Invoke Functions
The Transparent Gateway API supports functions which allow for additional processing beyond detokenization and tokenization within the request body.
Function Notation – The function region is defined as the area between four sets of curly
brackets (i.e. {{{{FUNCTION_SPACE}}}}
) including the curly brakcets.
To invoke a function, pass the required parameters as key value pairs within the function space. Once processed, the resulting data will completely replace the function space.
To view detailed information about all available functions, please refer to the function-specific documentation pages:
CVV Function
Insert a security code (i.e. CVV) into the request body.
Encrypt Function
Encrypt data within the request body. The data to be encrypted may include a token, identified by token notation.
Decrypt Function
Decrypt data within the request body.
Use Network Token Function
Insert a network token and/or a network token expiration date into the request body.
P2PE Decrypt Function
This function can be used to decrypt data that was previously encrypted at a point-of-interaction (POI) device or payment terminal. This function can be used as part of a PCI-Validated P2PE Solution, or as part of a non-validated end-to-end encryption (E2EE) solution.