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5 posts tagged with "MultiSafepay"

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  • Provisioning API: Two new fields have been added to the merchant response model: ntsEnrollmentStatus and networkTokenizationEnabled.



  • Job Configuration: Information on inherited job type templates is now displayed, informing users as to why the template cannot be edited.


  • Network Tokenization:
    • Information on the status of enrollment for network tokenization is now available in the base data for a merchant. A new line, "Network Tokenization" has been added. If the merchant has a TRID assigned, the status is displayed as "enabled" when viewing the data as an admin with the permission "".
    • Merchants can now be filtered by their NTS status in the overview.


  • Pay-by-Link: Fixed an issue with the virtual terminal's result page not updating correctly if the initial transaction fails. Instead of displaying transaction data from the most recent (successful) transaction, data from the first (failed) transaction continued to be displayed.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue that would cause chargeback reversals to be created for the debit transaction, instead of the chargeback transaction.
  • Transaction List: Fixed an issue that would cause an error in the advanced search when changing the comparison operator from a range to any other operator.
  • Transaction List: Fixed an issue with sorting credit card fields. Note that BIN data cannot be sorted.
  • User Management: The permissions now governs access to the pivot table as well.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fixed an unhandled exception in the virtual terminal that would occur if the fee set or fee entity was not found. The exception is now handled and an empty surcharge value is returned.



  • Adyen (ADY): The payment reference for settlements is now saved.
  • Amazon Payment Services (AMAZO): It is now possible to filter transactions by the status "Accepted".
  • MultiSafepay (MUL): Added the chargeback reason for chargebacks.
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1-MAS): Additional data from the Stripe API response is now included in the postback's extraData.


  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Added support for the Sinpe payment method. This method supports bank transfers in Costa Rica.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Added support for payments via Trustly.
  • Zona Virtual SA - Zonapagos (ZONA-EP1-ZP): Added a generic payment method that redirects to the Zona Pagos payment page. The consumer can then select the desired payment method on this page to initiate the transaction.


  • Adyen (ADY-EP3-BIZ): Fixed an issue that would cause transactions that had been processed successfully to be assigned the status error or pending.
  • (CHE): Fixed an issue that would cause an error when retrieving the session ID.
  • eMerchantPay (EME-EP3-SEP): Fixed an error that would occur if the customer was not an IBAN customer.
  • Mashreq (MASH): Fixed an issue when checking 3DS credentials that would cause a type error.
  • Mercado Pago (MERPA-PROD): Fixed an issue with register transactions caused by the Amount For Card Verification not being included in the request to retrieve the issuer and payment method ID from the PSP.
  • Skrill (SKR-EP1): Fixed an issue related to email addresses not being tied to a Skrill account when requesting a payout. This would cause the payout to fail.
  • Volt (VOL): Fixed an issue caused by incorrectly handling errors in a response as a result.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.




  • Transaction API: Fixed an issue where adapter error codes (errors.adapterCode) were sometimes returned as a numeric value instead of as a string.



  • Connector Configuration: When adding a connector or meta-connector, the public integration key is now prefilled with a random valid value. This value can still be edited and realtime feedback is provided on whether the edited value is valid.
  • Connector Settings: Ensured referenceUuid is present in all cases when the connector setting Postback/Status: include reference uuid for all subsequent transactions in postback request and status response is enabled.
  • Virtual Terminal: The virtual terminal has been reworked, including the Transaction, Customer, Credit Card and Payment details sections. New permissions have been introduced to handle the new streamlined form. Some of the business logic has been reworked or extended and GST calculations are now included in the Transaction section. The type of transactions available in the virtual terminal can now also be restricted using a new tenant/connector setting. For more information, refer to the User Manual.


  • Connector Settings: Added a new connector setting Postback/Status: Include captureId for debit transactions in postback request and status response if available to enable sending captureId in callback requests and status responses.


  • BI Data Source: Fixed the recurring status for chargeback and chargeback reversal transactions in the BI data source.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Fixed an issue that would cause an error if the ID for a post processing job schedule was incorrect.
  • Post Processing Jobs: It is now possible to add static values to aggregated lines in CSV exports by defining a default value for the static column field.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Settlements can now be resolved using all available IDs.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: When assigning a connector to a provider, it is now possible to view and select the connectors for these merchants assigned to sub-tenants.
  • User Management: Fixed an issue that could result in an error when a user attempts to change their password. In such cases, users are now redirected to the login page instead.



