Gateway Website: https://www.dlocal.com/
Developer Documentation: https://docs.dlocal.com/reference/payins-security
Default Currency: USD
Request Objects: BillingAddress
, CreditCard
, OrderInfo
, SoftDescriptors
, StoredCredentials
, ThreeDSecure
Gateway Endpoints
This implementation of dLocal forwards requests to the below endpoints.
Action | Production | Sandbox |
Card Authorize, Card Purchase | https://api.dlocal.com/secure_payments | https://sandbox.dlocal.com/secure_payments |
Card Capture | https://api.dlocal.com/payments | https://sandbox.dlocal.com/payments |
Card Refund | https://api.dlocal.com/refunds | https://sandbox.dlocal.com/refunds |
Card Void | https://api.dlocal.com/payments/[transactionId]/cancel | https://sandbox.dlocal.com/payments/[transactionId]/cancel |
Supported Request Parameters
Field Name | Type | dLocal Mapping | Notes |
gateway | string | N/A | dLocal |
username | string | x-login header | See dLocal's documentation |
password | string | x-trans-key header | See dLocal's documentation |
privateKey | string | secret key | See dLocal's documentation |
idempotencyKey | string | x-idempotency-key header | See dLocal's documentation |
amount | numeric | amount | The amount in minor units. For example, 2000 means USD 20.00. Max length: 12 characters. |
billingAddress.address1 | string | payer.address.street | User’s address street. Required in India and South Africa. |
billingAddress.address2 | string | payer.address.number | User’s address number. Required in India and South Africa. |
billingAddress.city | string | payer.address.city | The name of the city. |
billingAddress.country | string | country | Three-Character Country Code ISO country code. TokenEx will convert to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. |
billingAddress.fullName | string | payer.name | User's full name. |
billingAddress.state | string | payer.address.state | User's address state. Required in South Africa. |
billingAddress.zip | string | payer.address.zip_code | User’s address zip_code. Required in South Africa. |
billingAddress.email | string | payer.email | User’s email address. |
billingAddress.phone | string | payer.phone | User’s phone. Mandatory for Wallets in India. Also required for fraud prevention. |
creditCard.CVV | string | card.cvv | The card verification code. |
creditCard.descriptor | string | card.descriptor | Dynamic descriptor passthrough. |
creditCard.expMonth | numeric | card.expiration_month | The customer’s credit card expiration month. Format: 2 digits, zero-padded for single digits. Example: 03 = March, 11 = November |
creditCard.expYear | numeric | card.expiration_year | The customer’s credit card expiration year. Format: 4 digits. For example: 2030 |
creditCard.fullName | string | card.holder_name | The name of the cardholder, as printed on the card. |
creditCard.number | string | card.number | Card number or TokenEx Token - TokenEx will replace the Token with the Detokenized number |
currencyCode | string | currency | The three-character ISO currency code. Alpha-3 ISO currency code |
customerIpAddress | string | payer.ip | User's IP address. Required for fraud prevention. |
orderInfo.customerId | string | payer.user_reference | Unique user id at the merchant side. Required for fraud prevention. |
orderInfo.orderId | string | order_id | ID given by the merchant in their system. Will show up in gatewayResponse.merchantReferenceId |
orderInfo.originalOrderId | string | original_order_id | For payment retries. ID given by the merchant in their system for the original transaction that was rejected and needs to be retried |
softDescriptors.merchantCategoryCode | string | card.descriptor | See SoftDescriptors callout below. |
softDescriptors.merchantCity | string | card.descriptor | See SoftDescriptors callout below. |
softDescriptors.merchantEmail | string | card.descriptor | See SoftDescriptors callout below. |
softDescriptors.merchantPhone | string | card.descriptor | See SoftDescriptors callout below. |
softDescriptors.merchantUrl | string | card.descriptor | See SoftDescriptors callout below. |
