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14 posts tagged with "Transaction API"

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Gateway — v.25.3

Gateway API


  • Transaction API: Add the includeTracing parameter for Status API and Transaction API for debit & preauthorize requests, enabling transaction routing and cascading details in the Status API response and Transaction API callbacks.

Gateway Features


  • Audit Log: Update the User-Management report to reflect the selected user type (userType), include user descriptions (description), the merchant column (merchant) for relevant user types.


  • Connector Settings: Add a new connector setting: Expire transaction with a given status after given minutes, allowing configuration of multiple statuses and expiration times. This replaces the need for separate settings for pending and automatic transaction expirations.
  • Transaction Details:
    • Allow adding custom data values to manual refunds and captures, configurable in tenant settings.
    • Introduce a new permission, frontend.transaction.add-extradata-to-manual-capture-refund, to manage access to this feature.
  • Transaction List: Restore the Copy from Standard Filter button in the advanced search.
  • User Management: Add a new field, Description, to the base data for all users, visible in the Create New User, Edit User, and User Overview views.


  • Connector Settings: Deprecate the connector settings Expires pending transactions after given minutes and Transactions: Expire automatically after (x) minutes, as their functionality is now covered by the new setting that supports expiring transactions based on specific statuses.

Gateway Adapters


  • EquensWorldline (EQW): Add ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) to settlement when parsing reconciliations.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2-CC): Improve documentation for new extraData fields (extraData["card.cardVerificationResult"], extraData["card.cardVerificationResultCode"], and extraData["card.paymentAccountReference"]).


  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Correct the payout country restrictions link in the adapter documentation.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v25.2

Gateway API


  • Transaction API: Extend the callbackUrl length for refund requests (Refund) from 255 to 4096 characters.


  • Customer profiles API: Add the fields associatedTokenType and networkTokenStatus to the /api/v3/customerProfiles/:apiKey/getProfile response for payment instruments of type card.

Gateway Features


  • Transaction Details: Add an Associated Tokens column (Network Token with Status, Google Pay Token, and Apple Pay Token) to the Customer Profile credit card payment instruments in the admin and merchant views.
  • User Management: Add a new permission for a read-only view of roles.


  • Transaction List: Fix the advanced transaction list filter for Retrieval Reference Number (RRN).

Gateway Adapters


  • EPG Financial Services Limited (EPG-EP01): Allow passing the extraData.ext_client_id parameter for Premium Partner solution participants to link Paylado accounts with player accounts.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA): Add support for settlement handling.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2-CC): Adds extraData["card.cardVerificationResult"], extraData["card.cardVerificationResultCode"], and extraData["card.paymentAccountReference"] to the response and callback payloads.
  • KakaoPay (KAKAO): Updated default behavior to fetch settlement files from yesterday instead of looking back 30 days on the first fetch.
  • PayPal (PPA): Map actual-net-settlement-amount settlement line item for reconciliation.
  • Redsys (RED-EP2-BIZ): Add support for the new payment method Bizum. Bizum is a service promoted by Spanish banks that connects customers' current bank accounts by linking them to their cell phone number.
  • Worldpay (WOR): Change the chargeback creation date from the webhook receipt date to the date_post provided in the postback request.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1-CC): Add a recommendation to the adapter documentation to enable the connector setting Postback: Send After Each Notification for online refund notifications.


  • Paymob (PMO-EP2-CCRD): Add the Paymob adapter with support for redirect credit card payments. Paymob (formerly known as WeAccept) is a payment service provider and payment aggregator that empowers businesses to get paid wherever their customers are.


  • KCP Mobile (KCPMO-EP1): Fix encoding issue on the Hosted Payment Page.
  • Mashreq (MASH): Fixed an issue with postback sharing where transactions were not processed correctly when postback sharing was enabled via the setting Accept postbacks from other connectors (list GUIDs comma-separated).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Add mapping for payment state 15 to “Transaction Declined” error.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.20



  • Transaction API: Fix an issue where invalid browserScreenHeight or browserScreenWidth values caused errors. Now, any invalid values are properly handled to ensure smooth processing.



