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Gateway — v.25.3

Gateway API


  • Transaction API: Add the includeTracing parameter for Status API and Transaction API for debit & preauthorize requests, enabling transaction routing and cascading details in the Status API response and Transaction API callbacks.

Gateway Features


  • Audit Log: Update the User-Management report to reflect the selected user type (userType), include user descriptions (description), the merchant column (merchant) for relevant user types.


  • Connector Settings: Add a new connector setting: Expire transaction with a given status after given minutes, allowing configuration of multiple statuses and expiration times. This replaces the need for separate settings for pending and automatic transaction expirations.
  • Transaction Details:
    • Allow adding custom data values to manual refunds and captures, configurable in tenant settings.
    • Introduce a new permission, frontend.transaction.add-extradata-to-manual-capture-refund, to manage access to this feature.
  • Transaction List: Restore the Copy from Standard Filter button in the advanced search.
  • User Management: Add a new field, Description, to the base data for all users, visible in the Create New User, Edit User, and User Overview views.


  • Connector Settings: Deprecate the connector settings Expires pending transactions after given minutes and Transactions: Expire automatically after (x) minutes, as their functionality is now covered by the new setting that supports expiring transactions based on specific statuses.

Gateway Adapters


  • EquensWorldline (EQW): Add ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) to settlement when parsing reconciliations.
  • JPMorganChase (CHA-EP2-CC): Improve documentation for new extraData fields (extraData["card.cardVerificationResult"], extraData["card.cardVerificationResultCode"], and extraData["card.paymentAccountReference"]).


  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Correct the payout country restrictions link in the adapter documentation.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.23.18



  • Transaction API: Updated the API response to include the schemeReferenceIdentifier field.



  • Performance Optimization: Improved performance of the admin UI for users with many locked transactions.
  • Post Processing Jobs: Added a new post-processing option that calculates the sum total for line items with the same type and details (e.g. chargebacks) in the data export. A new field, thisLineItemValue sum has been added for this purpose.


  • Push Adapters: The OfflineInvoice and SepaDummy adapters now support preauthorize, register, capture, void, refund, debit and payout transactions, allowing these transactions to be included in IXOPAY.


  • Currency Conversion: The New Deviation Tolerance button is now only displayed if the user has permission to edit deviation tolerances.
  • Currency Conversion: Fixed an issue where a JSON response was received instead of an HTML page when pressing Enter while entering data for deviation tolerances.
  • Customer Profiles: Fixed an issue that caused a new customer profile to be added when sending a paymentToken of an existing customer profile by supplying a transactionToken and a customerProfileData.customerIdentification in the request.
  • Customer Profiles: Fixed an issue with how deleted customer profiles are handled.
  • Provider Setting: Only a single rolling reserve configuration can now be defined per payment method.
  • Provider Settlements and Reconciliation: The timestamp for when a transaction was last modified is now updated correctly in the settlement status.
  • User Settings: Fixed permissions for merchants assigned to sub-tenants.



  • dLocal (DLO-EP1): Extended the dLocal adapter to support transactions in Ecuador.
  • dLocal (DLO-EP1-BT): Added support for bank transfers in Costa Rica.
  • Straight2Bank Pay (STRAI-E01): Added a new option checkPaymentMethod for Straight2Bank settlements that only retrieves Billdesk transactions with the status CREDITED but not with the status SUCCESS.
  • Valitor (VALIT-EP1-CC): The ValitorPay adapter now supports network tokens.


  • Braintree (BRA-EP1): Extended the Braintree adapter to support Venmo as a payment method.
  • Braintree (BRA): Switched from a deprecated SDK version to the latest version, migrated from checkout.js to JS SDK and added support to passthrough items, shipping/billing address details, invoice ID, discounts and shipping costs.


  • ATOM (an NTT DATA Company) (ATOM-EP1-CC): Fixed an issue that caused the signature to be calculated incorrectly if data contained special characters.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2): Updated the handling of Braintree disbursement and settlement handling to reflect the file structure supplied by Braintree for Interchange plus (IC+).
  • EquensWorldline (EQW-EP2): Fixed the handling of responses using v3 of the API.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01-CCRD): Fixed the mapping of transaction IDs in settlements for Mashreq.
  • Nets Group (NETS-EP1): Fixed an issue with the Nets widget not displaying correctly on payment pages.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP1-CC, NUV-EP2-CC): Fixed an issue caused by Nuvei no longer providing the auth code in callbacks, which would cause refunds to fail.
  • Nuvei (NUV-EP2): Fixed the mapping of errors to IXOPAY error codes.
  • PAYONE (PASIX-EP1-CC): Added a new payment reference for Six that is valid for all countries.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1): Fixed the mapping of Volt transactions in settlements.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.

