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TGAPI v2, Portal, iFrame

  • Transparent Gateway API v2
  • Portal
  • iFrame

Transparent Gateway API v2

17871 - Added XML serialization for errors to Transparent Gateway API v2 with tx-accept header

  • Customers can now send tx-accept: */xml to get errors back in XML format.


17838 - Redesigned TGAPI Hosts Deletion Process

  • When choosing to remove hosts from the Customer Host Whitelist on the TGAPI Hosts page, a user now chooses each host they wish to remove, clicks the "Remove Selected Hosts" button, and then confirms the hosts to remove in the following dialogue. Not only does this allow for a user to remove multiple hosts at the same time, but it also gives a chance to confirm the hosts selected before going through with the removal process.


17910 - Added Autocomplete

  • Added autocomplete event that returns nameOnCard and cardExp values if they are available.