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Continue DCC

DCC is a direct currency conversion possibility which can be activated during a credit card payment, if activated in the connector. To do so you will first have to send a regular transaction request with an additional parameter to receive the current conversion rate.

If there is a possible conversion an additional request has to be sent to with the chosen currency to finalize the transaction.

DCC request

To initiate a DCC Request, add the additional requestDcc parameter to the transaction request.

Initial transaction request example

requestDccoptionalboolean?initiate DCC
Request body example
"merchantTransactionId": "your-unique-identifier",
"amount": "155",
"currency": "EUR",
"successUrl": "",
"cancelUrl": "",
"errorUrl": "",
"callbackUrl": "",
"cardData": {
"cardHolder": "Alex Smith",
"pan": "4111111111111111",
"cvv": "123",
"expirationMonth": "3",
"expirationYear": "2030"
"customer": {
"firstName": "Alex",
"lastName": "Smith",
"company": "Alex's Artisan Goods",
"email": "[email protected]",
"emailVerified": false,
"ipAddress": ""
"language": "en",
"requestDcc": true
Response body example
"success": true,
"uuid": "d94c0d72f3a36e21f16e",
"purchaseId": "20250305-d94c0d72f3a36e21f16e",
"returnType": "PENDING_DCC",
"dccData": {
"uuid": "10987654321",
"originalAmount": "155.00",
"originalCurrency": "EUR",
"convertedAmount": "200",
"convertedCurrency": "USD",
"conversionRate": "float",
"disclaimer": "string",
"markUp": "float"

Choice of rate request example

If a transaction is in the pending_dcc state it can be finalized with a request to the continue-dcc endpoint. The possible currencies are the original currency of the transaction and the converted currency from the transaction response.

POST /transaction/{apiKey}/continue-dcc

continueDccUuidrequiredstringuuid of previous response
selectedDccCurrencyrequiredstringchosen currency
Request body example
"continueDccUuid": "d94c0d72f3a36e21f16e",
"selectedDccCurrency": "USD"
Response body example
"success": true,
"uuid": "d94c0d72f3a36e21f16e",
"purchaseId": "20250305-d94c0d72f3a36e21f16e",
"returnType": "FINISHED",
"paymentMethod": "Creditcard",
"returnData": {
"type": "visa",
"cardHolder": "Alex Smith",
"expiryMonth": "3",
"expiryYear": "2030",
"binDigits": "41111111",
"firstSixDigits": "411111",
"lastFourDigits": "1111",
"merchantFingerprint": "string",
"globalFingerprint": "string",
"_TYPE": "cardData"
"extraData": {
"captureId": "d94c0d72f3a36e21f16e"
"dccData": {
"uuid": "12345678910",
"originalAmount": "155.00",
"originalCurrency": "EUR",
"convertedAmount": "200",
"convertedCurrencyCode": "USD",
"conversionRate": 0.89994,
"selectedCurrencyCodeForTransaction": "USD",
"markUp": 0.06