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iFrame, API v2, Portal

  • iFrame
  • API v2
  • Portal


Bug 12995 - JSON Parse Error in iFrame

  • Fixed a bug triggered by some Chrome browser extensions that caused the iFrame not to properly load if null or undefined values were passed to the messageListener.

The sha384 hash for the current iFrame JavaScript library in Production is included in the SRI example below:

Production U.S.:
<script src="" integrity="sha384-KQidbfY/R4beFStUd2hLszHIP8vWr8AVyPPrJpHhxRDv0wWPNLlsXsGCFBdu3eDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Production E.U.:
<script src="" integrity="sha384-g0PgaIJWpIRxSTGIdo1HM/JcV4IKAmTO/k+jI8n0Da+7PjBY/t5mfmdjpidNkUhE" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

API v2

Bug 12825 - Added missing Content-Type header for authentication error responses

  • Previously, when the v2/Pci/DetokenizeWithCvv endpoint returned an authentication error, the response payload did not have a Content-Type header, causing issues when trying to parse the response payload.


BLI 12879 - Prevent logged-in users from being redirected to the Portal login page

  • Corrected issue where some users were redirected to the Client Portal login page immediately after logging in. Users who are logged in are now redirected from the login page to the Portal home page.