Account Management:
Developer Documentation: (bp10emu)
Default Currency: USD
Request Objects: BillingAddress
, CreditCard
, Check
Gateway Endpoints
This implementation of BluePay forwards requests to the below endpoints.
Supported Request Parameters
* denotes a required field type column indicates max lengthField Name | Type | bp10emu Mapping | Notes |
gateway | string | N/A | BluePay |
merchantId * | string(12) | MERCHANT | BluePay Account ID |
privateKey * | string | Used in TPS Hash | BluePay Secret Key |
duplicateOverride | boolean | DUPLICATEOVERRIDE | Set to true to turn off duplicate scrubbing for a transaction. Set to false or leave blank to process with duplicate scrubbing |
responseVersion | string | RESPONSEVERSION | 1-8+, All higher versions include lower versions. Defaults to 1 if left blank |
description | string | COMMENT | Brief summary of the transaction |
amount | numeric | AMOUNT | Transaction amount in cents. Example: $10.00 should be sent as 1000 |
orderId | string(128) | ORDER_ID | An identifier for the payment from the merchant's system |
docType | string | DOC_TYPE | ACH documentation type of agreement with payer: PPD, CCD, WEB, TEL. Defaults to WEB |
customerIpAddress | string | CUSTOMER_IP | The IP address of the customer's computer. When the customer does not post their payment directly to the BluePay Gateway, setting this value is helpful to take full advantage of BluePay's fraud prevention systems. |
orderInfo.PurchaseOrderNumber | string | LV2_ITEM_CUST_PO | Purchase Order Number |
orderInfo.InvoiceNumber | string(10) | INVOICE_ID | An identifier for the Invoice in Merchant's system |
orderInfo.CustomerId | string(30) | LV2_ITEM_CUSTOMER_NUMBER | Unique identifier for customer within Merchant's system |
creditCard.Number | string | CC_NUM | Card number or TokenEx Token - Tokenex will replace the Token with the Detokenized number |
creditCard.ExpMonth | numeric | CC_EXPIRES | ExpMonth and ExpYear (last two digits of passed four digits) are concatenated within Payment Services' BluePay Integration and passed into CC_EXPIRES. Example: 01 2025 becomes 0125 |
creditCard.ExpYear | numeric | CC_EXPIRES | ExpMonth and ExpYear (last two digits of passed four digits) are concatenated within Payment Services' BluePay Integration and passed into CC_EXPIRES. Example: 01 2025 becomes 0125 |
creditCard.Cvv | string | CVCCVV2 | Card verification value |
tax.Amount | numeric(6) | AMOUNT_TAX | Tax amount in cents. Example: $10.00 should be sent as 1000 |
check.AccountNumber | string | ACH_ACCOUNT | ACH account number or TokenEx Token - Tokenex will replace the Token with the Detokenized number |
check.RoutingNumber | string | ACH_ROUTING | Contains the nine-digit bank routing ("ABA") number for the customer's bank account. |
check.AccountType | string | ACH_ACCOUNT_TYPE | Valid input Values 1 or Checking 2 or Savings 3 or GeneralLedger bp10emu mapping Checking - C Savings - S GeneralLedger - G |
billingAddress.Phone | string | PHONE | Phone number for contact at billing address |
billingAddress.Email | string | EMAIL | Email address for contact at billing address |
billingAddress.FullName | string | NAME | Name associated with customer’s billing address. If left empty, field will default to billingAddress.FirstName + billingAddress.Lastname. |
billingAddress.FirstName | string | NAME | Name associated with customer’s billing address. FirstName and Lastname are space-separated and sent in NAME if FullName is empty. |
billingAddress.LastName | string | NAME | Name associated with customer’s billing address. FirstName and Lastname are space-separated and sent in NAME if FullName is empty. |
billingAddress.Company | string | COMPANY_NAME | Name of company at billing address |
billingAddress.Address1 | string | ADDR1 | First line of customer’s billing address |
billingAddress.Address2 | string | ADDR2 | Second line of customer’s billing address |
billingAddress.City | string | CITY | City of customer’s billing address |
billingAddress.State | string | STATE | State of customer’s billing address |
billingAddress.Zip | string | ZIPCODE | Zip code of customer’s billing address |
billingAddress.Country | string | COUNTRY | Alpha-3 ISO country code |
rebill.ExternalRebill | string | F_REBILLING | Rebilling flag. Only used for non-BluePay generated rebillings to identify the transaction as a rebilling. Set value to "1" for rebill transaction. |
rebill.BluePayRebill | string | REBILLING | "1" for yes, "0" for no. Rebilling will be managed by BluePay and can be configured using the other rebilling fields below. |
rebill.StartDate | string | REB_FIRST_DATE | The date of the first rebilling. Two valid formats as follows: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" Hours, minutes, and seconds are optional. "XX UNITS" marked from the time of the transaction. Examples: 10 DAYS, 1 MONTH, 1 YEAR |
rebill.Frequency | string | REB_EXPR | The period of time in-between rebillings. "XX UNITS" marked from the time of the transaction. Examples: 10 DAYS, 1 MONTH, 1 YEAR |
rebill.Cycles | string | REB_CYCLES | Number of times to rebill. Leaving blank or not sending will cause the rebillings to continue until canceled. |
rebill.Amount | int | REB_AMOUNT | Amount to rebill. Defaults to amount of transaction for rebillings. $10.00 should be sent as 1000 |
rebill.IsCreditOrSale | string | REB_IS_CREDIT | Field to indicate whether the rebill transaction is a SALE or CREDIT. The valid values are: "1" for CREDIT "0" For SALE (default). |
Example Requests
- Card Authorize/Purchase
- Card Authorize/Purchase w/ External Rebilling
- Card Authorize/Purchase w/ BluePay Rebilling
- Card Capture
- Card Refund
- Card Void
- ACH Purchase
- ACH Refund
- ACH Void
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay Secret Key>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"amount": 900,
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "ABC00001",
"invoiceNumber": "ABC00001",
"customerId": "ABC00001"
"tax": {
"amount": 100
"creditCard": {
"number": "4111111111111111",
"expMonth": 6,
"expYear": 2024,
"cvv": "123"
"billingAddress": {
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "John Doe",
"company": "Test Co.",
"address1": "123 Someplace Lane",
"address2": "Suite #40A",
"city": "Edmond",
"state": "OK",
"zip": "74100",
"country": "USA"
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay Secret Key>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"amount": 900,
"rebill": {
"externalRebill": "1"
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "ABC00001",
"invoiceNumber": "ABC00001",
"customerId": "ABC00001"
"tax": {
"amount": 100
"creditCard": {
"number": "4111111111111111",
"expMonth": 6,
"expYear": 2024,
"cvv": "123"
"billingAddress": {
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "John Doe",
"company": "Test Co.",
"address1": "123 Someplace Lane",
"address2": "Suite #40A",
"city": "Edmond",
"state": "OK",
"zip": "74100",
"country": "USA"
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay Secret Key>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"amount": 900,
"rebill": {
"bluePayRebill": "1",
"startDate": "7 DAYS",
"frequency": "1 MONTH",
"cycles": "2",
"amount": 900
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "ABC00001",
"invoiceNumber": "ABC00001",
"customerId": "ABC00001"
"tax": {
"amount": 100
"creditCard": {
"number": "4111111111111111",
"expMonth": 6,
"expYear": 2024,
"cvv": "123"
"billingAddress": {
