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API v2, Portal, PS v2, TGAPI v2

  • API v2
  • Portal
  • Payment Services v2
  • Transparent Gateway API v2

API v2

15245 - Ability to return the PAN via DetokenizeWithCVV even if the CVV is no longer present.

  • Added a new response for DetokenizeWithCvv in the event a CVV is no longer present for the associated token. The PAN associated with the token will be returned, along with reference number and a message stating "PAN Returned. CVV Value not present for supplied token".


15324 - Add Permissions Description for Support Admin to Portal.

  • Under Permissions in the Portal, a description was added for the Support Admin role.

15415 - Added label for max record including time zone and date/time filters for Portal error logs.

  • Added a new label that states ""*1,000 max record return, filtered in CST time zone."
  • Added date/time filters to run Portal error logs.

15252 - Proxy Profile ID Alias User Interface in Portal.

  • A View Alias button has been added to the Prox

Payment Services v2

15251 - Ability to continue with just the PAN if the CVV is no longer present using Payment Services v2.

  • Added tx-cvv-not-required header handling. Setting this header to true will allow the Payment Service call to continue even if no CVV is associated with the PAN token. If this new header is not present or is set to false, the call will fail with the 2012 error as it has previously.

15299 - Remove required attribute for all gateway fields.

  • When a request is sent to Payment Services v2, the required attributes have been removed to allow for each respective gateway to handle the field per their respective requirements.

15240 - Refactor Payeezy response handling.

  • The Payeezy error is now returned with the approved flag set to false and GatewayErrors is populated with the Payeezy error message.

Transparent Gateway API v2

15298 - A Multi-Part Proxy request needs to pass on the boundary header when supplied.

  • The boundary value has been added to the request going to the third party instead of being overridden in the request creation.

15250 - Ability to continue with just the PAN if the CVV is no longer present using TGAPI.

  • Added tx-cvv-not-required header handling. Setting this header to true will allow the call to continue even if no CVV is associated with the PAN represented by the token.

15405 - CVV purged timer updated.

  • Previously, if the tx-cachecvv header was set to true the CVV was cached in the TokenEx platform after 5-minutes to allow for retries in event of a failed authorization or to support 3Ds authentication. If a CVV was presented by the cardholder and re-associated with a token during that 5-minute window, the counter was not reset. This has been corrected.