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Lifecycle Management

This method is used to change the status of a network token. The following actions can change the status of a token: DELETE_TOKEN, RESUME_TOKEN, SUSPEND_TOKEN. To check the current status of a token, see the GetStatus method.

The following actions can be used to change the state of a network token.

ActionEquivalent JSON Value

Required API Key Permissions: NetworkTokenizationGeneralAccess

Request Headers: Authentication and Authorization

* denotes a required field
HTTP Request HeaderDescription
tx-tokenex-id*Like a username, this ID logically segments your tokenized data.
tx-apikey*Controls your access to individual function in the API

Request Body Parameters:

tokenstringThe TokenEx token that represents the PAN and has an associated network token.
lifecycleManagementActionstring enumThe action to update the status of the Network Token. Must be one of the following values (DELETE_TOKEN, RESUME_TOKEN, SUSPEND_TOKEN or 1, 2, and 3 respectively).
requestReasonstringThe reason for changing the status.
tokenReferenceIdstringIf there is more than one network token stored for that token, indicate which network token to use for this operation.

Response Body Parameters:

successboolIndicator if the request was successfully processed by TokenEx.
referenceNumberstringTokenEx reference number for the transaction.
errorstringTokenEx Error Code and human readable description.
messagestringHuman readable message about response from TokenEx.
networkResponse.tokenReferenceIdstringUnique reference identifier for the token generated.
networkResponse.lifecycleManagementActionPossible Values: DELETE_TOKEN, RESUME_TOKEN, SUSPEND_TOKEN
networkResponse.messageIdstringUnique message identifier (GUID format) of this command.
networkResponse.conversationIdstringMessage identifier assigned for the entire conversation (GUID format). Typically, it is generated by the initiator of the flow.
networkResponse.statusCodestringThe four-digit status code.
networkResponse.statusMessagestringHuman readable comments about the status.
POST /v2/NetworkToken/LifecycleManagement HTTP/1.1
tx-apikey: YourAPIKey
tx-tokenex-id: YourTokenExID
Content-Type: application/json

"Token": "4761202544127718",
"LifecycleManagementAction": "SUSPEND_TOKEN",
"RequestReason": "Wallet LOST"