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JPM Commerce Platform PCI

This page provides an overview of the payments methods provided by the JPM Commerce Platform PCI adapter in the IXOPAY platform. It also includes a full list of all configuration options available to you when integrating JPM Commerce Platform PCI within your payments landscape, as well as an overview of the parameters required when submitting a transaction via IXOPAY's API.

Payment Methods

Payment MethodTransaction FlowsTransaction Types
CreditcardiFrame Form & payment.js IntegrationDebit, Refund, Partial refund, Preauthorize, Incremental authorization, Capture, Partial capture, Register, Void, Partial void, Deregister

Additional parameters (Debit, Preauthorize, Register)

customer.billingPhonetruePhone number in ITU-T E.164 format. Country code and phone number (i.e. +12125556789). It maps to object

Capture parameters

MultiCaptureSequenceNumber and multiCaptureRecordCount are mandatory for multiple partial captures.

multiCaptureSequenceNumbertrueIdentifies the number indicating the location of this record in the sorting sequence of the specified data. <= 2 characters
multiCaptureRecordCounttrueEnumerates the quantity of records in a data object that is processed or transmitted. In this context, this is the total number of expected shipments associated with a single authorization.

Result extra data

card.cardVerificationResultMapped from the field paymentMethodType.card.networkResponse.cardVerificationResult. For possible values see J.P.Morgan payments API
card.cardVerificationResultCodeMapped from the field paymentMethodType.card.networkResponse.cardVerificationResultCode. For possible values see J.P.Morgan payments API
card.paymentAccountReferenceMapped from the field paymentMethodType.card.networkResponse.paymentAccountReference. For possible values see J.P.Morgan payments API