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Transaction Statuses

Interpreting the results of a 3DS authentication.


The threeDSecureResponse parameter of an Authentication or Challenge Results API call can return a transaction status (transStatus) value that should guide a merchant's next steps. Brand Specific Guidelines for a transaction status should always be consulted when available. This response parameter will always be present for the Payment Authentication message category and is conditional for Non-Payment Authentications.

When a special scenario is encountered that is not detailed below, please contact your Customer Success Manager or our support team at [email protected].

Transaction Statuses

Y - Fully Authenticated

Y is a high confidence result that the transaction is not fraudulent and that the initiator of the transaction is authorized to use the card. Merchants receiving this status for a payment authentication may proceed with the payment authorization. Merchants receiving this status for a non-payment authentication can proceed with a happy-path flow for their use-case.

Fully Authenticated threeDSecureResponse Examples

"acsOperatorID": " MCD-LOA-SRV-JDFH-V201-12345",
"acsReferenceNumber": "00001ACS00001",
"acsTransID": "a4103609-0b23-4be3-b960-97e7382b351d",
"authenticationValue": "BwABApFSYyd4l2eQQFJjAAAAAAA=",
"dsTransID": "4f8f09f2-b6b1-4eec-bd6e-35a074d0c4a8",
"eci": "02",
"messageVersion": "2.1.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "4f45b684-b78d-4cb1-b1f7-e2c3a524e73b",
"transStatus": "Y"

N - Not Authenticated

N is a low confidence result in the legitimacy of the transaction. Merchants should interpret this result to mean that there is a high chance the action is fraudulent. Merchants should not proceed with a payment authorization with this authentication result as it is likely to result in a decline. This transaction status for Payment Authentications will be associated with a reason, transStatusReason. Card brands may conditionally return a status reason for Non-Payment Authentications.

Not Authenticated threeDSecureResponse Examples

"acsOperatorID": " MCD-LOA-SRV-JDFH-V201-12345",
"acsReferenceNumber": "00001ACS00001",
"acsTransID": "a62fbace-0ced-4e30-84bd-96d861f09ae4",
"dsTransID": "05def6d5-7474-4978-8c16-5d05d4bc8dd0",
"eci": "00",
"messageVersion": "2.1.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "0ff12e4c-11d3-48bf-a760-04c92fd8b904",
"transStatus": "N",
"transStatusReason": "01"

U - Unavailable

If the transaction is IDCI (Identity Check Insights), the transStatus will always be U. In other usages, U means that a technical issue occurred during the authentication attempt. This is not a rejection by the card issuer. This transaction status for Payment Authentications will be associated with a reason, transStatusReason. Card brands may conditionally return a status reason for Non-Payment Authentications.

Unavailable threeDSecureResponse Examples

"threeDSServerTransID": "1b4824bc-47f9-40a8-85cc-81efa6e30212",
"eci": "07",
"interactionCounter": "01",
"messageCategory": "01",
"transStatus": "U",
"transStatusReason": "01",
"dsTransID": "d8812654-7471-40b2-915a-35e78f23c138",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"acsTransID": "630b7706-804e-4971-9c57-30908f85f38b"

A - Attempted

An attempt at processing the authentication was performed, but transaction could not be authenticated or cardholder identity verified. A proof of attempted authentication or verification is provided via the authenticationValue.

Attempted threeDSecureResponse Examples

"acsOperatorID": "MCD-LOA-SRV-JDFH-V201-12345",
"acsReferenceNumber": "00001ACS00001",
"acsTransID": "a4103609-0b23-4be3-b960-97e7382b351d",
"authenticationValue": "BwABApFSYyd4l2eQQFJjAAAAAAA=",
"dsTransID": "4f8f09f2-b6b1-4eec-bd6e-35a074d0c4a8",
"eci": "02",
"messageVersion": "2.1.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "4f45b684-b78d-4cb1-b1f7-e2c3a524e73b",
"transStatus": "A"

C - Challenge Required

Completing a challenge is required to authenticate. Following receipt of challenge notification or 10 minutes have elapsed, the authentication results can be obtained from Challenge Results.

