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Thank you for your patience!
A Debit performs a complete customer-to-merchant payment
The field merchantMetaData
is optional and for your internal use
only. It can be filled with any string you want, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
The value has no influence on the transaction process at all and will be returned to you in any postback notification. It may also be included in data exports.
If you want to add different types of information, we recommend separating them by a character which would not occur in the data value itself, e.g. a pipe character "|".
Example: "anyValue1|anotherValue2"
POST /transaction/{apiKey}/debit
Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | requiredstring | API Key of Connector |
"cardData": {
"cardHolder": "Alex Smith",
"pan": "4111111111111111",
"cvv": "123",
"expirationMonth": "3",
"expirationYear": "2030"
"merchantTransactionId": "your-unique-identifier",
"merchantMetaData": "my-category-1",
"amount": "9.99",
"currency": "EUR",
"successUrl": "",
"cancelUrl": "",
"errorUrl": "",
"callbackUrl": "",
"description": "Purchase description shown on credit card statement.",
"withRegister": false,
"transactionIndicator": "SINGLE",
"customer": {
"identification": "616c6578-2e73-6d69-7468-406578616d70",
"firstName": "Alex",
"lastName": "Smith",
"billingCountry": "US",
"email": "[email protected]",
"ipAddress": ""
curl \
-H "Authorization: Basic basicAuthHere" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:45:55 UTC" \
-H "X-Signature: SignatureHere"
Recurring Debits (and Preauthorizations)
For recurring charges the initial transaction must either be a
Register, or a Debit resp. Preauthorize with the
flag set to true
You must store the returned referenceId
and use for recurring transactions
in the field referencedTransactionId
"cardData": {
"cardHolder": "Alex Smith",
"pan": "4111111111111111",
"cvv": "123",
"expirationMonth": "3",
"expirationYear": "2030"
"merchantTransactionId": "your-unique-identifier",
"referenceUuid": "4d40738b1194869734f7",
"amount": "9.99",
"currency": "EUR",
"successUrl": "",
"cancelUrl": "",
"errorUrl": "",
"callbackUrl": "",
"description": "Purchase description shown on credit card statement.",
"withRegister": false,
"transactionIndicator": "RECURRING"