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Gateway — v25.2

Gateway API


  • Transaction API: Extend the callbackUrl length for refund requests (Refund) from 255 to 4096 characters.


  • Customer profiles API: Add the fields associatedTokenType and networkTokenStatus to the /api/v3/customerProfiles/:apiKey/getProfile response for payment instruments of type card.

Gateway Features


  • Transaction Details: Add an Associated Tokens column (Network Token with Status, Google Pay Token, and Apple Pay Token) to the Customer Profile credit card payment instruments in the admin and merchant views.
  • User Management: Add a new permission for a read-only view of roles.


  • Transaction List: Fix the advanced transaction list filter for Retrieval Reference Number (RRN).

Gateway Adapters


  • EPG Financial Services Limited (EPG-EP01): Allow passing the extraData.ext_client_id parameter for Premium Partner solution participants to link Paylado accounts with player accounts.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA): Add support for settlement handling.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2-CC): Adds extraData["card.cardVerificationResult"], extraData["card.cardVerificationResultCode"], and extraData["card.paymentAccountReference"] to the response and callback payloads.
  • KakaoPay (KAKAO): Updated default behavior to fetch settlement files from yesterday instead of looking back 30 days on the first fetch.
  • PayPal (PPA): Map actual-net-settlement-amount settlement line item for reconciliation.
  • Redsys (RED-EP2-BIZ): Add support for the new payment method Bizum. Bizum is a service promoted by Spanish banks that connects customers' current bank accounts by linking them to their cell phone number.
  • Worldpay (WOR): Change the chargeback creation date from the webhook receipt date to the date_post provided in the postback request.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1-CC): Add a recommendation to the adapter documentation to enable the connector setting Postback: Send After Each Notification for online refund notifications.


  • Paymob (PMO-EP2-CCRD): Add the Paymob adapter with support for redirect credit card payments. Paymob (formerly known as WeAccept) is a payment service provider and payment aggregator that empowers businesses to get paid wherever their customers are.


  • KCP Mobile (KCPMO-EP1): Fix encoding issue on the Hosted Payment Page.
  • Mashreq (MASH): Fixed an issue with postback sharing where transactions were not processed correctly when postback sharing was enabled via the setting Accept postbacks from other connectors (list GUIDs comma-separated).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Add mapping for payment state 15 to “Transaction Declined” error.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.15



  • Provisioning API: Resolved an error in the Provisioning API by adding null checks when building response objects for meta connectors without a default connector.
  • Push API: Fixed handling of request bodies with invalid JSON.



  • Customer Profiles: Made the action column in the customer profile payment instruments table non-sortable.
  • Transaction List: Increased the number of displayed connectors in the advanced search form from 100 to 700.


  • Post Processing Jobs: Added the ability to export transaction extra data in post-processing export strategies, including "Write customized Settlement CSV", "Export Transactions to XLSX (Version 2)", "Export Transactions to XLSX", and "Export Transactions to CSV". Also, added "key" and "default" column configurations to "Export Transactions to XLSX (Version 2)", "Export Transactions to XLSX", and "Export Transactions to CSV".


  • Account Updater: Improved the account updater to consider BIN lookup results alongside the card type for more accurate processing.
  • Account Updater: Fixed an issue in the Account Updater that caused cards to appear as updated twice in the batch for clients.
  • Connector Settings: Fixed a bug that caused the connector settings "Transactions: Expire automatically after (x) minutes" and "Expires pending transactions after given minutes" to not work when added as Global Settings.
  • Customer Profiles: Use the correct customer profile container for meta connectors.
  • Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the pivot table couldn’t resolve the connector list, causing multiple selections to show as ‘n/a’.
  • Dashboard: Fixed a dashboard issue where GUIDs were displayed instead of merchant names.
  • Hosted Payment Pages: Removed async from Google Pay JS on hosted payment pages to enable synchronous loading, ensuring the Google Pay button displays reliably.
  • Transaction List: Updated transaction list links to ensure they work correctly by including a default status, preventing 404 errors.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fixed issues in the Virtual Terminal for direct debit transactions by preventing mandate date validation when the field is empty and correcting format validation to display proper error messages instead of "unknown error".