Challenge Required threeDSecureResponse Examples

"acsChallengeMandated": "Y",
"acsOperatorID": "MCD-LOA-SRV-JDFH-V201-12345",
"acsReferenceNumber": "00001ACS00001",
"acsTransID": "6649ee45-c5ee-43dc-8e6f-4dcabc935255",
"acsURL": "",
"authenticationType": "02",
"messageVersion": "2.1.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "f441720d-bd0f-47c3-a6b7-2e6f6cd8549d",
"transStatus": "C"

D - Decoupled Authentication

This status means that Decoupled Authentication is occurring and the authentication results can be obtained by polling the Challenge Results in one hour intervals or until the decoupled max time specified in the Authentications request expires.

Decoupled Authentication threeDSecureResponse Examples

"acsChallengeMandated": "N",
"acsOperatorID": "mX21mRFudf",
"acsReferenceNumber": "00001ACS00001",
"acsTransID": "1e10ce60-713e-4366-979d-aeabaccd78b5",
"acsDecConInd": "Y",
"authenticationType": "04",
"cardholderInfo": "Additional authentication is needed for this transaction",
"dsTransID": "f5ce3d20-bb15-4741-8d3c-450500650a1e",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "965ece28-4878-42dc-9986-3e32ae115265",
"transStatus": "D"

R - Rejected

This transaction status for Payment Authentications will be associated with a reason, transStatusReason. Card brands may conditionally return a status reason for Non-Payment Authentications.

Rejected threeDSecureResponse Examples

"acsTransID": "26198118-a944-49a3-94b7-51d8363045dd",
"dsTransID": "7570ae12-db2c-4ada-b388-2233a6048010",
"eci": "07",
"transStatus": "R",
"transStatusReason": "06",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"acsReferenceNumber": "3DS_LOA_ACS_MAIN_020200_00796",
"acsOperatorID": "3DS2.2.0Mar0055ACS",
"dsReferenceNumber": "VISA.V 17 0003",
"threeDSServerTransID": "f9a6bb05-1096-4237-b952-5e18a47e21c5"

I - Informational Only

This status is only returned when the authentication request's challenge indicator value was 05, 05, or 07. The ACS acknowledges the 3DS Requestor’s preference to not challenge the transaction since the data sent was only for informational purposes.

Informational Only threeDSecureResponse Examples

"acsOperatorID": "mX21mRFudf",
"acsReferenceNumber": "00001ACS00001",
"acsTransID": "89d4df77-aba4-404d-b905-1c4c774cbda6",
"authenticationValue": "BwABApFSYyd4l2eQQFJjAAAAAAA=",
"dsTransID": "fa556e1e-f28c-46b9-bc42-d1c933069e15",
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"threeDSServerTransID": "a7e047be-dd72-476a-99af-513f4c496bd6",
"transStatus": "I"

Transaction Status Reasons

A transaction status reason (transStatusReason) is returned for payment authentication transStatus values N, U, and R. Non-Payment Authentications may return this response parameter dependent upon the card brand.

01Card authentication failed
02Unknown Device
03Unsupported Device
04Exceeds authentication frequency limit
05Expired Card
06Invalid Card Number
07Invalid transaction
08No Card Record
09Security Failure
10Stolen Card
11Suspected Fraud
12Transaction not permitted to cardholder
13Cardholder not enrolled in service
14Transaction timed out at the ACS
15Low confidence
16Medium confidence
17High confidence
18Very high confidence
19Exceeds ACS maximum challenges
20Non-Payment transaction not supported
213RI transaction not supported
22ACS technical issue
23Decoupled Authentication required by ACS but not requested by 3DS Requestor
243DS Requestor Decoupled Max Expiry Time exceeded
25Decoupled Authentication was provided insufficient time to authentication cardholder.
ACS will not make attempt.
26Authentication attempted but not performed by the cardholder.
27-79Reserved for future EMVCo use. Values here are invalid until defined by EMVCo in future versions.
80-99Reserved for use by specific card brands. Brand Specific Guidelines