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The Scheduler feature in IXOPAY platform provides an efficient way to manage recurring transactions, creating a more streamlined payment process. This guide offers detailed instructions on how to create, configure, update, and manage schedules within the IXOPAY platform platform.


For a detailed, step-by-step guide on integrating the scheduler, refer to the scheduler guide in our guides section.

Creating and starting a schedule

You have two ways to initiate a schedule:

  1. During a Debit/Register Transaction: You can create a schedule when initiating a Debit or Register transaction. The initial Debit transaction will occur immediately, while the first scheduled transaction will take place at the startDateTime defined within the schedule.
  2. Using the Start API call: Alternatively, you can initiate a schedule using a specific Start API call.

There must be a period of at least 24 hours between the initial transaction and the second scheduled transaction.

Defining and updating schedule intervals

When you define schedule data, you establish the intervals for recurring transactions by setting a periodUnit and a periodLength. For example, if periodUnit = DAY and periodLength = 14, this means the customer will be charged every 14 days for the defined amount.

You can use the following interval units:

  • DAY
  • WEEK
  • YEAR

Schedules can also be updated through an Update API call. This allows you to modify the following details:

  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Period length (periodLength)
  • Period unit (periodUnit)
  • Start date-time (startDateTime)
  • Callback URL

Adding additional context to schedules

To provide additional context to transactions created by the schedule, you can add merchantMetaData when creating a schedule. This is a free text string that you can use to add any notes or relevant information.

Managing schedule states

A schedule's state can be modified using the following API calls:

  • pause: Temporarily halts the schedule. A continue call is required to resume transactions.
  • continue: Resumes a paused schedule.
  • cancel: Terminates the schedule. Once a schedule has been cancelled, it cannot be reactivated, and a new start API call will need to be initiated.

The possible schedule states are:

  • ACTIVE: The schedule is actively executing recurring charges in the defined interval.
  • PAUSED: The schedule is temporarily on hold.
  • CANCELLED: The schedule has been cancelled.
  • ERROR: This state signifies that a recurring charge has failed. To retry an erroneous schedule, send a continue call.

The transition between these states is depicted in the following state diagram: