Gateway: https://www.emerchantpay.com/
Developer Documentation: https://emerchantpay.github.io/gateway-api-docs/?#transactions
Default Currency: USD
Request Objects: BillingAddress,
, SoftDescriptors
, StoredCredentials
Gateway Endpoints:
This implementation of EMerchantPay forwards requests to the below endpoints.
Production: https://username:[email protected]/process/TERMINAL_TOKEN/
Sandbox: https://username:[email protected]/process/TERMINAL_TOKEN
Supported Request Parameters
Field Name | Type | EMerchantPay Mapping | Notes |
gateway | string | N/A | EMerchantPay |
username | string | username | See Url parameters callout below. |
remoteIp | IPv4 or IPv6 address | remote_ip | IPv4 or IPv6 address of customer |
password | string | password | See Url parameters callout below. |
terminalToken | string | terminalToken | See Url parameters callout below |
amount | numeric | amount | The amount in minor units. For example, 2000 means EUR 20.00. Max length: 12 characters. |
currencyCode | string | currency | The three-character ISO currency code. Alpha-3 ISO currency code |
consumerId | string | consumer_id | \*Requires rememberCard on first transaction before use. |
rememberCard | bool | remember_card | Pass true to get a consumerId in the response. |
transactionId | string | transaction_id | Use this field on a secondary request if you are submitting a transactionId. If you do not have one, a new one will be generated for you. |
billingAddress.address1 | string | billing_address.address1 | Primary address |
billingAddress.address2 | string | billing_address.address2 | Secondary address |
billingAddress.city | string | billing_address.city | City |
billingAddress.country | string | billing_address.country | Three-Character Country Code ISO country code. TokenEx will convert to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. |
billingAddress.firstName | string | billing_address.first_name | Customer first name |
billingAddress.lastName | string | billing_address.last_name | Customer last name |
billingAddress.state | string | billing_address.state | State code required for USA and Canada |
billingAddress.zip | string | billing_address.zip_code | ZIP code |
billingAddress.email | string | customer_email | Must contain valid customer E-mail |
creditCard.cvv | string | cvv | cvv of cc, requirement is based on terminal configuration |
creditCard.expMonth | numeric | expiration_month | Expiration month as printed on credit card |
creditCard.expYear | numeric | expiration_year | Expiration year as printed on credit card |
creditCard.number | string | card_number | Complete cc number of customer |
threeDSecure.cavv | string | mpi_params.cavv | Verification Id of the authentication. Please note this can be the CAVV for Visa Card or UCAF to identify MasterCard. |
threeDSecure.dSTransId | string | mpi_params.directory_server_id | The Directory Server ID used for 3DSecure transactions through the 3DSv2 authentication protocol. |
threeDSecure.challengeIndicator | string | mpi_params.threeds_challenge_indicator | The 3DS challenge indicator that represents the exact indicator used during the authentication request to the MPI provider for synchronous 3DS transactions. It is optional but highly recommended for increasing the approval ratio. It can only contain one of the following values no_preference, no_challenge_requested, preference and mandate. The default value is no_preference. |
threeDSecure.eci | string | mpi_params.eci | The electronic commerce indicator. See EMerchantPay Docs. |
threeDSecure.programProtocol | string | mpi_params.protocol_version | The used 3DS protocol version. |
threeDSecure.threeDSecureVersion | string | mpi_params.protocol_sub_version | The used 3DS protocol sub version. |
threeDSecure.aCSTransId | string | mpi_params.acs_transaction_id | The ACS Transaction ID and is optional for 3DS transactions, but highly recommended for increasing the approval ratio. |
softDescriptors.merchantName | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_name | Allows to dynamically override the charge descriptor |
softDescriptors.merchantCity | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_city | Allows to dynamically override the merchant phone number |
softDescriptors.subMerchantId | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.sub_merchant_id | Allows to dynamically override the sub-merchant ID. |
softDescriptors.merchantAddress.country | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_country | Allows to dynamically override the merchant country. |
softDescriptors.merchantAddress.state | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_state | Allows to dynamically override the merchant subdivision code. |
softDescriptors.merchantAddress.zip | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_zip_code | Allows to dynamically override the merchant zip/postal code. Required for VISA OCT transactions with Australian and Canadian card bins. |
softDescriptors.merchantAddress.address1 | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_address | Allows to dynamically override the merchant address. |
softDescriptors.merchantAddress.address2 | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_address | Allows to dynamically override the merchant address. |
softDescriptors.merchantUrl | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_url | Allows to dynamically override the merchant URL |
softDescriptors.merchantPhone | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_phone | Allows to dynamically override the merchant phone number. |
softDescriptors.merchantServiceCity | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_service_city | Allows to dynamically override the merchant service city. |
softDescriptors.merchantServiceCountry | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_service_city | Allows to dynamically override the merchant service country. |
softDescriptors.merchantServiceState | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_service_state | Allows to dynamically override the merchant service subdivision code. |
softDescriptors.merchantServiceZipCode | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_service_zip_code | Allows to dynamically override the merchant service zip/postal code. |
softDescriptors.merchantServicePhone | string | dynamic_descriptor_params.merchant_service_phone | Allows to dynamically override the merchant service phone number. |
storedCredentials.initiator | string | recurring_type | Valid values: "merchant" or "cardholder" Used in combination with credentialStored and conditionally transactionType if applicable. This field is used for the inference of credential_on_file. See table below. |
storedCredentials.credentialStored | bool | recurring_type | This field is used for the inference of credential_on_file. See table below. |
storedCredentials.transactionType | string | recurring_type recurring_category credential_on_file | Valid values: "unscheduled", "recurring". Any other string value will be forwarded. This field is used for the inference of credential_on_file. See table below. |
storedCredentials.previousNetworkTransactionId | string | Response scheme_transaction_identifier on initial Request credential_on_file_transaction_identifier on subsequent | Received from the initial response that is then passed to the subsequent request. |
storedCredentials.schemeSettlementDate | string | Response scheme_settlement_date on initial Request Request credential_on_file_settlement_date on subsequent | Received from the initial response that is then passed to the subsequent request. |
These fields will be available to you through the EMerchantPay admin portal. You will add them as parameters as seen in the example request below.
Subsequent Transactions
In a CIT and MIT flow, subsequent transactions will need a different terminalToken after the initial transaction. Terminal tokens can be obtained from the EmerchantPay admin portal.
Stored Credentials Inference Tables
The table below shows how different value combinations impact the forwarded credential_on_file
if transactionType
is "unscheduled" and if the credential has been previously stored and the initiator
is "merchant" then credential_on_file
is added to the forwarded request with the value of "merchant_unscheduled"
credentialStored | initiator | transactionType | Forwarded credential_on_file |
true | cardholder | null | subsequent_customer_initiated |
false | cardholder | null | initial_customer_initiated |
true | merchant | unscheduled | merchant_unscheduled |
true | merchant | null | null |
If transactionType
is not null and not "unscheduled," we will add recurring_type
and recurring_category
. The table below illustrates the various value combinations for recurring_type
based on the inferredcredential_on_file
indicated above.
Inferred credential_on_file | Forwarded recurring_type |
subsequent_customer_initiated | subsequent |
initial_customer_initiated | initial |
merchant_unscheduled | subsequent |
null | subsequent |
Once recurring_type
is determined, we proceed to set recurring_category
based on transactionType
. If transactionType
is "recurring," we assign recurring_category
as "subscription." For any other transactionType
, recurring_category
is set to match the value of transactionType
Example Requests
- Card Authorize and Purchase
- Card Capture
- Card Refund
- Card Void
"gateway": "EMerchantPay",
"password": "<Your EMerchantPay Password>",
"username": "<Your EMerchantPay Username>",