  • Transaction Processing: Remove the billing country restriction for the iDeal payment method, allowing values beyond NL and BE.


  • Hosted Payment Pages: Add data attributes to the Google Pay button for easier configuration on the Hosted Payment Page (HPP). Supported attributes include data-button-color, data-button-type, data-button-radius, data-button-size-mode, and data-button-locale.


  • Customer Profiles:
    • Fix an issue where the action buttons for Payment Instruments in the Customer Profile merchant view were not displayed.
    • Fix a bug where deregistering via the action button in the Customer Profile merchant view did not work properly.
    • Fix a bug where the detach and deregister actions for Payment Instruments in the Customer Profile merchant view did not reset the preferred payment method.
  • Pay-by-Link: Fix an issue where Pay-by-Link (PBL) data failed to display when customer information was missing from the transaction; it will now display correctly even if customer data is absent.
  • Provider Settlements: Fix an issue when settling preauthorize and void transaction fees.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fix an issue in settlement processing where refunds referencing pre-authorized transactions were not correctly matched to their capture transactions.
  • Transaction Processing: Fix surcharge calculation for direct PCI API requests.



  • HUA NAN COMMERCIAL BANK (HNCB-EP2-HBQR): Update the encryption process for the HNCB QR payment method to use the PSP’s encryption endpoint instead of local encryption.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1):
    • Add pay-by-link capability.
    • Add JWT signature support for refunds to ensure strong customer authentication (SCA) compliance.


  • dLocal (DLO): Fix issue with postback handling by using the correct transaction ID from the currently processing refund transaction, instead of the order ID from the debit.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-CC): Fix the handling of transactionSubType in PSP callbacks to ensure proper support for Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR).

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.19



  • Status API: Exposes the acquirer reference number (ARN) via the field extraData["arn"] when it is available.
  • Transaction API: Exposes the acquirer reference number (ARN) via the field extraData["arn"] when it is available.


  • Transaction API: Fix an issue where missing wallet data fields (walletOwner, walletReferenceId, walletOwnerFirstName, walletOwnerLastName, walletOwnerCountryCode) could cause an error. These fields are now treated as not provided.
  • Transaction API: Implement stricter currency format validation, requiring merchants to send amounts with the correct number of decimal places for each currency (e.g., EUR: 9.99 or 9.9, JPY: 5 or 5.00). If the correct format can't be provided by merchants, the tenant can be configured to round amounts commercially according to our currency definition. These settings are inherited by sub-tenants. For assistance in configuring this setting, please contact your customer success manager.



  • BI Data Source: Add a new data field, sub_type, for transaction subtypes related to rapid dispute resolution (RDR) in the BI data source.
  • Login: Store redirect data in the URL to ensure that after multi-tab logout and login, each tab returns to the originally requested page instead of the landing page.
  • Token Count Aggregation: Add filters to the post-processing step Calculate Token Count, allowing users to:
    1. Exclude Merchants having this Job Types scheduled
    2. Exclude Connectors having this Job Types scheduled
    3. Only Methods.


  • Connector Configuration: Fix a bug in the transaction expiration process to ensure the Ignore Global Setting connector setting is respected whenExpire Pending Transactions or Expire Transactions is enabled.
  • Connector Configuration: Fix an issue where a valid value of 0 for the connector setting Postback Queue: Set maximum number of retries was incorrectly treated as missing or invalid. The system now properly accepts 0 as a valid input.
  • Documentation: Fixes the API authentication examples by removing the newline character that was incorrectly included in the base64-encoded concatenation of the username and password.



  • 2C2P (2C2P-EP1-2C2PB): Update the payment channels by removing Thanachart Bank and adding the new TMBThanachart Bank following the merger with TMB Bank.
  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO, KCPPC): Add support for settlement handling.
  • Mercado Pago (MERPA-PROD): Adds a new header to the payment request containing the DeviceData. This allows the collection of the DeviceID when redirecting the user to the Hosted Payment Page (HPP).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-CC): Map the field ProviderExternalID to acquirer reference number (ARN).
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1-CC, STRV2-EP3-CC (extends STRV2-EP1-CC)): Add the ability to pass requestExtendedAuthorization as extra data to Stripe to request an authorization to be extended for up to 30 days.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Update AFT documentation.