  • Adyen (ADY-EP1-CC, ADY-EP3-CC): Added support for network tokenization.
  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Added an option to omit the callback_url parameter, as this removes the back button on the dLocal payment page.
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1-CC): 3DS result data from Stripe is now included in callbacks.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Added a new setting, Debit waits for webhook, to postpone marking a debit transaction as successful. This setting waits for the capture event webhook notification instead of relying solely on the authorization webhook.


  • Worldline (ING-EP2-MUB): Added support for the Multibanco payment method (bank transfer). Multibanco is the largest interbank network in Portugal.


  • Adyen (ADY-EP3): Updated the API documentation to include the merchantOrderReference parameter.
  • Braintree (BRA): Added support for settling chargeback reversals.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYGT-CC): Updated the adapter documentation to cover new capabilities (PreAuth, Void, Capture).
  • E-Comprocessing, eMerchantPay (ECP-EP1, EME-EP3-CC): Added API documentation for eMerchantPay and E-Comprocessing.
  • MultiSafepay (MUL-EP1): Fixed a typo in the status used by callback handling for chargebacks.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1): Updated the API documentation to include information on mandatory fields.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1-CC): Fixed an issue that caused the transaction ID to be incorrectly set to IXOPAY's internal UUID until the callback is received.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.




  • Batch Upload API: Fixed a number of issues with the Batch Upload API:
    • Fixed a bug that generated an incorrect output format when an error occurred.
    • Fixed an issue when querying the status of a batch request that would result in an HTML response being generated when the batch ID referenced a non-existent batch. A JSON response is now generated containing "batch not found".
    • In cases where validation errors (e.g. the merchantTransactionId is already assigned) prevents a transaction from being created, the transaction was not written to the output at all. The output now includes a line with success = false, along with an error message in the output file for every transaction that could not be created.
  • Transaction API: Removed the thousands separator from the amount field in callbacks for transactions with a surcharge fee.



  • UI: The Tools section in the platform has been overhauled. The entries previously located here have been moved to more relevant parts of the platform - this includes options such as BitPay pairing and Tokenization.


  • Job Configuration: Added a new feature to automatically add comments to potentially fraudulent transactions and send out emails with relevant information.


  • Connector Settings: Fixed a minor visual issue that occurred when selecting the same connector setting twice. The setting was then displayed twice. The setting is now only displayed once.
  • Post Processing Setting: Fixed an issue with sending callbacks for transactions created via settlements.
  • Transaction List Filter: Fixed an issue with the filter for transactions created in test mode not being applied correctly.
  • User Management: Fixed an issue where users were unable to add new merchant users unless they had the frontend.users.roles.edit permission.



  • Amazon Payment Services (AMAZO-EP1-CC): Added support for the new JSON settlement format.


  • Alignet (ALI-EP01-CC): Alignet is a leading technology company based in Peru, specializing in solutions for secure electronic transactions. They pioneered the use of 3-D Secure in Latin America and are a key supplier of major banks in the region. The adapter supports credit card transactions.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1): Added support for the Blik payment method. Blik allows for bank transfers and covers all major Polish banks.
  • PayTabs (PAYT-EP01-VALU): PayTabs is a payment processing solution specializing in seamless online transactions in areas such as the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia. The adapter currently supports payments using the valU BNPL payment method in Egypt.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Added a new endpoint as well as the option to switch between old and new endpoints in the configuration.
  • Worldpay, (CHE, WOR): Updated the API documentation for and WorldPay WPG to include AVS and CVV responses.


  • Adyen (ADY-EP3): Fixed an issue with missing notification verification for AdyenCheckout.
  • Adyen (ADY-EP3-RIV):
    • Added support for partial captures for the Riverty payment method using Adyen Checkout.
    • The IP address field is now optional instead of mandatory when using the Riverty payment method with AdyenCheckout.
  • Bitpay (BTP-EP1-CR): Fixed pairing issues with the new Bitpay connector configuration.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2): Fixed an issue with Braintree's Address Verification Service.
  • (CHE):
    • Fixed the handling of settlements for transactions with multiple partial captures.
    • Multiple fees are now supported for a single transaction in the settlement report.
  • Klarna (KLW-EP1-APM): HTTP 400 responses are now mapped correctly.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01): Added handling for the status "Awaited", which previously returned an error (due to this status not being documented by CCAvenue). The transaction is now set to pending when this status is received.
  • MultiSafepay (MUL): Fixed an issue with the settlement fetcher that prevented settlements from being retrieved.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP2): Enabled support for partial captures.
  • Zona Virtual SA - Zonapagos (ZONA-EP1):
    • A unique numeric value is now generated and sent to Zona Virtual as the payment ID Id_pago. This value is stored in the additionalId1 field in IXOPAY as a payment reference that is used if the payment fails.
    • Changes have been made to the mandatory fields. The following fields are no longer mandatory: merchantMetaData, extraData.idType, customer.identification.
    • Fixed the default error mapping.
    • Added mapping for the error when a payment cannot be found.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.