  • Klarna (KLW-EP1): Added a connector setting "treat the BACK status from klarna as CANCELLED".
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01): Added support for debit auto-capture.
  • PAYONE (PASIX): Add new mappings for settlements:
    • Markup fee (condCode 701)
    • Dispute fee (condCode 55).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Added support for the in-store card deposit payment method.
  • Sepa Express (SEP-EP3-SEP): Added support for settlement handling.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Always store the adapter transaction identifier if present to properly handle subsequent transactions.


  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Fixed system trace audit number (STAN) issue by using a modulus operation on the transaction ID to ensure it fits within base36 encoding limits.
  • iyzico (IYZ): Fixed settlement handling for Iyzico to correctly parse the batch number for all settlement objects.
  • Spreedly (SPR-EP1-CC): Fixed date parsing to correctly handle microseconds included by the PSP.
  • Transbank (TRANS-TSB1): Fixed handling of empty responses.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.13




  • Pay-by-Link API: Fixed an issue that would prevent a pay-by-link transaction from being canceled if a failover occurred for the transaction.
  • Push API: Fixed an issue that would cause a type error if an empty body request was submitted in a Push API request.
  • Transaction API: Fixed an issue where invalid 3DS values (browserColorDepth, browserTimezone) sent to the API in transaction data would cause an error. These invalid values are now ignored.



  • Connector Settings: The "Postback: Include 3DS Data" connector setting is now also available in the global settings.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Optimized the process of collecting transactions in post-processing jobs.
  • UI Navigation: Improved the parent tenant selection when creating a new tenant. By default, the current tenant is set as the parent tenant and the drop-down is now searchable.
  • UI Navigation: Updated risk logs so that they are loaded asynchronously. This improves the initial load time for the transaction details view. Risk data is now only loaded when expanding the view.


  • Connector Configuration: Added audit logs for the "Additional Configs" in the connector view.


  • Audit Log: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when accessing the audit log if the corresponding merchant cannot be found when checking access permissions.
  • Fee Management: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when changing the mapping to a different fee entity. The mapping for the old fee entity is now removed, and the mapping is set to the new fee entity.
  • Post Processing Setting: Fixed an issue with the "Create unknown transaction on connector with GUID" option for settlements that prevented unknown transactions in a settlement file from being added to the platform.
  • Provider: Fixed an issue that would occur when saving a connector configuration. Previously configured connectors that were assigned to the same provider were removed when the configuration was saved, with only the new configuration linked to the provider.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when trying to sort missing reconciliation data by merchant.
  • Risk Profile: Fixed an issue where saving a risk rule without entering parameter values would result in a type error.
  • Risk Profile: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when opening risk rules if the risk rule set ID referenced a risk rule set that does not exist. A 404 error is now displayed instead.
  • Transaction Processing: Fixed an issue caused by the platform attempting to collect 3DS information for Apple Pay transactions. The system now checks whether a transaction uses Apple Pay before collecting additional 3DS information.
  • UI Navigation: The loading page displayed for the collectMissing3DSecureData connector configuration was only displayed in English. The page is now displayed in the language of the transaction where available, with English as the fallback language.



