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Gateway — v.25.0

Gateway API


  • Provisioning API: Fix an error that occurred when attempting to update merchant users with apiUserSettings configured.

Gateway Features


  • Connector Configuration: Change save message of connector configuration to display multiple validation errors simultaneously, instead of just one.
  • Risk Profile:
    • Applied cosmetic changes for consistency, including button renaming and layout adjustments.
    • Restricted Audit Log access with the Admin User Permission


  • API Testing: Add a Clear CC Token button to the API Testing view to reset credit card fields without refreshing the page.
  • Risk Profile: Add a new risk rule to validate the presence of both the transaction indicator and reference scheme ID.
  • Risk Profile: Add support for BIN segments (Consumer, Business, Commercial, Government, Unknown) and add a new risk rule BIN segment of credit card is [in, not in] [list of segments] to replace the previous BIN level of credit card is [in, not in] [list of levels] rule in the future, allowing checks for specific BIN segments.


  • Connector Settings: Fix compatibility of the Manipulation: Always set withRegister connector setting on meta-connectors with Customer Profiles to ensure payment instruments are properly stored.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fix an issue where the upload button remained in the uploading state after a manual file upload error.

Gateway Adapters


  • dLocal (DLO-EP1):
    • Add /options/installmentsPlan endpoint to retrieve installment plans.
    • Add extra data parameters to debit and preauthorize transactions to enable installements (extraData.installments and extraData.installments_plan_id).
    • Change required status of customer.nationalId from mandatory to optional.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2): Add support for partial void transactions.
  • KakaoPay (KAKAO-EP1): Add support for settlement and reconciliation handling.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1):
    • Change required status of from mandatory to optional.
    • Change sFTP retrieval to no longer require permissions to rename the file on the remote server for settlement and reconciliation handling.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1): Add chargeback protection details to postback response, including seller protection status (extraData.seller_protection_status), dispute categories (extraData.seller_protection_dispute_categories), and PayPal account status (extraData.paypal_account_status).
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Add postback handling for online refunds. Merchants will receive the Refund Authorisation Reference number in extraData.refundAuthorisationReference via postback.


  • Banco Popular Dominicano (BPD-EP1): Add the Banco Popular Dominicano adapter with support for debit transactions. Banco Popular Dominicano is the first privately owned bank in the Dominican Republic and is the leader in a wide range of banking and financial services in the country. It is the principal company of Grupo Popular.


  • Global Payments (GBP): Prevent duplicate settlement errors by using more specific settlement batch numbers.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2):
    • Fix handling of partial void followed by capture.
    • Update extraData.totalAuthAmount after partial void.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1-PPE):
    • Enable partial capture and void capabilities for the PayPal payment method via the PayPalCompletePlatform adapter.
    • Ensure that the PayPal Partner Attribution ID is set for transactions processed through multi-method connectors.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1): Fix mapping of error code 100(77).
  • Stripe (STRV2-EP1): Use net amount instead of gross amount when parsing Line Items and Rolling Reserve for the Stripe Settlement Report.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.21



  • Push API: Add transactionSubType to the /chargeback endpoint.



  • Risk Profile: Add parameters to Count Chargebacks Risk Engine Strategy to include or exclude RDR transactions.


  • Account Updater: Add connector setting Account Updater: Snooze Updates for Status Contact-Cardholder to skip future account updater runs for the response status Contact-Cardholder for up to 36 months.
  • BI Data Source: Add field subType to the BI Data Source enabling better transaction distinction and filtering of RDR transactions.
  • Dashboard: Add a filter for subType to Trend: Compare Chargeback Rate dashboard widget.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Add Transaction Type and Transaction Subtype columns to the exported email of the Send Reports to Merchants post-processing job strategy.
  • Risk Profile: Add Is Credit Card Prepaid and Is Credit Card Reloadable risk rules.
  • Transaction List: Add field subType to the Advanced Filter enabling better transaction distinction and filtering of RDR transactions.


  • Transaction Details: Fix Load More button for transaction logs exceeding 100 entries.



  • Bangkok Bank (BB): Add optional PGPPrivateKey and PGPKeyPassPhrase fields to the data fetcher's Extra Data, to support PGP-encrypted settlement file decryption.
  • (CHE): Remove the requirement to send customer.bic or customer.extraData.bic fields and the requirement to perform a separate /options getIssuers call.
  • CMI (CMI): Add support for settlement handling.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1): Remove the requirement to send, this is now an optional field.
  • PayTabs (PAYT-EP01): Add connector config Enable iframe mode to support checkout via iFrame.
  • PPRO (PPR-EP1): Add a configuration option for alternative PPRO return mode.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Add support for chargeback notifications.


  • Fiuu (FIUU-EP1): Add the Fiuu (formerly Razer Merchant Services) adapter with support for debit and refund transactions. Fiuu is Southeast Asia's leading payment gateway, enabling seamless payments for businesses and individuals.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2): Add the J.P.Morgan Commerce Platform adapter with support for debit, preauthorize, (partial) capture, (partial) refund, and recurring transactions. J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering solutions to clients in more than 100 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available.


  • KakaoPay (KAKAO-EP1): Add extraData.paymentMethodType field with possible values MONEY or CARD.
  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO-EP1, KCPPC-EP01): Fix live endpoint.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1):
    • Fix missing prepareCallEndpoint for the multi-method payment connector.
    • Ensure PPCP payment method availability in the multi-method payment connector.
  • SIA (SIA-E01): Fix setting transaction status to error on failed 3DS authentication, enabling follow-up THREEDSAUTHORIZATION2 call.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.13




  • Pay-by-Link API: Fixed an issue that would prevent a pay-by-link transaction from being canceled if a failover occurred for the transaction.
  • Push API: Fixed an issue that would cause a type error if an empty body request was submitted in a Push API request.
  • Transaction API: Fixed an issue where invalid 3DS values (browserColorDepth, browserTimezone) sent to the API in transaction data would cause an error. These invalid values are now ignored.



  • Connector Settings: The "Postback: Include 3DS Data" connector setting is now also available in the global settings.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Optimized the process of collecting transactions in post-processing jobs.
  • UI Navigation: Improved the parent tenant selection when creating a new tenant. By default, the current tenant is set as the parent tenant and the drop-down is now searchable.
  • UI Navigation: Updated risk logs so that they are loaded asynchronously. This improves the initial load time for the transaction details view. Risk data is now only loaded when expanding the view.


  • Connector Configuration: Added audit logs for the "Additional Configs" in the connector view.


  • Audit Log: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when accessing the audit log if the corresponding merchant cannot be found when checking access permissions.
  • Fee Management: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when changing the mapping to a different fee entity. The mapping for the old fee entity is now removed, and the mapping is set to the new fee entity.
  • Post Processing Setting: Fixed an issue with the "Create unknown transaction on connector with GUID" option for settlements that prevented unknown transactions in a settlement file from being added to the platform.
  • Provider: Fixed an issue that would occur when saving a connector configuration. Previously configured connectors that were assigned to the same provider were removed when the configuration was saved, with only the new configuration linked to the provider.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when trying to sort missing reconciliation data by merchant.
  • Risk Profile: Fixed an issue where saving a risk rule without entering parameter values would result in a type error.
  • Risk Profile: Fixed an issue that would cause an error when opening risk rules if the risk rule set ID referenced a risk rule set that does not exist. A 404 error is now displayed instead.
  • Transaction Processing: Fixed an issue caused by the platform attempting to collect 3DS information for Apple Pay transactions. The system now checks whether a transaction uses Apple Pay before collecting additional 3DS information.
  • UI Navigation: The loading page displayed for the collectMissing3DSecureData connector configuration was only displayed in English. The page is now displayed in the language of the transaction where available, with English as the fallback language.



  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Added a new gateway connector configuration option, "Force System Generated STAN". This option can be used to force the system trace audit number (stan) to be generated by the IXOPAY platform and stored in the additionalId1 field. The following options are available to determine the format of the STAN:
    • "Yes - Uppercase characters only"
    • "Yes - Upper- and lowercase characters".
  • Banca Intesa (BAI-EP1): If the PSP includes the TRACEID in a transaction response, it is now included in the postback.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-BLI): Added support for partial refunds for the Blik non-redirect payment method.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): Added support for line items and a corresponding option, includeLineItems has been added to the connector configuration.
  • dLocal (DLO-EP1-CC): The merchantTransactionId is now passed to the vault, in order to pass it on to the PSP in refund requests.
  • HypYaad (HYP): Removed the mapping of payment references in settlement files, as this could lead to a single settlement file being split into multiple settlements.
  • Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPG, BAMI): Added support for the scheme transaction ID.
  • Nexi Group (NETS-EP1): Added support for specifying the language in the checkout payload for transactions. This ensures that the language field is included in the payload if it is included in the transaction's extra data.
  • PayPal (PPA-EP1-PPE): Added the isFinalCapture flag for capture transactions. If set to true, the capture is marked as final on the PayPal side and no further captures are possible.
  • Simulator: Added support for incremental authorization for simulated credit card transactions.


  • WavePay (WAV): The WavePay push adapter allows cash collection payments to be pushed to the IXOPAY platform to ensure that these transactions are also available within the system.


  • Afterpay (AFT): Fixed an issue with retrieving the minimum/maximum price, caused by a missing interface.
  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Fixed an issue that would cause an error if settlement files are not formatted correctly.
  • Braintree (BRA): If rows in a settlement file did not include a settlement date, the settlement date was previously taken from the first value found in the "Settlement Date" column of the file. However, this could result in the settlement date being incorrect. The behavior has therefore been changed to set the settlement date to the transaction's disbursement date instead.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): The merchantAccountId is now only passed to Braintree's JavaScript SDK if a value is present.
  • iyzico (IYZ):
    • Fixed an issue with that would cause the batch number to be set to the entire file name of the settlement file, rather than the initial numerical portion of the file name. This was caused by empty rows in the settlement file.
    • Fixed an issue that would cause some settlement files to be parsed incorrectly.
  • Khipu (KHI): Fixed an issue with retrieving the bank list, caused by a missing interface.
  • Klarna (KLW): Fixed an issue that would result in the error "Invalid Response" being returned for transaction without a body. An empty body is now handled correctly, with the HTTP error code being checked prior to parsing the response.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01): Fixed an issue where the status of successful transactions was not set correctly due to the status in the response not being formatted as expected.
  • Payabl (P21): Fixed an issue caused by the error code parameter being evaluated incorrectly.
  • Paymee (PAYME-EP1-CCRD): Fixed an issue where refund amounts would be sent with a varying number of decimal places, which could sometimes lead to errors. Refund amounts are now formatted consistently.
  • Trustly (TRU): Fixed an issue that would cause a generic payment error if the private key required to generate the signature was missing. The system now checks for its presence.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.24.10



  • payment.js: In addition to styling the CVV and card number fields on checkout pages, it is now also possible to apply styles to their placeholder text.



  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Updated the data fetcher to:
    • Validate input data
    • Inform users when the data fetcher is saved with missing or invalid data
    • Allow the data fetcher's interval to be set to 0 (no retrieval). This is now also the default value for new data fetchers.


  • Audit Log: Added the ability to export user management audit logs that includes information on users, such as the date the user was added, modified or deleted, their last login and the tenant the user is assigned to. These export logs can be found under Security Center on the Audit Log Export tab.


  • Documentation: Updated the Schedule API documentation to address incorrect information.
  • Documentation: Fixed an issue with the signature testing tool that would cause it to generate an incorrect signature due to a difference in how the URL path is generated compared to the IXOPAY gateway.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Fixed an issue with chargeback reversals that would result in an error that the chargeback could not be found. This was caused by postback notifications that contain the same reference ID for both capture and preauthorization transactions.
  • Risk Profile: Fixed an issue that would prevent Starter and Growth users from editing the risk ruleset. When attempting to edit the ruleset, an error message was displayed that only one risk profile is allowed.
  • UI Navigation: Fixed an issue with Apple Pay and Google Pay transactions showing the incorrect icon for the token type.



    • Fixed an issue with mapping fees for SIX via the E-Link adapter. New mappings have been added for the scheme fees and interchange fees to address this.
    • Updated the handling of settlements to use the current date and time as the fallback value for the payment date and settlement number if this value is not present. This was the case if the refunded amount was larger than the captured amount. Furthermore, if a payment number is available, this is used as the payment reference.


  • China UMS (UMS-EP1-H5): Fixed an issue with missing adapter-related data in the postback notification.
  • Paysafecard (PSC-EP1): Fixed an issue that would cause refunds to fail due to the adapter transaction ID being truncated.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.23.22



  • Batch API: Addressed issues with the conversion of files from CSV to JSON, and conflicting UUIDs due to latency between the time when a transaction is submitted and actually processed.
  • Transaction API: Fixed an issue where if a failover transaction returns a merchant advice code, this MAC is not returned by the origin transaction. The MAC is now returned by the origin transaction.



  • Customer Profile: It is now possible to use the UUID or payment token from a customer profile to request a CVV refresh via payment.js. This makes it possible to ask the customer to enter their CVV for transactions using a stored credit card.
  • Post Processing Setting: Postback notifications are now sent when creating an "unknown" transaction.
  • UI: Information on the possible impact of daylight savings time is now displayed when editing job schedules.
  • User Management: Any changes to merchant users now require additional confirmation, and a message is displayed that these changes may have an effect on live processing.


  • Global Connector Settings: Transaction expiry settings are now displayed in the connector's global settings section.
  • Post Processing Job Configuration: The calculation of the net settlement amount in the "Write customized Settlement CSV" job step is now the same for refunds and chargebacks.
  • Risk Profile: The "Allowlist" and "Blocklist" risk rules no longer list credit card-related options such as the BIN and CC fingerprint for the meta-connector, as the card cannot be evaluated at this stage of processing.



  • Bitpay (BTP-EP1-CR): BitPay pairing has been moved to the connector's Additional Configuration tab.
  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Support has been added for PuntoXpress and PayCash in Costa Rica.
  • HUA NAN COMMERCIAL BANK (HNCB-EP2-HBQR): The key version used for encryption is now a configuration option.
  • Paynetics (PNE-EP1-CC): Added API documentation for Paynetics.
  • PAYONE (PASIX-EP3-CC): Added API documentation for Payone.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2-CC): Fixed an issue where tokens are flagged as single use when they should be flagged as recurring. These tokens can now be reused.


  • Adyen (ADY): Added a new data fetcher for settlements provided by Izyico.
  • Zona Virtual SA - Zonapagos (ZONA): Zona Virtual is a Colombian company with 23 years of experience in the e-commerce sector. The ZonaPagos adapter support payments via credit card and Pagos Seguros en Línea.


  • (CHE): Added support for "Partial Capture" settlement entries.
  • GoCardless (GOC): Fixed an issue with register transactions in the new server-to-server flow.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1-CC): Updated the API documentation to include mapping information.
  • Shift4 (CRE-EP1-CC): Fixed an issue with how UUIDs are formatted in failover transactions.
  • Sofort (SOF-EP2-SOF): Fixed an issue with refunds that would change the status of the original transaction from success to error.
  • Unzer (UNZER-EP1): The orderId in capture requests now uses the additionalId1 in the preauthorize transaction.
  • Valitor (VALIT-EP1-CC): Fixed an issue with duplicated preauthorize transactions in settlements.



  • API Documentation: Updated the API documentation to include information on the bin_digits parameter.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.