storedCredentials.credentialStored | bool | card.stored_credential_usage | See usage in The Basics - Stored Credentials. True = USED. False = FIRST. See dLocal's documentation |
storedCredentials.transactionType | string | card.stored_credential_type | Valid values: "recurring" = "SUBSCRIPTION", "installment" = "INSTALLMENTS", "unscheduled" = "UNSCHEDULED_CARD_ON_FILE". any other string value will be upper cased and forwarded. See dLocal's documentation |
threeDSecure.CAVV | string | three_dsecure.cavv | The cardholder authentication value for the 3D Secure authentication session. The returned value is a base64-encoded 20-byte array. |
threeDSecure.DSTransId | string | three_dsecure.ds_transaction_id | The transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server for v2 authentication (36 characters, commonly in UUID format). |
threeDSecure.ECI | string | three_dsecure.eci | The electronic commerce indicator. |
threeDSecure.ThreeDSecureVersion | string | three_dsecure.three_dsecure_version | "2.1.0" or "2.2.0" |
threeDSecure.EnrollmentResponse | string | three_dsecure.enrollment_response | See dLocal's documentation |
threeDSecure.AuthenticationResponse | string | three_dsecure.authentication_response | See dLocal's documentation |
document | string | payer.document | User’s personal identification number. |
description | string | description | Payment description. |
notificationUrl | string | notification_url | URL where dLocal will send notifications associated to changes to this payment. |
dLocal API's card.descriptor
is a free-text field. If values are sent in the TokenEx softDescriptor
fields, they will be concatenated and space separated in the forwarded request. Alternatively, use the descriptor
passthrough in creditCard
Example usage:
"softDescriptors": {
"merchantName":"Bob Smalls",
"merchantPhone": "(876) 613-1270 x38785",
"merchantEmail":"[email protected]",
"merchantUrl": "http://merchant.com"
Forwarded output: Bob Smalls (876) 613-1270 x38785 [email protected] http://merchant.com
Example Requests
- Card Authorize and Purchase
- Card Capture, Refund, and Void
"amount": 1000,
"gateway": "dLocal",
"username": "<Your dLocal x-login header>",
"password": "<Your dLocal x-trans-key header>",
"privateKey": "<Your dLocal secret key>",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"document": "12345678",
"creditCard": {
"brand": "Visa",
"number": "4111111111111111",
"expMonth": 6,
"expYear": 2026,
"fullName": "Thiago Gabriel",
"cvv": "123"
"billingAddress": {
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"email": "[email protected]",
"fullName": "Thiago Gabriel",
"address1": "Servidao B-1",
"address2": "1106",
"city": "Volta Redonda",
"state": "Rio de Janeiro",
"zip": "27275-595",
"country": "BRA"
"orderInfo": {
"orderId": "fd14dfcc-b545-4695-9fbd-73a759f8efa5"
"gateway": "dLocal",
"username": "<Your dLocal x-login header>",
"password": "<Your dLocal x-trans-key header>",
"privateKey": "<Your dLocal secret key>",
"tokenExTransactionCode": "VC0xNTA3OC03NGNiMzNjYi1iODY5LTQ1YWQtYWRmNi1kZGY2MDc2MTEyM2E7QVJT"
Gateway Response Parameters
Field Name | Type | dLocal Mapping | Notes |
Approved | boolean | status and statusCode | True if the status is PENDING, PAID, SUCCESS, CANCELLED, AUTHORIZED, or VERIFIED and its respective statusCode is returned. |
ProviderTransactionCode | string | id | Unique Identifier returned by dLocal for the transaction. |
TokenExTransactionCode | string | id and currency | Base64 encoded id;currency from rawResponse |
MerchantReferenceId | string | orderId | Value sent in request's 'OrderInfo.OrderId' parameter |
GatewayErrors | object array | --- | See GatewayErrors callout below. |
GatewayErrors[0].Code | string | code or statusCode | See GatewayErrors callout below. |
GatewayErrors[0].Message | string | message or statusDetail | See GatewayErrors callout below. |
GatewayErrors[0].Source | string | N/A | Possible values: Unspecified, Gateway, Processor, TokenEx. |
There are three non-overlapping flows which will add an entry to GatewayErrors
- If the response from dLocal is formatted in an unanticipated way, the following error will be returned.