"amount": 1000,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"creditCard": {
"number": "4111111111111111",
"expMonth": 6,
"expYear": 2026,
"fullName": "John Doe",
"cvv": "123"
"billingAddress": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"address1": "123 Sesame Street",
"zip": "10178",
"city": "Los Angeles",
"state": "CA",
"country": "USA",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+1987987987987"
"terminalToken": "<Your EMerchantPay Terminal Token>"
"gateway": "EMerchantPay",
"password": "<Your EMerchantPay Password>",
"username": "<Your EMerchantPay Username>",
"amount": 1000,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"terminalToken": "<Your EMerchantPay Terminal Token>",
"TokenExTransactionCode": "<Your TokenExTransactionCode from Authorize>"
"gateway": "EMerchantPay",
"password": "<Your EMerchantPay Password>",
"username": "<Your EMerchantPay Username>",
"amount": 1000,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"terminalToken": "<Your EMerchantPay Terminal Token>",
"TokenExTransactionCode": "<Your TokenExTransactionCode from Purchase/Capture>"
"gateway": "EMerchantPay",
"password": "<Your EMerchantPay Password>",
"username": "<Your EMerchantPay Username>",
"terminalToken": "<Your EMerchantPay Terminal Token>",
"TokenExTransactionCode": "<Your TokenExTransactionCode from Authorize>"
Gateway Response Parameters
Field Name | Type | EMerchantPay Mapping | Notes |
providerTransactionCode | string | unique_id | Unique id defined by gateway (must later be used if capturing, voiding or refunding a transaction) |
approved | string | status | SUCCESS, CANCELLED, AUTHORIZED, or VERIFIED and its respective statusCode is returned. |
tokenExTransactionCode | string | unique_id | Base64 encoded unique_id; currency from rawResponse |
merchantReferenceId | string | transaction_id | Unique transaction id defined by merchant |
brandCategoryCode | string | scheme_response_code | Currently provided by Visa only. Specifies a category to which a decline code belongs. |
recurringAdviceCode | string | recurring_advice_code | Code provided by the card network offering a suggestion of when the transaction should be retried. Currently this value is only provided by MasterCard as the Merchant Advice Code (MAC Code). |
recurringAdviceDescription | string | recurring_advice_text | The description for the retry advice code. |
gatewayErrors | object array | --- | See GatewayErrors callout below. |
gatewayErrors[?].Code | string | --- | See GatewayErrors callout below. |
gatewayErrors[?].Message | string | --- | See GatewayErrors callout below. |
gatewayErrors[?].Source | string | N/A | Possible values: Unspecified, Gateway, Processor, TokenEx. |
- If the response from EMerchantPay is formatted in an unanticipated way, the following error will be returned.
"code": "8012",
"message": "Could not parse gateway response",
"source": "TokenEx"
} - When the
from EMerchantPay contains astatus
of "declined" and acode
between 500 and 551, thegatewayError
will have two objects.gatewayErrors[0].code
is mapped tocode
is mapped tomessage
, andgatewayErrors[0].source
will be set to "Gateway"
For the second objectgatewayErrors[1].code
is mapped toresponse_code
is mapped totechnical_message
, andgatewayErrors[1].source
will be set to "Processor".
EMerchantPay - Error Codes
EMerchantPay - Issuer Response Codes"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "540",
"message": "Amount exceeds credit card limit.",
"source": "Gateway"
"code": "51",
"message": "Not sufficient funds",
"source": "Processor"
] - When the
from EMerchantPay does not contain astatus
of "approved", "error", "refunded", or "voided"gatewayErrors[0].code
is mapped tocode
is mapped tomessage
, andgatewayErrors[0].source
will be set to "Gateway"{
"code": "340",
"message": "Please check input data for errors!",
"source": "Gateway"
Example Responses
- Card Authorize
- Card Purchase
- Card Capture
- Card Refund
- Card Void
- Gateway Error
- Processor Error
- Processor Error — Declined by issuer
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response>\n <transaction_type>authorize</transaction_type>\n <status>approved</status>\n <cvv_result_code>M</cvv_result_code>\n <authorization_code>843655</authorization_code>\n <retrieval_reference_number>331922006528</retrieval_reference_number>\n <scheme_response_code>00</scheme_response_code>\n <unique_id>2c3d6a36542ccd053eefc1e1bad9c12b</unique_id>\n <transaction_id>4efc3590-58df-4cd4-a5ed-3b6d722c7dc2</transaction_id>\n <response_code>00</response_code>\n <technical_message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</technical_message>\n <message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</message>\n <mode>test</mode>\n <timestamp>2023-11-15T22:35:28Z</timestamp>\n <descriptor>TokenEx</descriptor>\n <amount>1000</amount>\n <currency>EUR</currency>\n <sent_to_acquirer>true</sent_to_acquirer>\n <scheme_transaction_identifier>234567891234560</scheme_transaction_identifier>\n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "MmMzZDZhMzY1NDJjY2QwNTNlZWZjMWUxYmFkOWMxMmI=",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "2c3d6a36542ccd053eefc1e1bad9c12b",
