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API v2, Gateway, Payment Services v2 — v.25.1

Gateway Features


  • Job Configuration: Fix a bug in the post-processing job configuration where endpoint URL validation in the Send document to endpoint exporting configuration incorrectly restricted URL paths to lowercase only.

Gateway Adapters


  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO-EP1, KCPPC-EP01): Add extra data to callback and API response, including card acquirer code (extraData.acqu_cd), card issuer code (extraData.card_cd), payment method (extraData.pay_method), truncated PAN (extraData.card_no), and bank code (extraData.bank_code).
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1): Add chargeback protection details to API response, including seller protection status (extraData.seller_protection_status), dispute categories (extraData.seller_protection_dispute_categories), and PayPal account status (extraData.paypal_account_status).
  • Stripe (STRV2): Add support for account funding transactions (AFT).
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1-CC): Add documentation about the extraData.refundAuthorisationReference parameter returned in callbacks.


  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Fix a typo in an error message.
  • Worldline (ING-EP1, ING-EP2, ING-EP3, ING-EP4, ING-EP7): Fix chargeback handling in the settlement and reconciliation parser.

API v2


  • APIv2’s NetworkToken endpoints now return an error if multiple Network Tokens exist for a single token, requiring the new tokenReferenceId parameter to specify which one to use.

Payment Services v2


  • Add Merchant Advice and Brand Auth Response code mappings to AdyenDirect, FirstDataIPG, and Orbital gateways for additional insights on how to handle failed transactions.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.18



  • BI Data Source: As announced, switch the BI Data Source endpoint /query/transactions from ElasticSearch to OpenSearch.


  • API Testing: Replace username and password input fields with a user selector to reduce transmission of sensitive data.
  • Customer Profile: Prevent the deletion of a customer profile’s payment instrument when deregistering a network token or PAN, even if the other was still present.
  • Documentation: Update BI data source sandbox links in documentation to refer to instead of
  • Meta connector: Fix saving a routing rule node with an invalid ID or non-matching meta connector to show a proper error message instead of causing an internal error.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fix internal server error in virtual terminal requests by verifying transaction object support before setting surcharge amount.



  • Alignet (ALI): Add support for settlement handling.
  • dLocal (DLO-EP1-VPAY): Added support for the VPay QR payment method, enabling QR payments in Bolivia.
  • EBANX (EBA): Add Endpoint connector configuration option to switch between Cross-border Endpoint and Local2Local (Domestic) Endpoint, with cross-border endpoint as the default.
  • Nuvei (NUV):
    • Extend settlement handler to parse the new Settlement Summary Report Drill report type, selectable via the fileType field in the settlement data fetcher. Default remains Transaction Report.
    • Add automatic SFTP connection testing to settlement data fetchers.
  • Payabl (P21-EP1): Update the testing endpoint to from
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1-CC, STRV2-EP3-CC): Add support for incremental authorization transactions for the Stripe adapter.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Add shouldBeFinishedWhenCapturedTrustly connector setting to allow Trustly debit transactions to be marked as successful upon CAPTURED status, enabling customers to treat these transactions as finished.
  • Worldline (ING-EP5): Forward transaction UUID as references.merchantReference in refund and capture requests.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Add documentation for Account Funding Transactions (AFT).


  • KCP Mobile (KCPMO-EP1): Add the KCP Mobile adapter with support for credit card and bank transfer payment methods. KCP Payment Solutions: Secure payment processing supporting multiple currencies and countries.
  • KCP PC (KCPPC-EP01): Add the KCP PC adapter with support for credit card and bank transfer payment methods. KCP Payment Solutions: Secure payment processing supporting multiple currencies and countries.


  • Worldline (ING-EP5): Fix a bug regarding the handling of webhooks.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.15



  • Provisioning API: Resolved an error in the Provisioning API by adding null checks when building response objects for meta connectors without a default connector.
  • Push API: Fixed handling of request bodies with invalid JSON.



  • Customer Profiles: Made the action column in the customer profile payment instruments table non-sortable.
  • Transaction List: Increased the number of displayed connectors in the advanced search form from 100 to 700.


  • Post Processing Jobs: Added the ability to export transaction extra data in post-processing export strategies, including "Write customized Settlement CSV", "Export Transactions to XLSX (Version 2)", "Export Transactions to XLSX", and "Export Transactions to CSV". Also, added "key" and "default" column configurations to "Export Transactions to XLSX (Version 2)", "Export Transactions to XLSX", and "Export Transactions to CSV".


  • Account Updater: Improved the account updater to consider BIN lookup results alongside the card type for more accurate processing.
  • Account Updater: Fixed an issue in the Account Updater that caused cards to appear as updated twice in the batch for clients.
  • Connector Settings: Fixed a bug that caused the connector settings "Transactions: Expire automatically after (x) minutes" and "Expires pending transactions after given minutes" to not work when added as Global Settings.
  • Customer Profiles: Use the correct customer profile container for meta connectors.
  • Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the pivot table couldn’t resolve the connector list, causing multiple selections to show as ‘n/a’.
  • Dashboard: Fixed a dashboard issue where GUIDs were displayed instead of merchant names.
  • Hosted Payment Pages: Removed async from Google Pay JS on hosted payment pages to enable synchronous loading, ensuring the Google Pay button displays reliably.
  • Transaction List: Updated transaction list links to ensure they work correctly by including a default status, preventing 404 errors.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fixed issues in the Virtual Terminal for direct debit transactions by preventing mandate date validation when the field is empty and correcting format validation to display proper error messages instead of "unknown error".



