Lifecycle Management
This method is used to change the status of a network token. The following actions can change the status of a token: DELETE_TOKEN, RESUME_TOKEN, SUSPEND_TOKEN. To check the current status of a token, see the GetStatus method.
The following actions can be used to change the state of a network token.
Action | Equivalent JSON Value |
- Test URI:
- Prod US URI:
- Prod EU URI:
Required API Key Permissions: NetworkTokenizationGeneralAccess
Request Headers: Authentication and Authorization
* denotes a required fieldHTTP Request Header | Description |
tx-tokenex-id* | Like a username, this ID logically segments your tokenized data. |
tx-apikey* | Controls your access to individual function in the API |
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
token | string | The TokenEx token that represents the PAN and has an associated network token. |
lifecycleManagementAction | string enum | The action to update the status of the Network Token. Must be one of the following values (DELETE_TOKEN, RESUME_TOKEN, SUSPEND_TOKEN or 1, 2, and 3 respectively). |
requestReason | string | The reason for changing the status. |
tokenReferenceId | string | If there is more than one network token stored for that token, indicate which network token to use for this operation. |
Response Body Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | bool | Indicator if the request was successfully processed by TokenEx. |
referenceNumber | string | TokenEx reference number for the transaction. |
error | string | TokenEx Error Code and human readable description. |
message | string | Human readable message about response from TokenEx. |
networkResponse.tokenReferenceId | string | Unique reference identifier for the token generated. |
networkResponse.lifecycleManagementAction | Possible Values: DELETE_TOKEN, RESUME_TOKEN, SUSPEND_TOKEN | |
networkResponse.messageId | string | Unique message identifier (GUID format) of this command. |
networkResponse.conversationId | string | Message identifier assigned for the entire conversation (GUID format). Typically, it is generated by the initiator of the flow. |
networkResponse.statusCode | string | The four-digit status code. |
networkResponse.statusMessage | string | Human readable comments about the status. |
- Request
- Response
POST /v2/NetworkToken/LifecycleManagement HTTP/1.1
tx-apikey: YourAPIKey
tx-tokenex-id: YourTokenExID
Content-Type: application/json
"Token": "4761202544127718",
"LifecycleManagementAction": "SUSPEND_TOKEN",
"RequestReason": "Wallet LOST"
"networkResponse": {
"tokenReferenceId": "749f4d0d-4005-443e-9a66-0ea2d317b8f6",
"lifecycleManagementAction": "SUSPEND_TOKEN",
"messageId": "0c859b3b-6414-4e3a-b11b-db481c1107c2",
"conversationId": "b5a9390f-c232-4ab0-9808-a68168472dec",
"statusCode": "0000",
"statusMessage": null
"referenceNumber": "21082510103957444322",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "Network Token LifecycleManagement update successful!"