fix the handling of transactionSubType in PSP callbacks to ensure proper support for Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR).

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.19



  • Status API: Exposes the acquirer reference number (ARN) via the field extraData["arn"] when it is available.
  • Transaction API: Exposes the acquirer reference number (ARN) via the field extraData["arn"] when it is available.


  • Transaction API: Fix an issue where missing wallet data fields (walletOwner, walletReferenceId, walletOwnerFirstName, walletOwnerLastName, walletOwnerCountryCode) could cause an error. These fields are now treated as not provided.
  • Transaction API: Implement stricter currency format validation, requiring merchants to send amounts with the correct number of decimal places for each currency (e.g., EUR: 9.99 or 9.9, JPY: 5 or 5.00). If the correct format can't be provided by merchants, the tenant can be configured to round amounts commercially according to our currency definition. These settings are inherited by sub-tenants. For assistance in configuring this setting, please contact your customer success manager.



  • BI Data Source: Add a new data field, sub_type, for transaction subtypes related to rapid dispute resolution (RDR) in the BI data source.
  • Login: Store redirect data in the URL to ensure that after multi-tab logout and login, each tab returns to the originally requested page instead of the landing page.
  • Token Count Aggregation: Add filters to the post-processing step Calculate Token Count, allowing users to:
    1. Exclude Merchants having this Job Types scheduled
    2. Exclude Connectors having this Job Types scheduled
    3. Only Methods.


  • Connector Configuration: Fix a bug in the transaction expiration process to ensure the Ignore Global Setting connector setting is respected whenExpire Pending Transactions or Expire Transactions is enabled.
  • Connector Configuration: Fix an issue where a valid value of 0 for the connector setting Postback Queue: Set maximum number of retries was incorrectly treated as missing or invalid. The system now properly accepts 0 as a valid input.
  • Documentation: Fixes the API authentication examples by removing the newline character that was incorrectly included in the base64-encoded concatenation of the username and password.



  • 2C2P (2C2P-EP1-2C2PB): Update the payment channels by removing Thanachart Bank and adding the new TMBThanachart Bank following the merger with TMB Bank.
  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO, KCPPC): Add support for settlement handling.
  • Mercado Pago (MERPA-PROD): Adds a new header to the payment request containing the DeviceData. This allows the collection of the DeviceID when redirecting the user to the Hosted Payment Page (HPP).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-CC): Map the field ProviderExternalID to acquirer reference number (ARN).
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1-CC, STRV2-EP3-CC (extends STRV2-EP1-CC)): Add the ability to pass requestExtendedAuthorization as extra data to Stripe to request an authorization to be extended for up to 30 days.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Update AFT documentation.


  • KakaoPay (KAKAO): Add the KakaoPay adapter with support for debit, refund and partial refund transactions. KakaoPpay is a South Korean fintech company specializing in digital payments, money transfers, and financial services.


  • KCP Mobile (KCPMO-EP1):
    • Use Code as fallback response code if res_cd isn't available.
    • Fix an issue where the wrong value (payment method ID instead of payment method name) was sent for the pay_method field.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1-CC): Fixes the fail-over transaction to Nuvei by ensuring that the firstPaymentDoTransactionId is only set if the related transaction was created through Nuvei; otherwise, it is omitted to prevent rejected transactions.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Fix wrong format of expiryMonth and expiryYear in adapter result.
  • Zona Virtual SA - Zonapagos (ZONA-EP1): Fix status retrieval handling to consider only the latest status, as recommended by the PSP.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.