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Test: TGAPI v2, PS v2

  • Transparent Gateway API v2
  • Payment Services v2

Transparent Gateway API v2

19619 TxMessage header not including all information

  • When calling /Detokenize with 1+ tokens to be detokenized AND a tx-response-regex which identifies 1+ data elements to tokenize, the tx-message header will now include both counts.
    Old tx-message: "Tokenize matches found: [1+]"
    New tx-message: "Detokenize matches found: [1+], Tokenize matches found: [1+]"

19383 Tokenize multiple data elements in a Transparent Gateway API v2 response

  • The tx-response-regex header now supports passing a stringified JSON object with regex-token scheme pairs which will guide the tokenization operations Transparent Gateway API v2 performs on the response payload.

Payment Services v2

19585 Braintree - Response Mapping

  • Added additional response parameters to the Braintree gateway implementation.

19814 Add riskdata.skipRisk parameter support to Adyen Checkout

  • Adyen Checkout: Risk checks can be skipped by including the parameter "SkipAdyenRiskChecks":true in Authorize and Purchase requests.

19864 Nuvei - Missing Response Parameters

  • Missing Nuvei response parameters have been corrected in the gatewayResponse.rawResponse.