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Get profile



Retrieve a customer profile.

If successful and the profile with the given identification was found the profile data will be returned.

In case of the profile does not exist, you will receive a response stating this.


Path Parameters

    apiKey stringrequired

    API Key of Connector



ID of customer profile to retrieve


    profileGuid stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 32 characters and <= 32 characters

    Customer id assigned by the payment platform.


Retrieve a customer profile


    success boolean

    true if successful.

    profileExists boolean

    true if customer profile exists. If false no other fields will be provided in the response.

    profileGuid string

    Customer id assigned by the payment platform.

    customerIdentification string

    Customer id assigned by you.

    preferredMethod string

    Preferred payment method.



    _TYPE string
    billingAddress1 string

    Line one of the customer's billing address.

    billingAddress2 string

    Line two of the customer's billing address.

    billingCity string

    City of the customer's billing address.

    billingCountry string

    Country of the customer's billing address.

    ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.

    billingPhone string

    Phone number of the billed customer.

    billingPostcode string

    Postal code of the customer's billing address.

    billingState string

    State of the customer's billing address.

    birthDate string

    Birthdate of customer.

    RFC 3339 Internet Date/Time Format full-date.

    company string

    Company of the customer.

    email string

    E-mail address of the customer.



    Object containing key-value pairs (string-to-string), to be used by either the upstream Adapter, the Risk Engine etc.

    property name* string
    firstName string

    First name of customer.

    gender string

    Gender of the customer.

    ipAddress string

    IPv4 or IPv6 address of the customer.

    lastName string

    Last name of customer.

    nationalId string

    National id of the customer.

    property name* any



    Payment instruments stored for this customer profile.

  • Array [

  • _TYPE


    Possible values: [card, iban, wallet]



    Credit card payment data.



    Possible values: [paymentData.card, paymentData.iban, paymentData.wallet]


    brand string

    Brand of the credit card.

    cardHolder string

    Cardholder of the credit card.

    expiryMonth int32

    Expiry month of the credit card.

    expiryYear int32

    Expiry year of the credit card.

    firstSixDigits string

    First six digits of the credit card.

    lastFourDigits string

    Last four digits of the credit card.

    property name* any

    Credit card payment data.

    createdAt string

    RFC 3339 Internet Date/Time Format date-time.

    method string

    Payment method of the payment instrument. Same as _TYPE.

    paymentToken string

    Token of the customer profile, can be used with the Transaction API to use the tokenized payment instrument.

    isPreferred boolean

    If a customer profile has multiple payment instruments stored, only one can be marked as preferred payment instrument.

  • ]

  • property name* any