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Hosted fields — payment.js

payment.js integration offers a secure way to accept card payments. It integrates card number and CVV/CVC input directly into your checkout process, avoiding the need for redirection to a separate payment form.

The library renders two separate iframes for card number and CVV/CVC on your checkout page. This efficient approach minimizes your PCI-DSS scope, reaching the lowest possible level with SAQ-A.

At the end of this JavaScript flow, a one-time transactionToken is generated, which identifies the customer's card. This token is then passed to the Transaction API request.


For a detailed, step-by-step guide on integrating the payment.js, refer to the payment.js guide in our guides section.


In this section, you will find detailed information and resources to help you integrate and effectively utilize payment.js in your payment process with IXOPAY platform. Explore the following topics to gain insights into the implementation, benefits, and outcomes of payment.js: