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9 posts tagged with "Transaction List"

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Gateway — v.25.3

Gateway API


  • Transaction API: Add the includeTracing parameter for Status API and Transaction API for debit & preauthorize requests, enabling transaction routing and cascading details in the Status API response and Transaction API callbacks.

Gateway Features


  • Audit Log: Update the User-Management report to reflect the selected user type (userType), include user descriptions (description), the merchant column (merchant) for relevant user types.


  • Connector Settings: Add a new connector setting: Expire transaction with a given status after given minutes, allowing configuration of multiple statuses and expiration times. This replaces the need for separate settings for pending and automatic transaction expirations.
  • Transaction Details:
    • Allow adding custom data values to manual refunds and captures, configurable in tenant settings.
    • Introduce a new permission, frontend.transaction.add-extradata-to-manual-capture-refund, to manage access to this feature.
  • Transaction List: Restore the Copy from Standard Filter button in the advanced search.
  • User Management: Add a new field, Description, to the base data for all users, visible in the Create New User, Edit User, and User Overview views.


  • Connector Settings: Deprecate the connector settings Expires pending transactions after given minutes and Transactions: Expire automatically after (x) minutes, as their functionality is now covered by the new setting that supports expiring transactions based on specific statuses.

Gateway Adapters


  • EquensWorldline (EQW): Add ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) to settlement when parsing reconciliations.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2-CC): Improve documentation for new extraData fields (extraData["card.cardVerificationResult"], extraData["card.cardVerificationResultCode"], and extraData["card.paymentAccountReference"]).


  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Correct the payout country restrictions link in the adapter documentation.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v25.2

Gateway API


  • Transaction API: Extend the callbackUrl length for refund requests (Refund) from 255 to 4096 characters.


  • Customer profiles API: Add the fields associatedTokenType and networkTokenStatus to the /api/v3/customerProfiles/:apiKey/getProfile response for payment instruments of type card.

Gateway Features


  • Transaction Details: Add an Associated Tokens column (Network Token with Status, Google Pay Token, and Apple Pay Token) to the Customer Profile credit card payment instruments in the admin and merchant views.
  • User Management: Add a new permission for a read-only view of roles.


  • Transaction List: Fix the advanced transaction list filter for Retrieval Reference Number (RRN).

Gateway Adapters


  • EPG Financial Services Limited (EPG-EP01): Allow passing the extraData.ext_client_id parameter for Premium Partner solution participants to link Paylado accounts with player accounts.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA): Add support for settlement handling.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2-CC): Adds extraData["card.cardVerificationResult"], extraData["card.cardVerificationResultCode"], and extraData["card.paymentAccountReference"] to the response and callback payloads.
  • KakaoPay (KAKAO): Updated default behavior to fetch settlement files from yesterday instead of looking back 30 days on the first fetch.
  • PayPal (PPA): Map actual-net-settlement-amount settlement line item for reconciliation.
  • Redsys (RED-EP2-BIZ): Add support for the new payment method Bizum. Bizum is a service promoted by Spanish banks that connects customers' current bank accounts by linking them to their cell phone number.
  • Worldpay (WOR): Change the chargeback creation date from the webhook receipt date to the date_post provided in the postback request.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1-CC): Add a recommendation to the adapter documentation to enable the connector setting Postback: Send After Each Notification for online refund notifications.


  • Paymob (PMO-EP2-CCRD): Add the Paymob adapter with support for redirect credit card payments. Paymob (formerly known as WeAccept) is a payment service provider and payment aggregator that empowers businesses to get paid wherever their customers are.


  • KCP Mobile (KCPMO-EP1): Fix encoding issue on the Hosted Payment Page.
  • Mashreq (MASH): Fixed an issue with postback sharing where transactions were not processed correctly when postback sharing was enabled via the setting Accept postbacks from other connectors (list GUIDs comma-separated).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Add mapping for payment state 15 to “Transaction Declined” error.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.21



  • Push API: Add transactionSubType to the /chargeback endpoint.



  • Risk Profile: Add parameters to Count Chargebacks Risk Engine Strategy to include or exclude RDR transactions.


  • Account Updater: Add connector setting Account Updater: Snooze Updates for Status Contact-Cardholder to skip future account updater runs for the response status Contact-Cardholder for up to 36 months.
  • BI Data Source: Add field subType to the BI Data Source enabling better transaction distinction and filtering of RDR transactions.
  • Dashboard: Add a filter for subType to Trend: Compare Chargeback Rate dashboard widget.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Add Transaction Type and Transaction Subtype columns to the exported email of the Send Reports to Merchants post-processing job strategy.
  • Risk Profile: Add Is Credit Card Prepaid and Is Credit Card Reloadable risk rules.
  • Transaction List: Add field subType to the Advanced Filter enabling better transaction distinction and filtering of RDR transactions.


  • Transaction Details: Fix Load More button for transaction logs exceeding 100 entries.



  • Bangkok Bank (BB): Add optional PGPPrivateKey and PGPKeyPassPhrase fields to the data fetcher's Extra Data, to support PGP-encrypted settlement file decryption.
  • (CHE): Remove the requirement to send customer.bic or customer.extraData.bic fields and the requirement to perform a separate /options getIssuers call.
  • CMI (CMI): Add support for settlement handling.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1): Remove the requirement to send, this is now an optional field.
  • PayTabs (PAYT-EP01): Add connector config Enable iframe mode to support checkout via iFrame.
  • PPRO (PPR-EP1): Add a configuration option for alternative PPRO return mode.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Add support for chargeback notifications.


