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Account Management:
Developer Documentation:
Default Currency: USD

Request Objects: BillingAddress, CreditCard, OrderInfo

Gateway Endpoints
This implementation of ChaseNetConnect forwards requests to the below endpoints.
Production: and
Sandbox: and

Supported Request Parameters

* denotes a required field
Field NameTypeUTF197 MappingNotes
merchantId*stringMerchant NumberChaseNetConnect Merchant Number (MID)
clientId*stringClient NumberChaseNetConnect Client Number (CID)
terminalId*stringTerminal NumberChaseNetConnect Terminal Number (TID)
amountnumericAmountTransaction amount in cents. Example: $10.00 should be sent as 1000
orderInfo.PurchaseOrderNumberstringPOS Retrieval Reference NumberAn identifier for the payment from the merchant's system
orderInfo.MedicalRelatedbool---Is the purchase related to medical services/products? True = yes, False = no
creditCard.Number*stringAccount NumberCard number or TokenEx Token - Tokenex will replace the Token with the Detokenized number.
creditCard.ExpMonth*numericExpiration DateExpiration Month.
creditCard.ExpYear*numericExpiration DateExpiration Year.
creditCard.CvvstringCVVCard Verification Value
tax.AmountnumericSales Tax AmountTax amount in cents. Example: $10.00 should be sent as 1000.
billingAddress.Address1stringCardholder Street AddressCombined into Cardholder Street Address
billingAddress.CitystringCardholder Street AddressCombined into Cardholder Street Address
billingAddress.StatestringCardholder Street AddressCombined into Cardholder Street Address
billingAddress.ZipstringCardholder Street AddressCombined into Cardholder Street Address
billingAddress.CountrystringCardholder Street AddressCombined into Cardholder Street Address

Alpha-3 ISO country code
billingAddress.Address2stringExtended Cardholder Street Address---
recurringbool---Is payment recurring? True = yes, False = no.
username*stringN/AUsername to authenticate with ChaseNetConnect
password*stringN/APassword to authenticate with ChaseNetConnect

Example Requests

"gateway": "ChaseNetConnect",
"testMode": true,
"username": "<Your ChaseNetConnect username>",
"password": "<Your ChaseNetConnect password>",
"merchantId": "<Your ChaseNetConnect MerchantId>",
"clientId": "<Your ChaseNetConnect ClientId>",
"terminalId": "<Your ChaseNetConnect TerminalId>",
"amount": 900,
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"medicalRelated": false
"tax": {
"amount": 100
"creditCard": {
"number": "4111111111111111",
"expMonth": 6,
"expYear": 2024,
"cvv": "123"
"billingAddress": {
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"fax": "555-555-6666",
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"company": "Test Co.",
"address1": "123 Someplace Lane",
"address2": null,
"city": "Tulsa",
"state": "OK",
"zip": "74111",
"country": "USA"

Gateway Response Parameters

Field NameTypeNotes
approvalCodestringA six-character pseudo-ID from the processing network.
providerTransactionCodestringA six-character pseudo-ID from the processing network.
approvedbooleanIf the transaction was a success this will be true