"approved": true,
"verificationResult": {
"cvvRaw": "M",
"providerParsed": {}
"networkTransactionId": "234567891234560",
"merchantReferenceId": "4efc3590-58df-4cd4-a5ed-3b6d722c7dc2"
"referenceNumber": "23111516261111652474",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response>\n <transaction_type>sale</transaction_type>\n <status>approved</status>\n <cvv_result_code>M</cvv_result_code>\n <authorization_code>738084</authorization_code>\n <retrieval_reference_number>332118006530</retrieval_reference_number>\n <scheme_response_code>00</scheme_response_code>\n <unique_id>a64c47fe5dce63ae3b3a4d4af8442311</unique_id>\n <transaction_id>3d740e64-6c22-4295-8469-438a927a164a</transaction_id>\n <response_code>00</response_code>\n <technical_message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</technical_message>\n <message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</message>\n <mode>test</mode>\n <timestamp>2023-11-17T18:45:18Z</timestamp>\n <descriptor>TokenEx</descriptor>\n <amount>1000</amount>\n <currency>EUR</currency>\n <sent_to_acquirer>true</sent_to_acquirer>\n <scheme_transaction_identifier>234567891234560</scheme_transaction_identifier>\n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "YTY0YzQ3ZmU1ZGNlNjNhZTNiM2E0ZDRhZjg0NDIzMTE=",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "a64c47fe5dce63ae3b3a4d4af8442311",
"approved": true,
"verificationResult": {
"cvvRaw": "M",
"providerParsed": {}
"networkTransactionId": "234567891234560",
"merchantReferenceId": "3d740e64-6c22-4295-8469-438a927a164a"
"referenceNumber": "23111712355819995218",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response>\n <transaction_type>capture</transaction_type>\n <status>approved</status>\n <unique_id>f19bba07f5a78dea33658fd47dfa9628</unique_id>\n <transaction_id>f3aed391-0210-4d14-8e11-0a7d6045bf39</transaction_id>\n <technical_message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</technical_message>\n <message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</message>\n <mode>test</mode>\n <timestamp>2023-11-17T18:46:56Z</timestamp>\n <descriptor>TokenEx</descriptor>\n <amount>1000</amount>\n <currency>EUR</currency>\n <sent_to_acquirer>true</sent_to_acquirer>\n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "ZjE5YmJhMDdmNWE3OGRlYTMzNjU4ZmQ0N2RmYTk2Mjg=",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "f19bba07f5a78dea33658fd47dfa9628",
"approved": true,
"verificationResult": {
"providerParsed": {}
"merchantReferenceId": "f3aed391-0210-4d14-8e11-0a7d6045bf39"
"referenceNumber": "23111712373554010444",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response>\n <transaction_type>refund</transaction_type>\n <status>approved</status>\n <unique_id>ab7adb00559d7f0d698fe54b7295cea7</unique_id>\n <transaction_id>92ac47ce-19e4-482c-9d62-2401ee857080</transaction_id>\n <response_code>00</response_code>\n <technical_message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</technical_message>\n <message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</message>\n <mode>test</mode>\n <timestamp>2023-11-17T18:47:35Z</timestamp>\n <descriptor>TokenEx</descriptor>\n <amount>1000</amount>\n <currency>EUR</currency>\n <sent_to_acquirer>true</sent_to_acquirer>\n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "YWI3YWRiMDA1NTlkN2YwZDY5OGZlNTRiNzI5NWNlYTc=",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "ab7adb00559d7f0d698fe54b7295cea7",
"approved": true,
"verificationResult": {
"providerParsed": {}
"merchantReferenceId": "92ac47ce-19e4-482c-9d62-2401ee857080"
"referenceNumber": "23111712381582919538",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response>\n <transaction_type>void</transaction_type>\n <status>approved</status>\n <authorization_code>624834</authorization_code>\n <retrieval_reference_number>332118006533</retrieval_reference_number>\n <scheme_response_code>00</scheme_response_code>\n <unique_id>c2e6dde943f3fd97f9e9da893450f12d</unique_id>\n <transaction_id>16248646-3f26-4918-aac2-58bee303d7db</transaction_id>\n <response_code>00</response_code>\n <technical_message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</technical_message>\n <message>TESTMODE: No real money will be transferred!</message>\n <mode>test</mode>\n <timestamp>2023-11-17T18:48:23Z</timestamp>\n <descriptor>TokenEx</descriptor>\n <sent_to_acquirer>true</sent_to_acquirer>\n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "YzJlNmRkZTk0M2YzZmQ5N2Y5ZTlkYTg5MzQ1MGYxMmQ=",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "c2e6dde943f3fd97f9e9da893450f12d",