  • API: The Transaction API has been updated to allow pay-by-link transactions to be cancelled with an API call using the URL supplied in the initial response.


  • Account Updater: A new view has been added to the Account Updater, showing all merchants for the selected tenant, and permissions can now be set to view the enrollment status of merchants in the overview.


  • Fee Management: Fixed an issue that prevented fees from being configured if no fee set had been added for the connector.
  • Post Processing: Fixed an issue that caused the post-processing job to fail when settlement reports were uploaded without a header.
  • Transaction Details: Fixed an issue where the payByLink and the surcharge transaction data was not copied to the new retry transaction when retrying a transaction.
  • Virtual Terminal: Added support for the Montenegrin language to the virtual terminal.



  • Bank of America (BOFA-EP1-ACH): Added AchData return data for API results, status responses and callbacks.
  • Bank of America (BOFA-EP1-ACH): Added support for register and follow up debit transactions.
  • MultiSafepay (MUL): Added a new customer extraData parameter, locale, which maps directly to the MultisafePay locale parameter.
  • Worldline (ING): Added support for refund transactions in settlements.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.




  • Post Processing Jobs: Added a new configuration option in the job configuration Processing Step: Copy Line Items from related batch - Do not aggregate line items with the same name that allows two line items with the same name.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Added a new Provider Setting - Reconciliation: Create Provider Settlement with Conflict Log to handle settlements provided via reconciliation (e.g. PayPal) in cases where the transaction is missing or unknown.
  • UI Navigation: The Customer Profiles and Account Updater have been moved to the Tokenization menu.



  • (CHE-EP1): Aggregated payout information is now represented as line items in settlements. This includes interchange fees, scheme and network fees, provider fees, gateway fees and chargeback fees.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYGT-PMR): Updated the parser to handle the updated structure in newer settlement files.
  • eMerchantPay (EME-EP3): Removed the check that data has been entered in mandatory fields in EMPGenesis, as these mandatory fields can be disabled for the merchant by the PSP.


  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): Added support for additional data (STC, AID, BN) required by Braintree for airlines and travel merchants when using PayPal as the payment method.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): Added support for tenant-specific BN code which are included with pre-authorization and debit transactions.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2-CC): Added support for level 2/3 data for Visa and Mastercard transactions via Braintree.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01-CCRD): Added a new adapter for Mashreq. Mashreq a leading financial institutions in the UAE that provides banking and financial services. The adapter supports credit card transactions and settlements.
  • MultiSafepay (MUL-EP1): Added support for reconciliation and settlements for the Multisafepay adapter.
  • PayPal (PPA-EP1-PPE): Wallet data (first name and last name) is now exposed under Additional Info for payouts and debits.
  • Worldpay (ING-EP2): Added the option to configure an SFTP host and SFTP private key with optional SFTP passphrase instead of an SFTP password.


  • BDO (BDO-EP1-GCASH): Risk check are now correctly applied to the BDO adapter.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYGT-CC): Added a check for a mandatory description in refunds.
  • PayPal (PPA-EP1-PPE): Fixed an issue handling the refund amount in partial refunds received via postback.
  • PayU (PAU-E01-CC): Implemented a method for tokenizing cards using debit and refund transaction for Colombia, as authorization and register transactions are not supported.
  • Redsys (RED-EP1-CC): Fixed an issue with the key length in the paramsKey extraData parameter.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1): Fixed error handling during Volt settlement notification handling.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1): By default the full list of banks is now retrieved for Volt. A subset of banks can be retrieved using and parameters.limit.
  • Worldline (ING-EP3-CC): Fixed Worldline Ogone TWINT settlement refund fee handling.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.