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Gateway — v.24.0



  • Batch Upload API: Fixed a number of issues with the Batch Upload API:
    • Fixed a bug that generated an incorrect output format when an error occurred.
    • Fixed an issue when querying the status of a batch request that would result in an HTML response being generated when the batch ID referenced a non-existent batch. A JSON response is now generated containing "batch not found".
    • In cases where validation errors (e.g. the merchantTransactionId is already assigned) prevents a transaction from being created, the transaction was not written to the output at all. The output now includes a line with success = false, along with an error message in the output file for every transaction that could not be created.
  • Transaction API: Removed the thousands separator from the amount field in callbacks for transactions with a surcharge fee.



  • UI: The Tools section in the platform has been overhauled. The entries previously located here have been moved to more relevant parts of the platform - this includes options such as BitPay pairing and Tokenization.


  • Job Configuration: Added a new feature to automatically add comments to potentially fraudulent transactions and send out emails with relevant information.


  • Connector Settings: Fixed a minor visual issue that occurred when selecting the same connector setting twice. The setting was then displayed twice. The setting is now only displayed once.
  • Post Processing Setting: Fixed an issue with sending callbacks for transactions created via settlements.
  • Transaction List Filter: Fixed an issue with the filter for transactions created in test mode not being applied correctly.
  • User Management: Fixed an issue where users were unable to add new merchant users unless they had the frontend.users.roles.edit permission.



  • Amazon Payment Services (AMAZO-EP1-CC): Added support for the new JSON settlement format.


  • Alignet (ALI-EP01-CC): Alignet is a leading technology company based in Peru, specializing in solutions for secure electronic transactions. They pioneered the use of 3-D Secure in Latin America and are a key supplier of major banks in the region. The adapter supports credit card transactions.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1): Added support for the Blik payment method. Blik allows for bank transfers and covers all major Polish banks.
  • PayTabs (PAYT-EP01-VALU): PayTabs is a payment processing solution specializing in seamless online transactions in areas such as the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia. The adapter currently supports payments using the valU BNPL payment method in Egypt.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Added a new endpoint as well as the option to switch between old and new endpoints in the configuration.
  • Worldpay, (CHE, WOR): Updated the API documentation for and WorldPay WPG to include AVS and CVV responses.


  • Adyen (ADY-EP3): Fixed an issue with missing notification verification for AdyenCheckout.
  • Adyen (ADY-EP3-RIV):
    • Added support for partial captures for the Riverty payment method using Adyen Checkout.
    • The IP address field is now optional instead of mandatory when using the Riverty payment method with AdyenCheckout.
  • Bitpay (BTP-EP1-CR): Fixed pairing issues with the new Bitpay connector configuration.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2): Fixed an issue with Braintree's Address Verification Service.
  • (CHE):
    • Fixed the handling of settlements for transactions with multiple partial captures.
    • Multiple fees are now supported for a single transaction in the settlement report.
  • Klarna (KLW-EP1-APM): HTTP 400 responses are now mapped correctly.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01): Added handling for the status "Awaited", which previously returned an error (due to this status not being documented by CCAvenue). The transaction is now set to pending when this status is received.
  • MultiSafepay (MUL): Fixed an issue with the settlement fetcher that prevented settlements from being retrieved.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP2): Enabled support for partial captures.
  • Zona Virtual SA - Zonapagos (ZONA-EP1):
    • A unique numeric value is now generated and sent to Zona Virtual as the payment ID Id_pago. This value is stored in the additionalId1 field in IXOPAY as a payment reference that is used if the payment fails.
    • Changes have been made to the mandatory fields. The following fields are no longer mandatory: merchantMetaData, extraData.idType, customer.identification.
    • Fixed the default error mapping.
    • Added mapping for the error when a payment cannot be found.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.