"approved": true,
"verificationResult": {
"providerParsed": {}
"merchantReferenceId": "16248646-3f26-4918-aac2-58bee303d7db"
"referenceNumber": "23111712390370582720",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response>\n <transaction_type>authorize</transaction_type>\n <status>error</status>\n <unique_id>cb30b3b55a596ee65666e322c03e962a</unique_id>\n <transaction_id>74c36d86-4da4-4c39-9e4d-526f8a43c17b</transaction_id>\n <code>340</code>\n <technical_message>'card_number' is invalid</technical_message>\n <message>Please check input data for errors!</message>\n <mode>test</mode>\n <timestamp>2023-11-17T18:49:03Z</timestamp>\n <descriptor>TokenEx</descriptor>\n <amount>1000</amount>\n <currency>EUR</currency>\n <sent_to_acquirer>false</sent_to_acquirer>\n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "340",
"message": "'card_number' is invalid",
"source": "Gateway"
"tokenExTransactionCode": "",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "cb30b3b55a596ee65666e322c03e962a",
"approved": false,
"verificationResult": {
"providerParsed": {}
"merchantReferenceId": "74c36d86-4da4-4c39-9e4d-526f8a43c17b"
"referenceNumber": "23111712394268840908",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response> \n <transaction_type>authorize</transaction_type> \n <status>declined</status> \n <cvv_result_code>M</cvv_result_code> \n <retrieval_reference_number>333500197910</retrieval_reference_number> \n <scheme_response_code>51</scheme_response_code> \n <unique_id>unique ID</unique_id> \n <transaction_id>transaction ID</transaction_id> \n <consumer_id>consumer Nr</consumer_id> \n <token>token</token> \n <response_code>51</response_code> \n <code>540</code> \n <technical_message>Not sufficient funds</technical_message> \n <message>Amount exceeds credit card limit.</message> \n <mode>live</mode> \n <timestamp>2023-11-05T11:26:26Z</timestamp> \n <descriptor>descriptor</descriptor> \n <amount>2000</amount> \n <currency>USD</currency> \n <sent_to_acquirer>true</sent_to_acquirer> \n <scheme_transaction_identifier>identifier</scheme_transaction_identifier> \n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "540",
"message": "Amount exceeds credit card limit.",
"source": "Gateway"
"code": "51",
"message": "Not sufficient funds",
"source": "Processor"
"tokenExTransactionCode": "",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "unique ID",
"approved": false,
"verificationResult": {
"cvvRaw": "M",
"providerParsed": {}
"networkTransactionId": "identifier",
"gatewayToken": "token",
"customerProfileId": "consumer Nr",
"merchantReferenceId": "transaction ID"
"referenceNumber": "023120516155506635941",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"forwardedRequest": null,
"rawResponse": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<payment_response> \n <transaction_type>authorize</transaction_type> \n <status>declined</status> \n <cvv_result_code>M</cvv_result_code> \n <retrieval_reference_number>333500197910</retrieval_reference_number> \n <scheme_response_code>14</scheme_response_code> \n <recurring_advice_code>22</recurring_advice_code> \n <recurring_advice_text>dis be gotten declined</recurring_advice_text> \n <unique_id>unique ID</unique_id> \n <transaction_id>transaction ID</transaction_id> \n <consumer_id>consumer Nr</consumer_id> \n <token>token</token> \n <response_code>19</response_code> \n <code>500</code> \n <technical_message>System Error, Re - enter transaction</technical_message> \n <message>Transaction declined by issuer</message> \n <mode>live</mode> \n <timestamp>2023-11-05T11:26:26Z</timestamp> \n <descriptor>descriptor</descriptor> \n <amount>2000</amount> \n <currency>USD</currency> \n <sent_to_acquirer>true</sent_to_acquirer> \n <scheme_transaction_identifier>identifier</scheme_transaction_identifier> \n</payment_response>\n",
"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "500",
"message": "Transaction declined by issuer",
"source": "Gateway"
"code": "19",
"message": "System Error, Re - enter transaction",
"source": "Processor"
"tokenExTransactionCode": "",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "unique ID",
"approved": false,
"verificationResult": {
"cvvRaw": "M",
"providerParsed": {}
"networkTransactionId": "identifier",
"gatewayToken": "token",
"customerProfileId": "consumer Nr",
"merchantReferenceId": "transaction ID",
"brandCategoryCode": "14",
"recurringAdviceCode": "22",
"recurringAdviceDescription": "it got declined"
"referenceNumber": "24092613503857421199",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"