  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Added a new gateway connector configuration option, "Force System Generated STAN". This option can be used to force the system trace audit number (stan) to be generated by the IXOPAY platform and stored in the additionalId1 field. The following options are available to determine the format of the STAN:
    • "Yes - Uppercase characters only"
    • "Yes - Upper- and lowercase characters".
  • Banca Intesa (BAI-EP1): If the PSP includes the TRACEID in a transaction response, it is now included in the postback.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-BLI): Added support for partial refunds for the Blik non-redirect payment method.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): Added support for line items and a corresponding option, includeLineItems has been added to the connector configuration.
  • dLocal (DLO-EP1-CC): The merchantTransactionId is now passed to the vault, in order to pass it on to the PSP in refund requests.
  • HypYaad (HYP): Removed the mapping of payment references in settlement files, as this could lead to a single settlement file being split into multiple settlements.
  • Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPG, BAMI): Added support for the scheme transaction ID.
  • Nexi Group (NETS-EP1): Added support for specifying the language in the checkout payload for transactions. This ensures that the language field is included in the payload if it is included in the transaction's extra data.
  • PayPal (PPA-EP1-PPE): Added the isFinalCapture flag for capture transactions. If set to true, the capture is marked as final on the PayPal side and no further captures are possible.
  • Simulator: Added support for incremental authorization for simulated credit card transactions.


  • WavePay (WAV): The WavePay push adapter allows cash collection payments to be pushed to the IXOPAY platform to ensure that these transactions are also available within the system.


  • Afterpay (AFT): Fixed an issue with retrieving the minimum/maximum price, caused by a missing interface.
  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Fixed an issue that would cause an error if settlement files are not formatted correctly.
  • Braintree (BRA): If rows in a settlement file did not include a settlement date, the settlement date was previously taken from the first value found in the "Settlement Date" column of the file. However, this could result in the settlement date being incorrect. The behavior has therefore been changed to set the settlement date to the transaction's disbursement date instead.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): The merchantAccountId is now only passed to Braintree's JavaScript SDK if a value is present.
  • iyzico (IYZ):
    • Fixed an issue with that would cause the batch number to be set to the entire file name of the settlement file, rather than the initial numerical portion of the file name. This was caused by empty rows in the settlement file.
    • Fixed an issue that would cause some settlement files to be parsed incorrectly.
  • Khipu (KHI): Fixed an issue with retrieving the bank list, caused by a missing interface.
  • Klarna (KLW): Fixed an issue that would result in the error "Invalid Response" being returned for transaction without a body. An empty body is now handled correctly, with the HTTP error code being checked prior to parsing the response.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01): Fixed an issue where the status of successful transactions was not set correctly due to the status in the response not being formatted as expected.
  • Payabl (P21): Fixed an issue caused by the error code parameter being evaluated incorrectly.
  • Paymee (PAYME-EP1-CCRD): Fixed an issue where refund amounts would be sent with a varying number of decimal places, which could sometimes lead to errors. Refund amounts are now formatted consistently.
  • Trustly (TRU): Fixed an issue that would cause a generic payment error if the private key required to generate the signature was missing. The system now checks for its presence.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.12



  • payment.js: Updated the version of jQuery used in payment.js to 3.7.1.


  • BI Data Source: Introduced BI Data Source API v2 built on OpenSearch for improved performance and functionality.



  • Job Configuration: A new column has been added to the "Write customized Settlement CSV" export step, relatedFirstTransactionUuid.


  • Audit Log: Audit logs are now available for providers. These logs include changes to the provider ID, data fetcher and configuration changes.


  • Callback: Fixed an issue where notifications for partial refunds were sometimes mapped to the wrong refund transaction.
  • Post Processing Jobs: The "Write customized Settlement CSV" job step included two columns that accessed the UUID of the related transaction (referenceTxUuid and referenceUuid). referenceTxUuid has therefore been removed.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Fixed an issue that would cause an error if no provider was entered in a connector.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: When processing a settlement file, the meta-connector for a transaction is now set correctly if a meta-connector is used by the related transaction.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue that would occur when creating new transactions from a settlement.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue caused by restricting the allowed ports in the SFTP receiver.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fixed an issue that could occur if surcharge and GST fee calculation permissions were granted, but only surcharges were configured in the virtual terminal.