  • Fiuu (FIUU-EP1): Add the Fiuu (formerly Razer Merchant Services) adapter with support for debit and refund transactions. Fiuu is Southeast Asia's leading payment gateway, enabling seamless payments for businesses and individuals.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2): Add the J.P.Morgan Commerce Platform adapter with support for debit, preauthorize, (partial) capture, (partial) refund, and recurring transactions. J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering solutions to clients in more than 100 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available.


  • KakaoPay (KAKAO-EP1): Add extraData.paymentMethodType field with possible values MONEY or CARD.
  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO-EP1, KCPPC-EP01): Fix live endpoint.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1):
    • Fix missing prepareCallEndpoint for the multi-method payment connector.
    • Ensure PPCP payment method availability in the multi-method payment connector.
  • SIA (SIA-E01): Fix setting transaction status to error on failed 3DS authentication, enabling follow-up THREEDSAUTHORIZATION2 call.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.16



  • Provisioning API: Added processing:copy-customer-data-from-customer-profile-transaction to the connector settings.



  • User Management:
    • Removed deprecated ACL abilities connector.WorldlineOgone.PostFinanceCard and connector.WorldlineOgone.PostFinanceEFinance.
    • Migrated existing deprecated ACL abilities to connector.IngenicoDirect.PostFinancePay.


  • Connector Configuration: Add new connector setting Customer Data: Copy from customer profile transaction. If activated the shopper's information is added from the transaction that was used to create a customer profile.


  • Job Configuration: Fixed an issue that could occur when saving Global Job Schedules.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Fixed the post-processing filter Transaction is not referenced in any job of this Job Type, ensuring it now correctly picks up transactions already collected by other job types.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Fixed the bug where the default state for newly created job schedules would be scheduled instead of Manual trigger only.
  • Transaction List: Fixed the advanced search to also filter for the meta_connector_guid when searching for transactions of a connector.
  • Transaction List: Fixed handling operators IS_EMPTY and IS_NOT_EMPTY for the advanced search.



  • dLocal (DLO): Added support for settlement handling.
  • Klarna (KLW): Updated and restructured the documentation according to our latest guidelines.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1-CC): Added support for the PayPal Advanced Credit Cards and Debit Card (ACDC) method.
  • PayTabs (PAYT-EP01-CCRD): Added support for the redirect credit-card payment method.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Added support for Discover credit cards.
  • Straight2Bank Pay (STRAI): Added the configuration option daysOffset to delay data fetching a certain number of days.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Added support for chargeback handling through webhooks.


  • Adyen (ADY-EP1, ADY-EP2, ADY-EP3): Fixes handling of second chargebacks for Adyen settlements.
  • Alipay - Ant Group (ANT-EP1-ALI): Limit retries of failed transactions to three attempts.
  • Global Payments (GBP): Fixed specifying the settlement amount.
  • PAYONE (PASIX): Fixed handling of negative fee amounts in settlements for interchange fees of refunded transactions.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Fixed incorrectly disabled partial capture, partial void, and incremental authorization.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.15



  • Provisioning API: Resolved an error in the Provisioning API by adding null checks when building response objects for meta connectors without a default connector.
  • Push API: Fixed handling of request bodies with invalid JSON.



  • Customer Profiles: Made the action column in the customer profile payment instruments table non-sortable.
  • Transaction List: Increased the number of displayed connectors in the advanced search form from 100 to 700.


  • Post Processing Jobs: Added the ability to export transaction extra data in post-processing export strategies, including "Write customized Settlement CSV", "Export Transactions to XLSX (Version 2)", "Export Transactions to XLSX", and "Export Transactions to CSV". Also, added "key" and "default" column configurations to "Export Transactions to XLSX (Version 2)", "Export Transactions to XLSX", and "Export Transactions to CSV".


  • Account Updater: Improved the account updater to consider BIN lookup results alongside the card type for more accurate processing.
  • Account Updater: Fixed an issue in the Account Updater that caused cards to appear as updated twice in the batch for clients.
  • Connector Settings: Fixed a bug that caused the connector settings "Transactions: Expire automatically after (x) minutes" and "Expires pending transactions after given minutes" to not work when added as Global Settings.
  • Customer Profiles: Use the correct customer profile container for meta connectors.
  • Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the pivot table couldn’t resolve the connector list, causing multiple selections to show as ‘n/a’.
  • Dashboard: Fixed a dashboard issue where GUIDs were displayed instead of merchant names.
  • Hosted Payment Pages: Removed async from Google Pay JS on hosted payment pages to enable synchronous loading, ensuring the Google Pay button displays reliably.
  • Transaction List: Updated transaction list links to ensure they work correctly by including a default status, preventing 404 errors.
  • Virtual Terminal: Fixed issues in the Virtual Terminal for direct debit transactions by preventing mandate date validation when the field is empty and correcting format validation to display proper error messages instead of "unknown error".



  • Klarna (KLW-EP1): Added a connector setting "treat the BACK status from klarna as CANCELLED".
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01): Added support for debit auto-capture.
  • PAYONE (PASIX): Add new mappings for settlements:
    • Markup fee (condCode 701)
    • Dispute fee (condCode 55).
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Added support for the in-store card deposit payment method.
  • Sepa Express (SEP-EP3-SEP): Added support for settlement handling.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Always store the adapter transaction identifier if present to properly handle subsequent transactions.


  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Fixed system trace audit number (STAN) issue by using a modulus operation on the transaction ID to ensure it fits within base36 encoding limits.
  • iyzico (IYZ): Fixed settlement handling for Iyzico to correctly parse the batch number for all settlement objects.
  • Spreedly (SPR-EP1-CC): Fixed date parsing to correctly handle microseconds included by the PSP.
  • Transbank (TRANS-TSB1): Fixed handling of empty responses.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.