Parsing Error
"code": "8012",
"message": "Could not parse gateway response",
"source": "TokenEx"
} - When the
from dLocal contains astatus
of "REJECTED" and astatusCode
between 300 and 399 (inclusive), thegatewayErrors[0].code
is mapped tostatusCode
, thegatewayErrors[0].message
is mapped tostatusDetail
, and thegatewayErrors[0].source
will be "Processor".
dLocal - Payment Status Codes
dLocal - Refund Status Codes - When the
from dLocal does not contain astatus
is not present or does not match the respective status' code as defined in the two links above, thegatewayErrors[0].code
is mapped tocode
, thegatewayErrors[0].message
is mapped tomessage
, and thegatewayErrors[0].source
will be "Gateway".
dLocal - Payments Errors
dLocal - Refunds Errors
Example Responses
- Card Authorize
- Card Purchase
- Card Capture
- Card Refund
- Card Void
- Gateway Error
- Processor Error
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "{\"id\":\"T-15078-74cb33cb-b869-45ad-adf6-ddf60761123a\",\"amount\":10.00,\"currency\":\"ARS\",\"payment_method_id\":\"CARD\",\"payment_method_type\":\"CARD\",\"payment_method_flow\":\"DIRECT\",\"country\":\"AR\",\"card\":{\"holder_name\":\"John Doe\",\"expiration_month\":6,\"expiration_year\":2026,\"brand\":\"VI\",\"last4\":\"1111\",\"installments_responsible\":\"customer\",\"verify\":false},\"three_dsecure\":{},\"created_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:21:25.000+0000\",\"approved_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:21:27.000+0000\",\"status\":\"AUTHORIZED\",\"status_detail\":\"The payment was authorized.\",\"status_code\":\"600\",\"order_id\":\"859b6bca-1465-44e4-8b5a-7de3e9f62adb\"}",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "VC0xNTA3OC03NGNiMzNjYi1iODY5LTQ1YWQtYWRmNi1kZGY2MDc2MTEyM2E7QVJT",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "T-15078-74cb33cb-b869-45ad-adf6-ddf60761123a",
"approved": true,
"merchantReferenceId": "859b6bca-1465-44e4-8b5a-7de3e9f62adb"
"referenceNumber": "023101116212247171683",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "{\"id\":\"T-15078-ee539b0f-5d08-48f1-a935-1eac6f4cb2df\",\"amount\":10.00,\"currency\":\"ARS\",\"payment_method_id\":\"CARD\",\"payment_method_type\":\"CARD\",\"payment_method_flow\":\"DIRECT\",\"country\":\"AR\",\"card\":{\"holder_name\":\"John Doe\",\"expiration_month\":6,\"expiration_year\":2026,\"brand\":\"VI\",\"last4\":\"1111\",\"installments_responsible\":\"customer\",\"verify\":false},\"three_dsecure\":{},\"created_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:34:08.000+0000\",\"approved_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:34:09.000+0000\",\"status\":\"PAID\",\"status_detail\":\"The payment was paid.\",\"status_code\":\"200\",\"order_id\":\"0d79480b-3718-4b87-9525-d4fd29bc6ad4\"}",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "VC0xNTA3OC1lZTUzOWIwZi01ZDA4LTQ4ZjEtYTkzNS0xZWFjNmY0Y2IyZGY7QVJT",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "T-15078-ee539b0f-5d08-48f1-a935-1eac6f4cb2df",
"approved": true,
"merchantReferenceId": "0d79480b-3718-4b87-9525-d4fd29bc6ad4"
"referenceNumber": "023101116340464569840",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "{\"id\":\"T-15078-7472c0ca-8b7c-4369-ac84-874e72f14cd5\",\"amount\":10.00,\"currency\":\"ARS\",\"country\":\"AR\",\"created_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:21:29.000+0000\",\"approved_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:21:29.000+0000\",\"status\":\"PAID\",\"status_detail\":\"The payment was paid.\",\"status_code\":\"200\",\"order_id\":\"859b6bca-1465-44e4-8b5a-7de3e9f62adb\",\"authorization_id\":\"T-15078-74cb33cb-b869-45ad-adf6-ddf60761123a\"}",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "VC0xNTA3OC03NDcyYzBjYS04YjdjLTQzNjktYWM4NC04NzRlNzJmMTRjZDU7QVJT",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "T-15078-7472c0ca-8b7c-4369-ac84-874e72f14cd5",