  • KakaoPay (KAKAO): Add the KakaoPay adapter with support for debit, refund and partial refund transactions. KakaoPpay is a South Korean fintech company specializing in digital payments, money transfers, and financial services.


  • KCP Mobile (KCPMO-EP1):
    • Use Code as fallback response code if res_cd isn't available.
    • Fix an issue where the wrong value (payment method ID instead of payment method name) was sent for the pay_method field.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1-CC): Fixes the fail-over transaction to Nuvei by ensuring that the firstPaymentDoTransactionId is only set if the related transaction was created through Nuvei; otherwise, it is omitted to prevent rejected transactions.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Fix wrong format of expiryMonth and expiryYear in adapter result.
  • Zona Virtual SA - Zonapagos (ZONA-EP1): Fix status retrieval handling to consider only the latest status, as recommended by the PSP.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v24.14



  • Provisioning API: Added the field eventNotificationUrl to merchant entities.
  • Transaction API: Added field transactionSubType to the status API calls and to transaction callback bodys.



  • BIN Lookup: Updated the BIN data source.
  • Pay-by-Link: Introduced a new pay-by-link-enabled permission to allow control over which API users can trigger pay-by-link transaction., The permission defaults to enabled for existing API users who have previously used pay-by-link, and disabled for all others.
  • Transaction Processing: Enabled sending transaction descriptions to upstream PSPs for void and capture transaction types.


  • Account Updater (Network Tokenization): Added a notification service that sends callbacks to shared merchants —those sharing a customer profile container— whenever a transaction is updated through the account updater or NTS Updates.

  • Fee Management: Added a new field Transaction Subtype to Fee Constraints, including it in fee calculations; subtypes can be Chargeback Resolved, Chargeback Reversal Resolved, or - any - for no specific preference. Fee items will now be grouped by transaction type and subtype (if present).

  • Job Configuration: Introduced transaction subtype filtering to the following Collecting Post Processing Job steps:

    • Collect Transactions from Related Batch
    • Collect All Transactions within a Period
    • Collect Transactions from Provider Settlements (created/settled within a period)
    • Collect Transactions by Settlement State

    Introduced transaction subtype filtering and grouping to the following Processing Post Processing Job steps:

    • Aggregate Transaction Fees to Job Line Items
    • Aggregate Transaction Values to Job Line Items
    • Calculate Rolling Reserve for Merchant
    • Count Transaction Value to Job Line Items.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Added support for filtering via the transaction subtype in the transaction view for Post Processing Jobs.

  • Post Processing Jobs: Added transaction subType column as possible export value for the following Post Processing Job steps

    • Export Transactions to CSV
    • Export Transactions to XLSX
    • Export Transactions to XLSX (Version 2)
    • Write customized Settlement CSV.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Added support for filtering via the transaction subtype in the Transactions in Batch and Conflicted Transactions views for Provider Settlements.

  • Transaction Details & Post Processing Jobs & Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Added subtype to the transaction Details view.

  • Transaction Processing: Added a subtype field to transactions for rapid dispute resolution, with available subtypes "chargeback resolved" and "chargeback-reversal resolved".


  • Post Processing Setting: Set a default transaction type when creating transactions derived from settlements without a transaction type.
  • Transaction Details: Fixed an issue where displaying Risk Data on the Transaction Detail page could cause an error in certain cases.
  • Virtual terminal: Fixed the virtual terminal view for merchant users.



  • Amazon Payment Services (AMAZO-EP1): Added clear error messages for transactions when errors are triggered by incoming postbacks.
  • MultiSafepay (MUL-EP1): Added Content-Type: application/json to requests sent to the PSP to ensure the PSP can look-up the requests in their logs.
  • Valitor (VALIT): Added support for RDR.


  • Bangkok Bank (BB): Added the Bangkok Bank post processing adapter with support for settlement handling.


  • Global Payments (GBP): Resolved a bug in the parsing of Global Payments settlements.
  • GoCardless (GOC-EP1): Removed mandate callback handling for cases where the initial registration was already successful.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.