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Batch-upload API

This API is currently in its beta phase and is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. It may contain bugs, errors, or other issues and is subject to changes without prior notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Using our batch-upload API, you may upload a file in csv format containing recurring transactions for processing.

As a result a csv file will be generated containing the transactions after they have been processed.

HTTP Upload Request


  • For production: POST{apiKey}/uploadFile
  • For sandbox: POST{apiKey}/uploadFile


apiKeyrequiredstringAPI Key of the Connector
batchFilerequiredstringThe data of your batch file. Maximum upload size: 8 MB
callbackUrloptionalstring?The url the link to the resulting csv file will be sent to once the processing of all transactions in the given batch file is finished, for example:
# Replace $USERNAME, $PASSWORD, $API_KEY, $FILENAME and $CALLBACK_URL with their corresponding values
curl$API_KEY/uploadFile \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--form "batchFile=@$FILENAME.csv" \
--form "callbackUrl=$CALLBACK_URL"

Transaction batch file structure

The first line of the batch file needs to be the header line. This line has to contain all keys for following transactions.

The mandatory and possible keys for the transactions can be found in the transaction types documentation.

Any objects (e.g. the Customer object as stated in the transaction data documentation) need to be given as flattened values.

Example for flattened objects

  • Flattened object:
"customer": {
"identification": "616c6578-2e73-6d69-7468-406578616d70",
"firstName": "Alex",
"lastName": "Smith"
  • Flattened array of objects:
"errors": [
"message": "Some error",
"code": "1234"
"message": "Another error",
"code": "5678"

Example batch file with both debit and preauthorize transactions


Response examples

The file and the included keys in the first line of the file will be checked at the file upload. If no file is given, if a given key is not allowed or if one of the required keys is missing, an error will be returned.

The response will be in JSON-format and can include following fields.

batchIdoptionalstring?The batch id identifying the uploaded file. With this id the status of the processing can be recalled, as can the resulting file once the processing is finished.
erroroptionalstring?The description of an error if the uploaded file was invalid.
"batchId": "someBatchId123"

Transaction types

The following transaction types can be given with the csv file:


transactionMethodrequiredstringThe method of the transaction, in this case 'debit'
referenceUuidrequiredstringThe id of the initial transaction this one is referring to
merchantTransactionIdrequiredstringyour unique transaction ID
amountrequiredstringdecimals separated by ., max. 3 decimals
currencyrequiredstring3 letter currency code
additionalId1optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
additionalId2optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
extraDataoptionalobject?object containing key-value pairs (string-to-string)
merchantMetaDataoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
callbackUrloptionalstring?endpoint to receive status notifications
transactionTokenoptionalstring?token generated via payment.js
descriptionoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
itemsoptionalobject?object containing Items
withRegisteroptionalboolean?store customer's payment instrument for recurring transactions
customeroptionalobject?see Customer
customer.paymentDataoptionalobject?one of PaymentData
scheduleoptionalobject?see Schedule
customerProfileDataoptionalobject?see CustomerProfileData
threeDSecureDataoptionalobject?see ThreeDSecureData
languageoptionalstring?2 characters


transactionMethodrequiredstringThe method of the transaction, in this case 'preauthorize'
referenceUuidrequiredstringThe id of the initial transaction this one is referring to
merchantTransactionIdrequiredstringyour unique transaction ID
amountrequiredstringdecimals separated by ., max. 3 decimals
currencyrequiredstring3 letter currency code
additionalId1optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
additionalId2optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
extraDataoptionalobject?object containing key-value pairs (string-to-string)
merchantMetaDataoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
callbackUrloptionalstring?endpoint to receive status notifications
transactionTokenoptionalstring?token generated via payment.js
descriptionoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
itemsoptionalobject?object containing Items
withRegisteroptionalboolean?store customer's payment instrument for recurring transactions
customeroptionalobject?see Customer
customer.paymentDataoptionalobject?one of PaymentData
scheduleoptionalobject?see Schedule
customerProfileDataoptionalobject?see CustomerProfileData
threeDSecureDataoptionalobject?see ThreeDSecureData
languageoptionalstring?2 characters


transactionMethodrequiredstringThe method of the transaction, in this case 'refund'
referenceUuidrequiredstringThe id of the initial transaction this one is referring to
merchantTransactionIdrequiredstringyour unique transaction ID
amountrequiredstringdecimals separated by ., max. 3 decimals
currencyrequiredstring3 letter currency code
additionalId1optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
additionalId2optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
extraDataoptionalobject?object containing key-value pairs (string-to-string)
merchantMetaDataoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
callbackUrloptionalstring?endpoint to receive status notifications
transactionTokenoptionalstring?token generated via payment.js
descriptionoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
itemsoptionalobject?object containing Items