Gateway — v.23.14



  • Provisioning API: Fixed an issue with the Provisioning API that would prevent the creation of vault connectors under specific circumstances.



  • Fee Engine: Changed the behavior for configuring GST fees to reflect the Surcharge dependencies.


  • 3DS: The highest-supported 3DS version is now used where possible (i.e. 3DS v2.2.0 is used instead of v2.1.0). For more details, see 3DS 2.1.0 EOL and Changes to 3DS in IXOPAY.
  • Connector Settings: A new connector setting has been added (Postback/Status: Include isAFT in postback/status response) that includes information on whether AFT was performed using this transaction.
  • Post Processing: Added the ability to check whether data fetchers are set up correctly after adding or editing the data fetcher (currently only supported with the SepaExpress v1 settlement data fetcher). Results are shown in the data fetcher edit view.
  • Risk Profile: Added a filter check for all transactions with a payment instrument where the doNotResubmit flag is set for the Count of transactions using same payment instrument risk rule. Added the transaction's error status (error_adapter, error_internal, cancelled, invalid) to the transaction's status selection for the Count of transactions using same payment instrument risk rule.
  • Translation: Added Croatian and Slovenian to the merchant admin interface.


  • 3DS: When external 3DS solutions are used, the values are no longer included in the postback, as IXOPAY can neither guarantee they are correct nor complete.
  • Customer profiles: Fixed an issue that resulted in an incorrect wallet reference ID being entered in customer profiles.
  • Multi-method connector: Fixed an issue relating to the retrieval of customer profiles when used in combination with multi-method connector.
  • Search: Fixed an issue that prevented the advanced search filters from working with certain adapters.
  • Transaction List: The URL included in the transaction tree on the transactions details page not link to the transactions view.
  • Transactions: Fixed an issue where sending an amount without specifying a currency would set the amount to 0 for void transactions. This resulted in a full void instead of a partial void.
  • UI: Fixed the tooltips in the screens used to edit connectors.
  • UI: Fixed the responsive styling for the 3DS configuration, making values easier to see.



  • 2C2P (2C2P, 2C2P-EP1-CC): Added the option to ignore scheme fees to the settlement data fetcher configuration.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2-CC): Added support for a new disbursement file.
  • Braintree (BRA-EP2-CC): The Braintree adapter now supports the new settlement file format for Myanmar.
  • (CHE-EP1): Added the ability to configure a private key for the settlement data fetcher.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYGT-CC): Added a new Private key parameter that can be configured at the connector level for SFTP servers.
  • EquensWorldline (EQW-EP2): Changed from v2 of the API to the new v3 API.
  • Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPG-EP1-CC): Added support for Westpac settlement file handling.
  • Trustly (TRU-EP1): The response status can now be configured and failed payouts are set to FAILED.


  • Straight2Bank (STRAI-E01-MPESA): The Straight2Bank adapter now supports M-Pesa as a payment method.


  • American Express (AMX-EP1-AMX): Fixed the handling of chargebacks and chargeback reversals in settlements for American Express.
  • Bank of America (BOFA-EP1-ACH): Fixed an issue that caused export errors due to missing mandatory data.
  • Bank of America (BOFA-EP1-ACH): Fixed an error regarding the export of routing number extra data in the NACHA export for Bank of America.
  • DOKU (DOKU, DOKU-EP01): Added support for refund transactions ini DOKU settlements.
  • DOKU (DOKU, DOKU-EP01): Fixed the mapping of settlement fees and the handling of settlement amounts for the DOKU adapter.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYGT): The DPO settlement parser has been updated to handle the new CSV structure of the settlement files.
  • DPO Pay (PAYGA-PYG): Fixed the SFTP login to include the mandatory private key.
  • Mashreq (MASH-EP01-CCRD): The default currency for the Mashreq adapter has been changed to QAR.
  • PAYONE (PASIX-EP1-CC): Updated the configration for Six settlements to allow a customer-specific key to be entered.
  • Redsys (RED-EP2-BIZ): Added support for HMAC_SHA256_V1 as a signature version for merchant integrations.
  • Straight2Bank (STRAI-E01): Fixed the handling of refund settlements for Straight2Bank.
  • Trustly (TRU-EP1): Fixed the handling of Trustly credit notification events for payouts to update the status to error and prevent chargebacks from being created.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1): The bearer token status was re-added to the status request header after it was inadvertently removed.
  • Volt (VOL-EP1): Updated the handling of Volt settlement files.
  • Worldline (ING-EP2): Fixed a bug regarding the handling of webhooks.
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1): Fixed an issue that caused the settlement data fetcher to retrieve multiple settlements if the same settlement file was uploaded more than once.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.