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  • Provisioning API: Added processing:copy-customer-data-from-customer-profile-transaction to the connector settings.



  • User Management:
    • Removed deprecated ACL abilities connector.WorldlineOgone.PostFinanceCard and connector.WorldlineOgone.PostFinanceEFinance.
    • Migrated existing deprecated ACL abilities to connector.IngenicoDirect.PostFinancePay.


  • Connector Configuration: Add new connector setting Customer Data: Copy from customer profile transaction. If activated the shopper's information is added from the transaction that was used to create a customer profile.


  • Job Configuration: Fixed an issue that could occur when saving Global Job Schedules.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Fixed the post-processing filter Transaction is not referenced in any job of this Job Type, ensuring it now correctly picks up transactions already collected by other job types.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Fixed the bug where the default state for newly created job schedules would be scheduled instead of Manual trigger only.
  • Transaction List: Fixed the advanced search to also filter for the meta_connector_guid when searching for transactions of a connector.
  • Transaction List: Fixed handling operators IS_EMPTY and IS_NOT_EMPTY for the advanced search.



  • dLocal (DLO): Added support for settlement handling.
  • Klarna (KLW): Updated and restructured the documentation according to our latest guidelines.
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1-CC): Added support for the PayPal Advanced Credit Cards and Debit Card (ACDC) method.
  • PayTabs (PAYT-EP01-CCRD): Added support for the redirect credit-card payment method.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Added support for Discover credit cards.
  • Straight2Bank Pay (STRAI): Added the configuration option daysOffset to delay data fetching a certain number of days.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Added support for chargeback handling through webhooks.


  • Adyen (ADY-EP1, ADY-EP2, ADY-EP3): Fixes handling of second chargebacks for Adyen settlements.
  • Alipay - Ant Group (ANT-EP1-ALI): Limit retries of failed transactions to three attempts.
  • Global Payments (GBP): Fixed specifying the settlement amount.
  • PAYONE (PASIX): Fixed handling of negative fee amounts in settlements for interchange fees of refunded transactions.
  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Fixed incorrectly disabled partial capture, partial void, and incremental authorization.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.