  • Klarna (KLW-EP1): Added a connector setting "treat the BACK status from klarna as CANCELLED".
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01): Added support for debit auto-capture.
  • PAYONE (PASIX): Add new mappings for settlements:
    • Markup fee (condCode 701)
    • Dispute fee (condCode 55).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Added support for the in-store card deposit payment method.
  • Sepa Express (SEP-EP3-SEP): Added support for settlement handling.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Always store the adapter transaction identifier if present to properly handle subsequent transactions.


  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Fixed system trace audit number (STAN) issue by using a modulus operation on the transaction ID to ensure it fits within base36 encoding limits.
  • iyzico (IYZ): Fixed settlement handling for Iyzico to correctly parse the batch number for all settlement objects.
  • Spreedly (SPR-EP1-CC): Fixed date parsing to correctly handle microseconds included by the PSP.
  • Transbank (TRANS-TSB1): Fixed handling of empty responses.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.12



  • payment.js: Updated the version of jQuery used in payment.js to 3.7.1.


  • BI Data Source: Introduced BI Data Source API v2 built on OpenSearch for improved performance and functionality.



  • Job Configuration: A new column has been added to the "Write customized Settlement CSV" export step, relatedFirstTransactionUuid.


  • Audit Log: Audit logs are now available for providers. These logs include changes to the provider ID, data fetcher and configuration changes.


  • Callback: Fixed an issue where notifications for partial refunds were sometimes mapped to the wrong refund transaction.
  • Post Processing Jobs: The "Write customized Settlement CSV" job step included two columns that accessed the UUID of the related transaction (referenceTxUuid and referenceUuid). referenceTxUuid has therefore been removed.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Fixed an issue that would cause an error if no provider was entered in a connector.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: When processing a settlement file, the meta-connector for a transaction is now set correctly if a meta-connector is used by the related transaction.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue that would occur when creating new transactions from a settlement.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue caused by restricting the allowed ports in the SFTP receiver.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fixed an issue that could occur if surcharge and GST fee calculation permissions were granted, but only surcharges were configured in the virtual terminal.



  • Braintree (BRA-EP1): The merchant account ID has been added to the configuration used in the setup process to improve the integration. This ensures that transactions are correctly associated with the relevant merchant account.
  • Klarna (KLW-EP1-APM): Added support for the following countries:
    • Czechia
    • France
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Slovakia
    • Romania
    • Spain.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1):
    • Added support for the Aircash and Aircash Abon payment methods.
    • Added support for payout with redirect.
  • Simulator: Updated the documentation to cover overriding the outcome.


  • Alignet (ALI-EP01-VIS): The phoneCode and phoneSubscriber fields are no longer mandatory.
  • Klarna (KLW-EP1):
    • Fixed an issue in the documentation regarding the shipping email and total discount amount. customer.shippingEmail has been corrected to customer.extraData.shippingEmail and items.item.totalDiscountAmount has been changed to items.item.extraData.totalDiscountAmount.
    • Fixed an error that would occur if a request timed out. This was caused by the empty response not being handled correctly.
  • Mashreq (MASH): Fixed an error caused by unknown transactions in the postback.
  • Sepa Express (SEP-EP3): Fixed an issue that would cause an error if the connectorId is missing when creating a mandate. The system now checks that this required value is present.
  • Worldline (ING): The SFTP password is no longer mandatory, as the setup is switching over to using a private key.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.11



  • Account Updater: The information on when a customer's card was last updated only displays the date, not date and time. The documentation has been updated accordingly.

  • Meta connector (Multi-method connector): A number of changes have been implemented:

    Routing rules view:

    • Disabled and archived connectors are now only displayed if they are used in the routing rule. If such adapters are used, the adapter is displayed with the "(DISABLED)" prefix.
    • If a connector used in a routing rule is disabled or archived, the rule can no longer be saved. A suitable error message is displayed.

    Connector configuration:

    • When a connector is disabled or archived, the system first checks whether the connector is used in any routing rules. If the connector is in use, a warning is displayed that connectors can only be disabled or archived if they are not used by any routing rules. A list of the routing profiles using the connector is also displayed.

    Meta-connector configuration:

    • When unarchiving a meta-connector, its status is automatically set to disabled.
    • When enabling a meta-connector, the system checks whether the meta-connector uses any disabled or archived connectors. A corresponding message is displayed if the meta-connector cannot be enabled due to it referencing disabled/archived connectors.


  • Virtual Terminal: The merchant transaction ID is now a mandatory field in the virtual terminal.



  • ATOM (an NTT DATA Company) (ATOM-EP1-CC): Added post-processing logs.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2-CC): Added support for chargeback and chargeback reversals for disbursement and fee settlements.
  • Redsys (RED):
    • Updated the documentation to include information on the new configuration and parameter mapping.
    • Added a merchant descriptor configuration to DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTDESCRIPTOR
    • Mapped the description to DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTDESCRIPTOR.
  • Silverflow, Stripe (SIL-SEP-VIS, STRV2-EP1-VIS): Updated the documentation with information that final captures are supported by the adapter.
  • Worldline (ING-EP1-CC): Increased the timeout to 60 seconds when retrieving settlement files.


  • CMI (CMI): The payment acquirer CMI has been a trusted partner of Moroccan merchants since 2004. The CMI adapter supports payment via credit card.


  • eMerchantPay (EME-EP3-SEP): Fixed a bug which caused partial refunds to be declined by the gateway, even though this transaction type is supported.
  • HypYaad (HYP-EP1-CC): Fixed a bug that caused transactions with an amount higher than 999.99 to be ignored in settlements.
  • PayPal (PPA, SHO): Fixed an issue that would occur when configuring a data fetcher for either PayPal or Shopify PayPal without the necessary required parameters. The user name and password in the configuration are now also shown as required.
  • Worldline (ING-EP5): Updated the way transactions are voided to include additional information on the payment amount and currency. The status handling was also reworked to improve error handling and the accuracy of responses.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.