transactionMethodrequiredstringThe method of the transaction, in this case 'payout'
referenceUuidrequiredstringThe id of the initial transaction this one is referring to
merchantTransactionIdrequiredstringyour unique transaction ID
amountrequiredstringdecimals separated by ., max. 3 decimals
currencyrequiredstring3 letter currency code
token generated via payment.js
additionalId1optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
additionalId2optionalstring?any additional ID if required by adapter
extraDataoptionalobject?object containing key-value pairs (string-to-string)
merchantMetaDataoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
callbackUrloptionalstring?endpoint to receive status notifications
descriptionoptionalstring?max. 255 characters
itemsoptionalobject?object containing Items
customeroptionalobject?see Customer
customer.paymentDataoptionalobject?one of PaymentData
languageoptionalstring?2 characters

Callback notification

If you provide a callback URL during your batch upload request, and all transactions within the uploaded file are processed successfully, a notification will be sent to that URL containing a link to the resulting CSV file. This file contains information about the processing status of each transaction.

  • Format: The file is in CSV format.
  • Content: It details the processing status of each transaction included in the original batch upload.
  • File uniqueness: There will be exactly one result file generated per batch upload request.
  • Availability: The result file will be available for download for at least 7 days. This applies to both the sandbox and production environment.
  • File size: The size of the result file depends on the number of transactions created from the uploaded batch file (more transactions lead to a larger file).

The notification to the url will contain the following field:

linkrequiredstringThe downloadable URL for the result CSV file. (Available at least 7 days)
Example notification
"link": ""

The link field in the notification will point to the result file hosted on either (production environment) or (sandbox environment), depending on the environment you used to upload the batch file.

Example result files
# This example result file includes part of a successful transaction, a successful transaction with a transaction error and a failed transaction.

true,"SUCCESS","abcd1234","2019-09-02-0001","debit","Smith","Alex's Artisan Goods","visa","Alex Smith","","","",""
true,"ERROR","bcde4567","2019-09-02-0002","debit","","","","","","","Payment could not be processed.","1234"
false,"","","","","","","","","Transaction not found","8001","",""

Possible values in the result file

successoptionalboolean?returns true or false depending on whether the request was successful
transactionStatusoptionalstring?status of the transaction
uuidoptionalstring?UUID of the transaction
referenceUuidoptionalstring?UUID of the related transaction
merchantTransactionIdoptionalstring?your transaction ID
purchaseIdoptionalstring?purchase ID
transactionTypeoptionalstring?transaction type
paymentMethodoptionalstring?payment method
amountoptionalstring?transaction amount
currencyoptionalstring?transaction currency
schedulesoptionalobject?an array containing attached schedules, see ScheduleData
errorsoptionalobject?an array containing transaction errors, see TransactionError
chargebackDataoptionalobject?see ChargebackData
chargebackReversalDataoptionalobject?see ChargebackReversalData
extraDataoptionalobject?optionalobject? containing key-value pairs ( optionalstring?-to- optionalstring?)
merchantMetaDataoptionalstring?merchant metadata
returnDataoptionalobject?one of ReturnData
customeroptionalobject?see Customer
customerProfileDataoptionalobject?see CustomerProfileData
errorMessageoptionalstring?description if request fails
errorCodeoptionalnumber?error identifier

Batch information request




apiKeyrequiredstringAPI Key of the Connector
batchIdrequiredstringThe batchId returned by the /uploadFile request.
getDocumentoptionalstring?If this value is set to true and the processing is finished, the result document will be returned. Otherwise, a link to the result document is returned.
# Replace $USER, $PASSWORD, $API_KEY, $BATCH_ID and $GET_DOCUMENT with their corresponding values!
curl$API_KEY/$BATCH_ID/get?getDocument=$GET_DOCUMENT \
--request GET \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user "$USER:$PASSWORD"


The response will be in JSON-format and may include following fields:

statusrequiredstringThe status of the batch file if the parameter "getDocument" was set to "false" in the request. Can contain "initial", "processing" or "completed".
linkoptionalstring?The link to the result file if the parameter "getDocument" was set to "false" in the request.

If the processing is already finished and "getDocument" was set to "true" in the request, the result document will be returned.

"status": "initial"