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Testing 3-D Secure authentication

With the IXOPAY platform, merchants have the ability to test their hosted 3-D Secure configuration either with the SimulatorPCI adapter or in conjunction with the PSP's/Acquirer's test environment.

Hosted 3-D Secure

Simple 3DS simulation

Simple 3DS simulation can be enabled by activating the checkbox Enable Simple 3DS Simulation for the Simulator Adapter in the Vault Setup Settings. When this option is selected, both the IXOPAY platform-hosted 3-D Secure configuration and IXOPAY platform-hosted 3-D Secure 2.x configuration are disabled. The outcome of this simple 3-D Secure simulation is determined by the test cards.

If enabled, an additional 3-D Secure verification screen will be displayed during the payment process, allowing you to choose the verification result from a dropdown field. The transaction status will then be set accordingly based on the selected test card.

Extended 3DS simulation

Extended 3DS simulation can be enabled by activating the checkbox Enable Extended 3DS Simulation for the Simulator Adapter in the Vault Setup settings. In this case, the checkbox for the IXOPAY platform-hosted 3-D Secure configuration or IXOPAY platform-hosted 3-D Secure 2.x configuration must be enabled (other configuration fields can remain empty). The outcome of this extended 3-D Secure simulation is controlled by the test cards used.

If activated, customers will be redirected to perform methods such as fingerprinting, frictionless, or challenge, depending on the selected test card.

Provider 3-D Secure

To test the IXOPAY platform-hosted 3-D Secure configuration with the PSP's/Acquirer's test environment, you can enable the connector setting Mock 3D-Secure Flow for Testing in the IXOPAY platform 3-D Secure 2.x configuration.


The Connector setting Mock 3D-Secure Flow for Testing is not activated by default for all Adapters.

If you do not see the Setting in the 3D-Secure Configuration, please get in contact with your customer success manager at [email protected]. Keep in mind that activation is dependent on the release cycles and takes minimum of 4 weeks.

When this setting is enabled, you can use the test cards provided by the PSP to perform tests. The outcome of the 3DS authentication is controlled through the cardholder's name.

For example, if the cardholder's name is ENROLLED CHALLENGE, you will enter the challenge flow. The outcome of the challenge can then be chosen on the challenge screen itself.

The cardholder's name consists of two inputs: Firstname and Lastname. The Firstname determines the versioning result, while the Lastname determines the authentication result.

Versioning result

Cardholder firstnameVersioning control
NOT_ENROLLEDCard not enrolled
ENROLLEDCard enrolled, no method fingerprinting
METHODCard enrolled, with method fingerprinting
TIMEOUTTimeout error
INVALIDInvalid card error
NETWORK_ERRORNetwork error

Authentication result

Cardholder lastnameAuthentication control
FRICTIONLESSFrictionless - fully authenticated
ATTEMPTEDFrictionless - attempted
UNAUTHENTICATEDNot authenticated
ACCESS_DENIEDError: Access denied
SYSTEM_ERRORError: Transient system error
FORMAT_ERRORError: Invalid format
TIMEOUTError: Network timeout
NETWORK_ERRORError: Network error