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Gateway — v.23.13



  • Post Processing Jobs: Added a new configuration option in the job configuration Processing Step: Copy Line Items from related batch - Do not aggregate line items with the same name that allows two line items with the same name.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: Added a new Provider Setting - Reconciliation: Create Provider Settlement with Conflict Log to handle settlements provided via reconciliation (e.g. PayPal) in cases where the transaction is missing or unknown.
  • UI Navigation: The Customer Profiles and Account Updater have been moved to the Tokenization menu.



  • (CHE-EP1): Aggregated payout information is now represented as line items in settlements. This includes interchange fees, scheme and network fees, provider fees, gateway fees and chargeback fees.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYGT-PMR): Updated the parser to handle the updated structure in newer settlement files.
  • eMerchantPay (EME-EP3): Removed the check that data has been entered in mandatory fields in EMPGenesis, as these mandatory fields can be disabled for the merchant by the PSP.


  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): Added support for additional data (STC, AID, BN) required by Braintree for airlines and travel merchants when using PayPal as the payment method.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP1-PPE): Added support for tenant-specific BN code which are included with pre-authorization and debit transactions.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2-CC): Added support for level 2/3 data for Visa and Mastercard transactions via Braintree.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01-CCRD): Added a new adapter for Mashreq. Mashreq a leading financial institutions in the UAE that provides banking and financial services. The adapter supports credit card transactions and settlements.
  • MultiSafepay (MUL-EP1): Added support for reconciliation and settlements for the Multisafepay adapter.
  • PayPal (PPA-EP1-PPE): Wallet data (first name and last name) is now exposed under Additional Info for payouts and debits.
  • Worldpay (ING-EP2): Added the option to configure an SFTP host and SFTP private key with optional SFTP passphrase instead of an SFTP password.


  • BDO (BDO-EP1-GCASH): Risk check are now correctly applied to the BDO adapter.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYGT-CC): Added a check for a mandatory description in refunds.
  • PayPal (PPA-EP1-PPE): Fixed an issue handling the refund amount in partial refunds received via postback.
  • PayU (PAU-E01-CC): Implemented a method for tokenizing cards using debit and refund transaction for Colombia, as authorization and register transactions are not supported.
  • Redsys (RED-EP1-CC): Fixed an issue with the key length in the paramsKey extraData parameter.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1): Fixed error handling during Volt settlement notification handling.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1): By default the full list of banks is now retrieved for Volt. A subset of banks can be retrieved using and parameters.limit.
  • Worldline (ING-EP3-CC): Fixed Worldline Ogone TWINT settlement refund fee handling.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.