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Method reference

Methods for initializing and using PaymentJs.



PaymentJs.init(publicIntegrationKey, numberDivId, cvvDivId, completeCallback);

Initializes the PaymentJs object for PAN and CVV entry.


  • publicIntegrationKey — the connector's public integration key (provided to you with your credentials).
  • numberDivId — the id of the <div> which will contain the primary account number (PAN).
  • cvvDivId — the id of the <div> which will contain the CVV code.
  • completeCallback(PaymentJs) — a callback function that will receive the initialized PaymentJs as first argument.


PaymentJs.initCvvRefresh(publicIntegrationKey, referenceTransactionId, cvvDivId, completeCallback);
PaymentJs.initCvvRefresh(publicIntegrationKey, paymentToken, cvvDivId, completeCallback);

Initializes the PaymentJs object for CVV refreshing.


  • publicIntegrationKey (string): the connector's public integration key (provided to you with your credentials).

    The selected connector, identified by the publicIntegrationKey,

    • must use the same customer profile container as the used paymentToken, or
    • must belong to the same merchant as the connector identified by the referenceTransactionId.
  • Reference to a register or debit with register transaction for which the CVV will be refreshed. The reference can be either:
    • referenceTransactionId (string): the referenced transaction ID.
    • paymentToken (string): the customer profile payment token.
  • cvvDivId (string): the id of the <div> which will contain the CVV code.
  • completeCallback (function: (PaymentJs) => void): a callback function that will receive the initialized PaymentJs as first argument.


PaymentJs.tokenize(additionalData, successCallback, errorCallback);

Submit the sensitive card information to the vaulting server for tokenization.


  • additionalData (object): an object, may contain the following keys: first_name, last_name, month, year, email, phone_number, company, address1, zip, city, state, country.
  • successCallback (function: (token, cardData) => void): will be called upon completion, receiving the token (as string) as first argument, and additional cardData as second argument , for example:
    "card_type": "visa",
    "full_name": "Alex Smith",
    "bin_digits": "41111111",
    "first_six_digits": "411111",
    "last_four_digits": "1111",
    "month": "2",
    "year": "2030",
    "fingerprint": "46f7adfeb0a123fb8fcbfasdf6171asd6b3dfas44834c"

    Possible cardType values are: amex, dinacard, diners, discover, elo, jcb, mada, maestro, mastercard, meeza, uatp, unionpay, visa_electron, and visa.

    Forward compatibility

    Please note that the enumerated list provided above is subject to change or expansion over time. As such, be ready to accommodate and appropriately handle unfamiliar card brands.

  • errorCallback (function: (errors) => void): called if an error occurs, containing error information. For more details see Error codes.


PaymentJs.refreshCvv(successCallback, errorCallback);

Submit the CVC/CVV code to the vaulting server.


  • successCallback (function: () => void): will be called upon successful completion.
  • errorCallback (function: (errors) => void): called if an error occurs, containing error information. For more details see Error codes.


PaymentJs.initRiskScript(options, completeCallback);

Initialize Risk Scripts. Required for certain types of risk checks, see External risk checks for more details.


  • options (object): An object including the type, e.g. { type: 'kount' }. type can be one of forter,fraudNet, or kount.
  • completeCallback (function (...) => void): will be called upon successful completion, parameters depend on type from options.



Sets the style of the number field.


  • styleObject (object): an object with CSS properties, for example:
    "border-color": "red",
    "font-size": "10px",
    Additionally, it is possible to style the placeholder of the number field by providing a nested object with CSS properties in the field ::placeholder, e.g.
    "border-color": "red",
    "font-size": "10px",
    "::placeholder": {
    "color": "#a00"
    PCI compliance: no external resource loading

    In order to comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards, we are unable to permit the loading of external resources such as typefaces or background images.



Sets the style of the CVV field.


  • styleObject (object): an object with CSS properties, for example:
    "border-color": "red",
    "font-size": "10px",
    Additionally, it is possible to style the placeholder of the CVV field by providing a nested object with CSS properties in the field ::placeholder, e.g.
    "border-color": "red",
    "font-size": "10px",
    "::placeholder": {
    "color": "#a00"
    PCI compliance: no external resource loading

    In order to comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards, we are unable to permit the loading of external resources such as typefaces or background images.



Sets the placeholder text for the number input field.


  • placeholderText (string): text for the placeholder of the number input field.



Sets the placeholder text for the CVV input field.


  • placeholderText (string): text for the placeholder of the CVV input field.


PaymentJs.numberOn(event, callbackFunction);

Attach an event listener for the number input field.

For more details see Event listening.


  • event (string): the number input event to attach the callbackFunction to. One of input, focus, blur, mouseover, mouseout, enter, esc, tab, or shift-tab.
  • callbackFunction (function: (event) => void): a callback that receives data about the event, for example:
    "cardType": "visa",
    "cvvLength": 3,
    "numberLength": 12,
    "validCvv": true,
    "validNumber": true

    Possible cardType values are: amex, dinacard, diners, discover, elo, jcb, mada, maestro, mastercard, meeza, uatp, unionpay, visa_electron, and visa.

    Forward compatibility

    Please note that the enumerated list provided above is subject to change or expansion over time. As such, be ready to accommodate and appropriately handle unfamiliar card brands.


PaymentJs.cvvOn(event, callbackFunction);

Attach an event listener for the CVV input field.

For more details see Event listening.


  • event (string): the CVV input event to attach the callbackFunction to. One of input, focus, blur, mouseover, mouseout, enter, esc, tab, or shift-tab.
  • callbackFunction (function: (event) => void): a callback that receives data about the event, for example:
    "cardType": "visa",
    "cvvLength": 3,
    "numberLength": 12,
    "validCvv": true,
    "validNumber": true

    Possible cardType values are: amex, dinacard, diners, discover, elo, jcb, mada, maestro, mastercard, meeza, uatp, unionpay, visa_electron, and visa.

    Forward compatibility

    Please note that the enumerated list provided above is subject to change or expansion over time. As such, be ready to accommodate and appropriately handle unfamiliar card brands.



Disable the requirement of passing a card-holder name in the additionalData object of the tokenize method.


  • requireCardHolder (boolean): a boolean whether a card-holder name is required when calling tokenize.



Enables autofill handling.

For details see Auto-fill card data.



Registers an event handler to receive auto filled data.

For details, see Auto-fill card data.


  • autofillCallback (function: (data) => void): a callback that is called when card-data autofill is triggered and receives data about the event, for example:
    card_holder: "Alex Smith",
    month: 02,
    year: 2030,

Deprecated methods



This function is deprecated in favor of numberOn('input', callbackFunction).



This function is deprecated in favor of cvvOn('input', callbackFunction).