  • Braintree (BRA-EP1): The merchant account ID has been added to the configuration used in the setup process to improve the integration. This ensures that transactions are correctly associated with the relevant merchant account.
  • Klarna (KLW-EP1-APM): Added support for the following countries:
    • Czechia
    • France
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Slovakia
    • Romania
    • Spain.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1):
    • Added support for the Aircash and Aircash Abon payment methods.
    • Added support for payout with redirect.
  • Simulator: Updated the documentation to cover overriding the outcome.


  • Alignet (ALI-EP01-VIS): The phoneCode and phoneSubscriber fields are no longer mandatory.
  • Klarna (KLW-EP1):
    • Fixed an issue in the documentation regarding the shipping email and total discount amount. customer.shippingEmail has been corrected to customer.extraData.shippingEmail and items.item.totalDiscountAmount has been changed to items.item.extraData.totalDiscountAmount.
    • Fixed an error that would occur if a request timed out. This was caused by the empty response not being handled correctly.
  • Mashreq (MASH): Fixed an error caused by unknown transactions in the postback.
  • Sepa Express (SEP-EP3): Fixed an issue that would cause an error if the connectorId is missing when creating a mandate. The system now checks that this required value is present.
  • Worldline (ING): The SFTP password is no longer mandatory, as the setup is switching over to using a private key.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.7



  • Provisioning API: Two new fields have been added to the merchant response model: ntsEnrollmentStatus and networkTokenizationEnabled.



  • Job Configuration: Information on inherited job type templates is now displayed, informing users as to why the template cannot be edited.


  • Network Tokenization:
    • Information on the status of enrollment for network tokenization is now available in the base data for a merchant. A new line, "Network Tokenization" has been added. If the merchant has a TRID assigned, the status is displayed as "enabled" when viewing the data as an admin with the permission "".
    • Merchants can now be filtered by their NTS status in the overview.


  • Pay-by-Link: Fixed an issue with the virtual terminal's result page not updating correctly if the initial transaction fails. Instead of displaying transaction data from the most recent (successful) transaction, data from the first (failed) transaction continued to be displayed.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue that would cause chargeback reversals to be created for the debit transaction, instead of the chargeback transaction.
  • Transaction List: Fixed an issue that would cause an error in the advanced search when changing the comparison operator from a range to any other operator.
  • Transaction List: Fixed an issue with sorting credit card fields. Note that BIN data cannot be sorted.
  • User Management: The permissions now governs access to the pivot table as well.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fixed an unhandled exception in the virtual terminal that would occur if the fee set or fee entity was not found. The exception is now handled and an empty surcharge value is returned.



  • Adyen (ADY): The payment reference for settlements is now saved.
  • Amazon Payment Services (AMAZO): It is now possible to filter transactions by the status "Accepted".
  • MultiSafepay (MUL): Added the chargeback reason for chargebacks.
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1-MAS): Additional data from the Stripe API response is now included in the postback's extraData.


  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Added support for the Sinpe payment method. This method supports bank transfers in Costa Rica.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Added support for payments via Trustly.
  • Zona Virtual SA - Zonapagos (ZONA-EP1-ZP): Added a generic payment method that redirects to the Zona Pagos payment page. The consumer can then select the desired payment method on this page to initiate the transaction.


  • Adyen (ADY-EP3-BIZ): Fixed an issue that would cause transactions that had been processed successfully to be assigned the status error or pending.
  • (CHE): Fixed an issue that would cause an error when retrieving the session ID.
  • eMerchantPay (EME-EP3-SEP): Fixed an error that would occur if the customer was not an IBAN customer.
  • Mashreq (MASH): Fixed an issue when checking 3DS credentials that would cause a type error.
  • Mercado Pago (MERPA-PROD): Fixed an issue with register transactions caused by the Amount For Card Verification not being included in the request to retrieve the issuer and payment method ID from the PSP.
  • Skrill (SKR-EP1): Fixed an issue related to email addresses not being tied to a Skrill account when requesting a payout. This would cause the payout to fail.
  • Volt (VOL): Fixed an issue caused by incorrectly handling errors in a response as a result.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.