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Transaction types

The IXOPAY platform supports various transaction types, each serving a specific purpose in the payment processing flow. Most of these transactions can be initiated by calling the corresponding Transaction API method. Upon creation, each transaction is assigned a unique ID (uuid), which you should store in your database for future reference.


Please note that the availability and support for certain transaction types may vary depending on the adapter and payment method.

Here are the different transaction types supported by IXOPAY platform, along with their stages and descriptions:

DebitInitialDebits the customer's payment instrument with the specified amount.
Guide: Hosted payment pages, Hosted fields — payment.js
PreauthorizeInitialReserves the payment amount on the customer's payment instrument for a future Capture transaction.
Guide: Place a hold on a payment
Incremental authorizationFollow-upIncreases the reserved payment amount on the customer's payment instrument for a future Capture transaction.
Guide: Place a hold on a payment
CaptureFollow-upCompletes a payment that was previously authorized with a Preauthorize transaction.
Guide: Place a hold on a payment
VoidFollow-upCancels a previously performed Preauthorize transaction, releasing the reserved funds on the customer's payment instrument.
Guide: Place a hold on a payment
RefundFollow-upReverses a payment made with the Debit or Capture method, crediting the customer's payment instrument.
Guide: Handling refunds
PayoutInitialCredits the customer's account with the specified amount from the merchant's account.
Guide: Payouts
ChargebackFollow-up externalA negative booking on the merchant's account triggered by the end customer, disputing a previously performed payment.
Guide: Handling refunds
Chargeback ReversalFollow-up externalReverses a previous Chargeback when a dispute has been won by the merchant.
Guide: Handling refunds
RegisterInitialRegisters a customer's payment instrument for future charges.
Guide: Saving payment information
DeregisterFollow-upDeletes a previously registered payment instrument from the merchant's system, preventing future charges on the payment method.
Guide: Saving payment information

For detailed information on each transaction type and how to use them effectively, refer to the respective API documentation.