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "John Doe",
"company": "Test Co.",
"address1": "123 Someplace Lane",
"address2": "Suite #40A",
"city": "Edmond",
"state": "OK",
"zip": "74100",
"country": "USA"
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay SecretKey>",
"tokenExTransactionCode": "<TokenExTransactionCode from a previous Authorize call>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"amount": 900,
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "ABC00001",
"invoiceNumber": "ABC00001",
"customerId": "ABC00001"
"tax": {
"amount": 100
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay SecretKey>",
"tokenExTransactionCode": "<TokenExTransactionCode from a previous Capture or Purchase call>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"amount": 900,
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay SecretKey>",
"tokenExTransactionCode": "<TokenExTransactionCode from a previous Capture or Purchase call>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay SecretKey>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"amount": 900,
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"invoiceNumber": "ABC00001"
"check": {
"accountNumber": "91243783",
"routingNumber": "800483636",
"accountType": "Checking"
"billingAddress": {
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "John Doe",
"company": "Test Co.",
"address1": "123 Someplace Lane",
"address2": "Suite #40A",
"city": "Edmond",
"state": "OK",
"zip": "74100",
"country": "USA"
"docType": "WEB",
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay SecretKey>",
"tokenExTransactionCode": "<TokenExTransactionCode from a previous Purchase call>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"amount": 900,
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"invoiceNumber": "ABC00001"
"customerIpAddress": ""
"gateway": "BluePay",
"testMode": true,
"merchantId": "<Your BluePay AccountId>",
"privateKey": "<Your BluePay SecretKey>",
"tokenExTransactionCode": "<TokenExTransactionCode from a previous Purchase call>",
"duplicateOverride": true,
"responseVersion": "5",
"description": "Wide-ruled notebook paper",
"orderId": "ABC00001",
"orderInfo": {
"invoiceNumber": "ABC00001"
"customerIpAddress": ""
Gateway Response Parameters
Field Name | Type | bp10emu Mapping | Notes |
approvalCode | string | AUTH_CODE | A six-character pseudo-ID from the processing network. |
approved | boolean | Result | If the Result field in the GatewayResponse.RawResponse is APPROVED, this field will be true. |
providerTransactionCode | string | RRNO | Transaction ID of the newly run transaction. |
Parsing the bp10emu Raw Response
The rawResponse field for BluePay's bp10emu contains a URL-Encoded string of key-values separated by &.' +
These fields are in unpredictable orders and values should be read via regex.
A suggested regex for finding the values of certain fields: (?\<=([?]\|[&])FIELD_NAME=)([^&]+)
Example Responses
- Card Authorize
- Card Purchase
- Card Capture
- Card Refund
- Card Void
- Gateway Error
- Processor Error
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "/interfaces/wlcatch?TPS_HASH_TYPE=HMAC_SHA512&AMOUNT_TAX=0.00&LEVEL_2_DATA=customer_number%3D%26cust_po%3D%26&ISSUE_DATE=2023-11-30%2013%3A45%3A09.033947&PAYMENT_ACCOUNT=xxxxxxxxxxxx4448&FANCY_STATUS=Approved&ZIP=96592-2764&AUTH_CODE=BARPUD&BACKEND_ID=706282844384&REMOTE_IP=",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "MjAwNDU0MTU5MDIz",
"approvalCode": "BARPUD",
"providerTransactionCode": "200454159023",
"approved": true
"referenceNumber": "23113013450721664267",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "302"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "/interfaces/wlcatch?PAYMENT_ACCOUNT=xxxxxxxxxxxx5798&REMOTE_IP=",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "MjAwNDU0MTc5ODc5",
