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26 posts tagged with "API v2"

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API v2, Gateway, Payment Services v2 — v.25.1

Gateway Features


  • Job Configuration: Fix a bug in the post-processing job configuration where endpoint URL validation in the Send document to endpoint exporting configuration incorrectly restricted URL paths to lowercase only.

Gateway Adapters


  • KCP Mobile, KCP PC (KCPMO-EP1, KCPPC-EP01): Add extra data to callback and API response, including card acquirer code (extraData.acqu_cd), card issuer code (extraData.card_cd), payment method (extraData.pay_method), truncated PAN (extraData.card_no), and bank code (extraData.bank_code).
  • PayPal Complete Payments - PPCP (PPCP-EP1): Add chargeback protection details to API response, including seller protection status (extraData.seller_protection_status), dispute categories (extraData.seller_protection_dispute_categories), and PayPal account status (extraData.paypal_account_status).
  • Stripe (STRV2): Add support for account funding transactions (AFT).
  • Worldpay (WOR-EP1-CC): Add documentation about the extraData.refundAuthorisationReference parameter returned in callbacks.


  • PXP (PXP-EP1-INST): Fix a typo in an error message.
  • Worldline (ING-EP1, ING-EP2, ING-EP3, ING-EP4, ING-EP7): Fix chargeback handling in the settlement and reconciliation parser.

API v2


  • APIv2’s NetworkToken endpoints now return an error if multiple Network Tokens exist for a single token, requiring the new tokenReferenceId parameter to specify which one to use.

Payment Services v2


  • Add Merchant Advice and Brand Auth Response code mappings to AdyenDirect, FirstDataIPG, and Orbital gateways for additional insights on how to handle failed transactions.

Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.