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iFrame, TGAPI v2

  • iFrame
  • TGAPI v2


BLI 11436 - Parameter added indicating presence of CVV

Added cvvIncluded response parameter to the Tokenize function, which returns true/false to indicate if the card CVV was captured and associated with the token.

Subresource Integrity (SRI) Reference:
<script src="" integrity="sha384-H95lbmlLUJOldKx1bJsT1IKpTERu3yoHVLAtg4o4ImtVjx6JDQ2OeOYbRNZwEQa1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Transparent Gateway API v2

BLI 11785 - Reference number header added to Proxy Tokenization

Proxy Tokenization now includes a reference number in the 1tx-reference-number` header of the inbound API request proxied to our client. The reference number is generated and added in the header post authentication and authorization of the inbound API request.