"approvalCode": "RAYCJP",
"providerTransactionCode": "200454179879",
"approved": true
"referenceNumber": "23113013562966061620",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "302"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "/interfaces/wlcatch?AVS_RESULT=1&REBID=&ACCOUNT_NAME=DEMO-tokenex&ZIP=96592-2764&AMOUNT=9.00&FLAGS=T&SOURCE_ID=200454159023&FANCY_STATUS=Approved&CONNECTED_IP=",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "MjAwNDU0MTg1MjY5",
"approvalCode": "BARPUD",
"providerTransactionCode": "200454185269",
"approved": true
"referenceNumber": "23113014000696183743",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "302"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "/interfaces/wlcatch?COMPANY_NAME=Hermann%2C%20Ondricka%20and%20Thiel&MESSAGE=Approved%20Void&COUNTRY=USA&MASTER_ID=200454179879&EMV_APPNAME=&OWNER_USER_ID=100553863406&STATE=Delaware&BP_STAMP=26CBC552AD1145F2ED51A9E5177AA528EA05CC8EBA23DB18590820D67613AAC697DE9D5380B08F155105BEB218CF5E7DF269E413C2458A1974885D96616CB169&F_BYPASS_AUTH=0&F_REBILL_MASTER=0&ADDR1=4358%20Delia%20Motorway&PROCESSOR_ID=100553863525&CARD_EXPIRE=0325&CARD_TYPE=MC&FRAUD_SCORE=0&ORIG_AMOUNT=9.00&ORIGIN=bp10emu&BP_STAMP_DEF=RRNO%20ISSUE_DATE%20Result&",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "MjAwNDU0MTgxNDA5",
"approvalCode": "BARPUD",
"providerTransactionCode": "200454181409",
"approved": true
"referenceNumber": "23113013572114139682",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "302"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "/interfaces/wlcatch?MEMO=Maiores%20dolore%20accusantium%20autem%20vel%20recusandae.&ORDER_ID=200454159023&RRNO=200454185947&CVV2_RESULT=_&BINDATA=8~N~P~14E00%2000%2000%2000%2000%2000%2000%2000%2000~~~~~~~~N~~~~&SOURCE_ID=200454159023&AVS_RESULT=1&INVOICE_ID=200454159023&CUSTOMER_CODE=200454185947&FLAGS=T&ORIG_IS_SETTLED=0&F_UNHELD=0&FANCY_STATUS=Approved&ZIP=96592-2764&AUTH_CODE=RANGRT&BACKEND_ID=921253149095&REMOTE_IP=",
"gatewayErrors": [],
"tokenExTransactionCode": "MjAwNDU0MTg1OTQ3",
"approvalCode": "RANGRT",
"providerTransactionCode": "200454185947",
"approved": true
"referenceNumber": "231130140038853382",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "302"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "/interfaces/wlcatch?REBID=&Result=ERROR&PAYMENT_TYPE=CREDIT&STATE=Hawaii&COMPANY_NAME=Franecki%2C%20Mertz%20and%20Conroy&",
"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "ERROR",
"tokenExTransactionCode": "",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "",
"approved": false
"referenceNumber": "23120816270423298381",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "302"
"gatewayResponse": {
"rawResponse": "/interfaces/wlcatch?RRNO=201043425078&EMV_APPLICATION=&ORIGIN=bp10emu&STATUS=0&OWNER_USER_ID=100553863406&CARD_COUNTRY=USA&AUTH_CODE=&CVV2_RESULT=_&EMV=&FANCY_STATUS=Declined&REBID=&STATE=Hawaii&INVOICE_ID=201043425078&LOGIN_ACCOUNT_ID=100553863405&F_CARD_PRESENT=0&ISSUE_DATE=2023-12-08%2016%3A19%3A29.43492&BANK_NAME=NETWORK%20ONLY&ORDER_ID=201043425078&CUSTOMER_CODE=201043425078&TRANS_ID=201043425078&AVS_RESULT=1&AMOUNT_TAX=0.00&ADDR1=173%20Antonio%20Pike&TPS_HASH_TYPE=HMAC_SHA512&BP_STAMP=E6CF795F48AA233440B640A4D508376836D1501EEB17CC5EEC76B53DBCA564E27326C0BD1513ED3CBFDBA96736F2B7EE0B479DDC91B80AFA8C384A715A578617&CVV2_STATUS=0&",
"gatewayErrors": [
"code": "DECLINED",
"message": "Declined Auth"
"tokenExTransactionCode": "MjAxMDQzNDI1MDc4",
"approvalCode": "",
"providerTransactionCode": "201043425078",
"approved": false
"referenceNumber": "23120816192752821306",
"success": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"thirdPartyStatusCode": "302"