Get Card Metadata
This method is used to retrieve metadata for a credit card. This metadata includes card art, issuer information, card metadata and token metadata. This request will fetch the most up-to-date metadata for the card from the issuing bank. This method can be used by passing in a TokenEx token that has an existing network token associated with it.
- Test URI:
- Prod US URI:
- Prod EU URI:
Required API Key Permissions: NetworkTokenizationGeneralAccess
Request Headers: Authentication and Authorization
* denotes a required fieldHTTP Request Header | Description |
tx-tokenex-id* | Like a username, this ID logically segments your tokenized data. |
tx-apikey* | Controls your access to individual function in the API |
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
token | The TokenEx token that represents the PAN and has an associated network token. |
tokenReferenceId | If there is more than one network token stored for that token, indicate which network token to use for this operation. |
Response Body Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | bool | Indicator if the request was successfully processed by TokenEx. |
referenceNumber | string | TokenEx reference number for the transaction. |
error | string | TokenEx Error Code and human readable description. |
message | string | Human readable message about response from TokenEx. |
networkResponse.messageId | string | Unique message identifier (GUID format) of this command. |
networkResponse.conversationId | string | Message identifier assigned for the entire conversation (GUID format). Typically, it is generated by the initiator of the flow. |
networkResponse.statusCode | string | The four-digit status code. |
networkResponse.statusMessage | string | Human readable comments about the status. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.panReferenceId | string | The unique reference ID (GUID format) of the real PAN. It is required except when PAN is provided. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.paymentAccountReference | string | Globally unique reference of a cardholder’s PAN. It is commonly abbreviated as PAR. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardSuffix | string | The last four digits of the real PAN. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.panExpDate | string | The expiry date of the real PAN. The format is 'YYMM'. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardHolderEmbossedName | string | The embossed name on the physical card. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardCountryCode | string | A 2-character country code. The format is based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardName | string | The name of the card. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardType | string | The type of the card product (e.g., Credit, Debit). |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardLongDescription | string (64 max) | Description of card. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardShortDescription | string (32 max) | Description of card. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.coBranded | bool | It indicates if the card is a co-branded card. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.coBrandName | string | The card co-brand name. It is required if isCoBranded is set to true. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cardTypeIndicator | string [] | These are indicators (Boolean values) associated with the card. The expected values are PRIVATE_LABEL. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.expDataPrinted | bool | It indicates if the expiration date is printed on the card or not. |
networkResponse.encData.cardData.cvv2Printed | bool | It indicates if the cvv2 is printed on the card or not. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.termsAndConditionsId | string | Unique identifier (GUID format) of the terms and conditions. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.termsAndConditionsUrl | string | The website URL which is used to describe the terms and conditions. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardArtUrl | string | The website URL which is used to present card’s art image. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardBackgroundColor | string | The background color of the card specified as a CSS style RGB triple (hex format). |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardForegroundColor | string | The foreground color of the card specified as a CSS style RGB triple (hex format). |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.labelColor | string | The color of the label of the card specified as a CSS style RGB triple (hex format). |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.longDescription | string | The detailed description of the card product to be displayed inside the mobile wallet. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.shortDescription | string | The short description of the card product to be used for notification on the mobile device. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.issuerName | string | The name of the card issuer. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.issuerAddress | string | The physical address of the issuer main office. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.issuerEmail | string | The customer service email address of the issuing bank. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.issuerWebsite | string | The customer service website of the issuing bank. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.customerServiceTelephone | string | The customer service phone number of the issuing bank. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.onlineBankingUrl | string | The online banking website of the issuing bank. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.issuerPrivacyUrl | string | The privacy policy website of the issuing bank. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.issuerNotificationIcon | string | The icon of the issuing bank’s notification. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerData.issuerLogoUrl | string | The website URL of the issuing bank’s logo. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerAppData.issuerAppOSType | string | The operating system type of the issuing bank’s mobile application. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerAppData.issuerAppName | string | The name of the issuing bank’s mobile application for display purpose. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.issuerAppData.issuerAppAddress | string | The package name of the issuing bank’s mobile application. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardAssets[].guid | string | Unique identifier (GUID format) of the asset. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardAssets[].assetType | string enum | The type of asset. Possible values: CARD_ART_FOREGROUND, CARD_ART_BACKGROUND, ICON_ISSUER, TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS, COMBINED_BACKGROUND, ICON_PAYMENT_NETWORK, ICON_COBRAND, ICON_CARD |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardAssets[].mimeType | string enum | The mime type of the content. Possible values: IMAGE/PNG, IMAGE/JPEG, IMAGE/PDF, IMAGE/SVG+XML, TEXT/HTML, TEXT/PLAIN, APPLICATION/PDF, TEXT/XML |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardAssets[].pixelHeight | int | The height of the image in pixels. Set to zero for non-image MIME-types. |
networkResponse.cardMetadata.cardAssets[].pixelWidth | int | The width of the image in pixels. Set to zero for non-image MIME-types. |
networkResponse.tokenMetadata.tokenSuffix | string | The last four digits of the token value. |
networkResponse.tokenMetadata.tokenExpDate | string | The expiry date of the token. The format is 'YYMM'. |
- Request
- Response
POST /v2/NetworkToken/GetCardMetadata HTTP/1.1
tx-apikey: YourAPIKey
tx-tokenex-id: YourTokenExID
Content-Type: application/json
"Token": "476120FDallZ7718"
"networkResponse": {
"encData": {
"cardData": {
"panReferenceId": "2f2e15b3571cd5324bff124f8350f502",
"paymentAccountReference": "V0010013021211750239575607559",
"cardSuffix": "7718",
"panExpDate": "2212",
"cardHolderEmbossedName": null,
"cardCountryCode": null,
"cardName": null,
"cardType": null,
"cardLongDescription": "long",
"cardShortDescription": "short",
"coBranded": false,
"coBrandName": null,
"cardTypeIndicator": null,
"expDataPrinted": true,
"cvv2Printed": true
"cardMetadata": {
"termsAndConditionsId": "87e9ae34-defa-4e0b-9f02-b472199c2231",
"termsAndConditionsUrl": null,
"cardArtUrl": null,
"cardBackgroundColor": "RGB(122,55,84)",
"cardForegroundColor": "RGB(22,55,94)",
"labelColor": "RGB(122,255,84)",
"longDescription": "long",
"shortDescription": "short",
"issuerData": {
"issuerAddress": null,
"issuerEmail": null,
"issuerWebsite": "",
"customerServiceTelephone": "123-456-7899",
"onlineBankingUrl": null,
"issuerPrivacyUrl": null,
"issuerNotificationIcon": null,
"issuerLogoUrl": null
"issuerAppData": {
"issuerAppOSType": null,
"issuerAppName": null,
"issuerAppAddress": null
"cardAssets": [
"guid": "ff46730d-0288-4d96-aaf7-e6352a726118",
"assetType": "ICON_ISSUER",
"mimeType": "IMAGE/PNG",
"pixelHeight": 100,
"pixelWidth": 100
"guid": "bdf425c0-704c-4de0-aa05-94f897c18087",
"mimeType": "IMAGE/PNG",
"pixelHeight": 969,
"pixelWidth": 1536
"tokenMetadata": {
"tokenSuffix": "1814",
"tokenExpDate": "2212"
"messageId": "f2c0a901-4b7e-46fd-a436-d801385b775d",
"conversationId": "a9d95dcb-2ca0-4b03-bc12-bc78ee8379ca",
"statusCode": "0000",
"statusMessage": null
"referenceNumber": "21082508534912014069",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "Network Tokenization Get Card Metadata Successful!"