"approved": true,
"merchantReferenceId": "859b6bca-1465-44e4-8b5a-7de3e9f62adb"
"referenceNumber": "023101116212625269807",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "{\"id\":\"REF-15078-a4bc19b7-92a1-441b-bdff-e8d9e94c8ca2\",\"payment_id\":\"T-15078-404b3375-8c07-43ad-940a-2c35417afbbd\",\"status\":\"SUCCESS\",\"currency\":\"ARS\",\"created_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:24:17.000+0000\",\"amount\":10.00,\"status_code\":200,\"status_detail\":\"The refund was paid.\",\"amount_refunded\":10.00,\"id_payment\":\"T-15078-404b3375-8c07-43ad-940a-2c35417afbbd\"}",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "UkVGLTE1MDc4LWE0YmMxOWI3LTkyYTEtNDQxYi1iZGZmLWU4ZDllOTRjOGNhMjtBUlM=",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "REF-15078-a4bc19b7-92a1-441b-bdff-e8d9e94c8ca2",
"approved": true
"referenceNumber": "023101116241377572552",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "{\"id\":\"T-15078-9e740221-b084-4105-b8fa-b8b4d70ebc73\",\"amount\":10.00,\"currency\":\"ARS\",\"payment_method_id\":\"VI\",\"payment_method_type\":\"CARD\",\"payment_method_flow\":\"DIRECT\",\"country\":\"AR\",\"created_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:25:34.000+0000\",\"approved_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:25:34.000+0000\",\"status\":\"CANCELLED\",\"status_detail\":\"The payment was cancelled.\",\"status_code\":\"400\",\"order_id\":\"d1d0ae20-ec18-4f0a-8e0b-f1e4329f3b16\"}",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "VC0xNTA3OC05ZTc0MDIyMS1iMDg0LTQxMDUtYjhmYS1iOGI0ZDcwZWJjNzM7QVJT",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "T-15078-9e740221-b084-4105-b8fa-b8b4d70ebc73",
"approved": true,
"merchantReferenceId": "d1d0ae20-ec18-4f0a-8e0b-f1e4329f3b16"
"referenceNumber": "023101116253532972169",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "{\"code\":3001,\"message\":\"Invalid credentials\"}",
"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "3001",
"message": "Invalid credentials",
"source": "Gateway"
"tokenExTransactionCode": "",
"approvalCode": "",
"approved": false
"referenceNumber": "023101116355507248091",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "403"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "{\"id\":\"T-15078-512bde5b-079e-4ad4-ab65-762981ca4fd2\",\"amount\":10.00,\"currency\":\"ARS\",\"payment_method_id\":\"CARD\",\"payment_method_type\":\"CARD\",\"payment_method_flow\":\"DIRECT\",\"country\":\"AR\",\"card\":{\"holder_name\":\"John Doe\",\"expiration_month\":6,\"expiration_year\":2026,\"brand\":\"VI\",\"last4\":\"1111\",\"installments_responsible\":\"customer\",\"verify\":false},\"three_dsecure\":{},\"created_date\":\"2023-10-11T21:35:54.000+0000\",\"status\":\"REJECTED\",\"status_detail\":\"Rejected by bank.\",\"status_code\":\"301\",\"order_id\":\"76b479bc-9179-47f6-9315-fc5554c38aba\",\"description\":\"301\"}",
"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "301",
"message": "Rejected by bank.",
"source": "Processor"
"tokenExTransactionCode": "",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "T-15078-512bde5b-079e-4ad4-ab65-762981ca4fd2",
"approved": false,
"merchantReferenceId": "76b479bc-9179-47f6-9315-fc5554c38aba"
"referenceNumber": "023101116355088643315",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "200"