- Transparent Gateway API v2
- Payment Services v2
Test: TGAPI v2, PS v2
- Transparent Gateway API v2
- Payment Services v2
Gateway — v.24.8
- Provisioning API: The
permission, used to grant access to dashboards, has been added to the Provisioning API.
- Blocklist: Extended the blocklist to include the ability to define automatic blocklist rules. These can be used to add credit cards to the blocklist based on the merchant advice code ("Do not retry") or error code.
- User Management: Fixed an issue with sending account recovery emails that would cause an error if the email failed to send.
- 2C2P (2C2P): Improved the error displayed when no transaction method is defined to better indicate the cause of the error.
- 2C2P (2C2P-EP1): Refunds in 2C2P settlements are now handled.
- PayPal (PPA-EP1-PPE): Added support for the Pay Later method to the Braintree adapter.
- Sampath Bank (SAMPA-SVNP1): Added support for credit card payments via redirect.
- Valitor (VALIT): Updated the adapter to automatically create a second chargeback if included in the settlements received from Valitor.
- Worldline (ING-EP2): Improved the mapping of error codes based on the specific error, rather than just the HTTP status code.
- Worldpay (WOR): Chargeback reversals for credit cards are now handled in settlements and included as line items.
- Adyen (ADY-EP3): Fixed an issue that could result in long request processing times caused by transactions being locked when multiple postbacks are received simultaneously.
- Nexi Group (NETS-EP2): Fixed the incorrect mapping of adapter error messages.
Please note that some of the features mentioned in the release notes may initially be available only within our sandbox environment for testing purposes. These features will be made available in the production environment upon successful testing and approval.
TGAPI v2, PS v2
- Transparent Gateway API v2
- Payment Services v2
Test: TGAPI v2, PS v2
- Transparent Gateway API v2
- Payment Services v2